ITT: Fuck you I liked it
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
Wait were we supposed to hate it? I thought we hated 3? I like all of them but I need to know which one I should hate.
What was the point of Daxter again
He didn't help Jak like Kazooie helped Banjo or Clank helped Ratchet
He was just fucking Daxter
he was there for mood shattering epic comedic relief and to think outloud for jak in the first game
Jak 1 was okay. Lovely level design, boring gameplay.
Jak 2 was not okay. Boring level design, boring gameplay.
Jak and Daxter >> Jak II > Jak III
You hate Lost Frontier. We all do.
Daxter was the mood.
Increased the hitbox of the spin attack I guess, at least in Jak 1 because a gun already does that in the sequels
Jak X was also okay. Well, it was actually literally perfect.
I'm gonna ____ Praxis!
>get momentarily separated from Daxter in Jak II
>nothing really changes, at all, Jak still controls like Daxter's still there
>get momentarily separated from Clank in a late-game level in the first Ratchet & Clank
>the way the entire game is played is completely turned on its head because of the now-limited movement the player has and they are expected to adapt to it
Fuck you the first game is better
Holy shit I had to look it up. I didn't know they created more after that shitty racing spinoff. It doesn't even look interesting compared to the original 3.
>implying liking 2 means I don't like 1
he would shoot while you were driving, that's about it
Jak X was alright but no CTR. LF was a fucking travesty.
my fellow man of african decent!
it wasn't THAT bad
Enjoyable combat system wasted on a mediocre at best game.
Why don't Naughty Dog want more Jak man?
At least they'll acknowledge Crash and humbly say "yeah, everyone's gotta start somewhere lads" (see Uncharted 4)
But with Jak it's almost like they look back at in hindsight.. with cringe, regret, some level of scorn?
Jak 2 > Jak 3 > Jak and Daxter
Go back and play them right now in order and tell me I'm not right.
legit one of my favorite ps2 games
I know it's flawed and I know its pacing sucks and I know the story is confusing but I don't care the gameplay is fun as fuck to me, literally fight me.
God dammit i want to play a poisonous assassin mage, but i could only do it in the KoAR
No one that worked on Crash or Jak exist on the current team. They view themselves as being better than making "kiddie" games like those when ironically the games they make now are a magnitude worse than Crash or Jak.
>fight me
I don't want to risk going to jail for fighting a child
Did you ever play any other games similar to this one? You might be able to help me find out the name of a game i've been searching for for 14 years.
They can keep their current aesthetic, but the whole tps genre is played out. Right now they're on auto-pilot and have no plans to land.
Why stop when people are basically shoveling money at you to keep making generic TPSs for the PS4?
Absolute garbage
yet I keep playing it because its easily the comfiest FF
I felt like some late game fights were tactical. I only played from Gran Pulse onwards. They fucked up by locking the combat system for so many hours, which can shine under the right enemies. I think something like XII's gambit system, instead of auto-battle, could've helped kill the ennui. They did good with LR, but fucked up by locking hard mode.
New Vegas
Why poeple shitted on it for a while ?
for me hands down the best ost in the series
You don't need to tell anyone to fuck themselves for liking FF: Star Wars.
Jak 2 is garbage, seriously.
Unless you like FFXV, then fuck you.
X4 is pretty damn close, but I know what you mean.
Feels like everything was rushed except for the music. Except for one stage, every piece of music is memorable for the right reasons.
My favorite desu
really not that bad
Loved this thing, would spend hours playing it, especially after you get that giant flying furry thing
This game is a classic. Only the most pathetic contrarians attempt to deny it
This was the shit
I love jax 2. I remember how cool I thought stealing cars was at first.
I'm being completely honest here.
I only like Jak 3
Fucking this.
Frustrating ass game to unlock shit, but i liked it.