>Vendrick decides to refuse to link the fire and halts the cycle.
>world goes fuck you faggot. The world is just gonna be shit for a while then.
>Prince Lothric decides to refuse to link the fire and halts the cycle.
>World goes oh shit, this will cause a cataclysmic merging of worlds and the revival of legends long since past.
What the fuck was this about?
Vendrick decides to refuse to link the fire and halts the cycle
The world was still young and attractive when it was linking with Vendrick. When Vendrick wouldn't put a ring on it, the world left in a huff and found a new man to link the flame.
In Lothric's time, the Flame is a Christmas cake that needs to get linked NOW, so it goes after a bunch of old hero dudes, and when that falls through it even starts dating unkindled
Im pretty sure the Dark Souls world was ALWAYS shit.
Different time periods. By DaS3, god knows how many times the fire has been linked. It's at the point where linking literally does nothing - the candle is out of wick and wax. The time has come to end. You have to fight an amalgam to even get the chance to decide if you want to light the fire or not.
>Das2 MC beats the curse and can live forever and never hollows
>Him and the Immortal fuckwad Aldia do not exist in DS3
Why tho?
He got fucked up by someone. You can be immortal via age, but still get killed.
I haven't finished DSIII yet, but it seems like as user described here: The shit's getting tired. The convoluted timelines are growing unstable.
That shit was stupid in DSII who cares. Not Aldia, I mean gathering three crowns and then Vendrick somehow making it so you never hollow. What a load of shit that was jesus christ. Why didn't they make it so you got their SOULS.
Ever read Watchmen? It has this character who ascends to godhood much like Aldia does. At the end of the story, without spoiling too much, he fucks off away from our planet because shit's too complicated. It's reasonable to assume Aldia did something similar, or that he's content to just observe.
Maybe they were the ones who set up the whole Unkindled system.
All Souls games take place in Dreamlands straight out of Lovecraft, Bloodborne was just when Miyazaki finally went balls-to-the-wall with it
Because literally nobody cares and there is no storytelling potential to be found with those two characters.
>DS3 Tells us how you had to beat the Undead curse was do exactly what you did in DS1 lots of years later but also kill your waifu
What kind of retarded shit is this? I killed the bosses + Anri and that's how I beat this curse that has existed thought most of time?
>trying to link DS cannon together.
Just stop. When you boil it down, all questions only have the "time is convoluted" handwave as and answer. in DS2 the Chaos Flame is everlasting and continually growing to the point a whole city had to freeze time to stop it from growing but in DS3 it's almost dead. Gaints are a race in DS1, a different race in DS2 but then DS3 has DS1 Giants, then Yhorm who looks like a DS2 Giant but has a face. Firekeepers are a mess between games, and the whole unkindled thing is a stupid plot point with no real purpose other than to finally asspull an end to the cycle.
If you really wanna get into it, the intro to DSII has the protagonist entering a portal to the fucking past to see the ruined Drangleic.
Holy shit I forgot that the DSII protagonist is a time traveler. Why the fuck was this a thing? It's the oddest shit that you come from the future when the game would be the exact same if you had just been some fuck living then who decides to find the old ladies.
I played Demon's Souls back when it released but never played the first Dark Souls. I did play 2 and 3 though. Did DaS1 have a fire keeper? I remember hearing it didn't have a hub world so I was never sure if there was one or not or if they're even mentioned.
Dark Souls 2 story isn't canon. Bearer of the Curse and Aldia aren't canon. Nobody can resist the curse.
DaS has a few keepers you interact with. It's the most open world of all the games.
>being a cuck to the gods and linking the flame
>walk away from the first flame
>refuse to link the flame, try something else
>take the first flame for yourself
>take the first flame for yourself after killing waifu
>snuff out the flame
What's the difference?
Literal autism. Your headcannon says 2 isn't. It actually is though. DS2 handled the future much better than 3.
>gwyn is a huge faggotlord and responsible for everything
Because literally nobody cares and there is no storytelling potential to be found in this series*
It's true though. Literally all he had to do was fucking nothing and everything would have been fine. Dark isn't a problem, the abyss is.
he was also a terrible father
I think it has to do with the fact that in ds3, the age of fire has been unnaturally prolonged for so long via linking that the world itself is falling apart .
Maybe, i dont know. These sorts of inconsistencies happen when every game in the series is meant to be the last one
At least one son turned out okay.
>Velka never got expanded upon
>exiles his firstborn because he sympathized and helped aide dragons
>gwyn and his other kids then raise a dragon
'member when the world was already ending in the first game but then they did all that cycle shit?
>gwyn and his other kids then raise a dragon
wait what am I forgetting
Does he mean seath? Cause they definitely didn't raise Seath.
>that realization that DaSII was pulling a Ken Levine
dark souls lore was at its best post-PTDE
2 and beyond it went full retard
Swamp gas
I think he means Priccilla.
DS2 is a barely canon spinoff, like Portable Ops.
>lorefags were screaming that DS3 was gonna explain everything
>I doesn't and then they start screaming about how the DLC was gonna explain things
>DLC explains Jack shit and makes things even more convoluted to end the series.
You were dead before the game even started development.
this is the most concise breakdown of ds3's story i've seen yet
did you rike it?
