I'm not mad that Vanquish may get a PC port in the future. Hell, I'm going to buy myself and a friend a copy just like I did for Bayonetta. I'm mad that you motherfucker pretend like you give a flying fuck about Vanquish, because if you did, you would already own the game, already have beaten the game on god hard like I have, and accepted that there will never be a Vanquish 2 because you fucks are the reason why the main guy was forced to quit his job after his project (Vanquish) flopped hard. Fucking Westerners.
Seriously, where the fuck did all these people come from? I remember when Vanquish released, I tried to get everyone to play it and everyone said the game look mediocre and not worth 59.99. Then I went online and even on forums people said the same shit. Literally nobody liked Vanquish, so what is all this shit I'm reading about people begging for a Vanquish port and actually wanting Vanquish over Bayonetta. What is this shit? You fuckers don't exist.
Post you copy of Vanquish or GTFOH you pieces of shit. You fakes. None of you purchase Vanquish or gave a damn about it years ago. Fucking faggots.
I do own Vanquish. I want to play it again at 1080p 60fps. Does that help you understand?
Chase Watson
pic or gtfoh
Ayden Parker
I don't think Mikami resigned from Platinum because Vanquish flopped. I thought he just wanted to start his own studio (Tango)
Anthony Adams
So you're saying if Vanquish was Platinum's best selling game he would had left regardless?
Jayden Carter
Here. Shit on my taste while you're at it.
Eli Edwards
Everybody here praised vanquish when it released. There were a few reasons for this. Sup Forums loves being a contrarian, vanquish was actually a decent game and Sup Forums loves to suck the dicks of exclusive titles for some reason. You would've known if you actually browsed Sup Forums back then instead of your faggy gaeming forums. I also bought vanquish. But I don't give enough shit about you to find a game that I bought 7 years ago. Because for all I know you're just another autist
Owen Harris
>all those yakuza and way of the samurai games When do you wanna get married user?
Samuel Hall
here you go user. cheers from hueland.
Blake Hernandez
>But I don't give enough shit about you to find a game that I bought 7 years ago.