It explained Gwyn's firstborn which was awesome, and then literally nothing else while introducing a ton of vague, random, inconsequential shit that will never be fully understood, like the Profaned Flame and weird Abyss crystals and locusts and the Deep. And what the fuck Unkindled even actually are or why random Undead are coming back to life for no reason. Or how the fuck Lords of Cinder can be used as fuel to link the fire if they've already linked the fire and been burnt up, or how they were buried in graves if they were burnt by the First Flame.
if any lorefags want to answer these questions I have it would be greatly appreciated
>so what did the final dlc add with that painting shit? does the entire dark souls universe happen inside of a painted world? who is the painter, God?
>velka literally who
>why did the protagonist of ds2 become immune to holllwing after collecting the 3 crowns? what's the explanation there?
>just what in the fuck is aldia? he mentioned he failed at something but looks like something out of bloodborne
>why did vendrick give up and let himself get rekt by giants and go hollow willingly
>old chaos flame is the same flame that the witch of izalith started, the lost sinner re ignited, is the dlc area around the ivory king and later turns out to be the profane flame?
>why are demons dying in ds3?
>what the fuck is deep? this is never ever explained if its good bad or the same as abyss a new age or its own thing
>why is abyss bad and what is it
>why are there pilgrims of the abyss in ds2 I thought that shit was supposedly bad yet these guys seek it out??
>what happens when the fire dies out for good and why is everyone so scared of it happening
>does literally everything go hollow when the fire dies or just humans
>what are unkindled and how are they different from undead
>the pus of humanity shit confused me what is that
thanks a ton to whoever can answer
>why did the protagonist of ds2 become immune to hollowing after collecting the 3 crowns? what's the explanation there?
Something about him absorbing the powers of the kings or something
>just what in the fuck is aldia? he mentioned he failed at something but looks like something out of bloodborne
Mutated human
>why did vendrick give up and let himself get rekt by giants and go hollow willingly
He managed to defeat the giants, but he ran away from Nashandra after figuring out what she intended to do
>does literally everything go hollow when the fire dies or just humans
Hollowing is inherent for humans
Fucking roasties
>hollowing is inherent for humans
Gwyn and Yhorm went hollow and they aren't human.
>>just what in the fuck is aldia? he mentioned he failed at something but looks like something out of bloodborne
>Mutated human
So much of dark souls 2 is similar to the stuff that occured in demon's souls. also a lot of mechanics in das2 is similar to demon's souls. I like that das2 said fuck you to das1's way of doing things and went a diffferent route while also creating nostalgia for demon's souls fans. what i was getting at is that Aldia is basically King Allant (the sludge version) except aldia doesn't seem to be in pain or anything).
Wow, Demon's Souls sounds like shit.
I don't know, be a constantly flaming tree unable to regularly interact with the main world seems pretty painful
Allant was just a greedy power hungry fuck. Aldia was trying to do something ostensibly good.
>so what did the final dlc add with that painting shit? does the entire dark souls universe happen inside of a painted world? who is the painter, God?
>velka literally who
>why did the protagonist of ds2 become immune to holllwing after collecting the 3 crowns? what's the explanation there?
>just what in the fuck is aldia? he mentioned he failed at something but looks like something out of bloodborne
Vendrick's brother
>why did vendrick give up and let himself get rekt by giants and go hollow willingly
To prevent Nashandra from geting at the Throne of Want once he realized she was a shard of Manus
>old chaos flame is the same flame that the witch of izalith started, the lost sinner re ignited, is the dlc area around the ivory king and later turns out to be the profane flame?
Profaned Flame is something different we'll never get an explanation of
>why are demons dying in ds3?
Chaos Flame is burning out
>what the fuck is deep? this is never ever explained if its good bad or the same as abyss a new age or its own thing
>why is abyss bad and what is it
Abyss is a perversion of Dark. It corrupts.
>why are there pilgrims of the abyss in ds2 I thought that shit was supposedly bad yet these guys seek it out??
>what happens when the fire dies out for good and why is everyone so scared of it happening
Dunno. Probably nothing and people are just a bunch of pussies.
>does literally everything go hollow when the fire dies or just humans
Everything that was once a Pygmy hollows
>what are unkindled and how are they different from undead
Unkindled linked the Flame in the past and were completely consumed by it
>the pus of humanity shit confused me what is that
Abyss sprouting from rampant Humanity
inherent not exclusive
true but have you heard aldia's voice? He sounds so fucking wise, calm, and collected. And in his boss fight he's not always on fire, he controls the fire pretty well it seems, if only we got his soul and it created some awesome pyromancy
>shard of manus
I forgot just how fucking retarded that plot point was in DS2 and its shitty dlc.
but yuria is a shard of manus in ds3
so you would rather leave what happened to manus and the abyss alone back in das1 with no closure? fucking idiot.
Where are they now?
>Unkindled linked the Flame in the past and were completely consumed by it
But the description of the classes when you make your character in DS3 describe some of them as just dying while traveling and stuff.
in your ass
How is that closure? You clearly killed his ass and took his soul for yourself.
at home, Drangelic was on the other side of the world
Aren't all three games taking place in the same region over an enormous span of time?
You mean the same way the Chosen Undead was sent back in time in the DLC?
Sure are double standards around here, fuccboi.
and the abyss? did I just put that in my pocket?
Why did Sulyvahn have a picture of her?
>ds2 shit
Irrelevant, it makes no sense and most of it is disregarded in 3 anyway
>what is abyss
It's a perversion of "dark", the opposite of light, the result of disparity created by the First Flame. Dark is like complete nothingness and it's not inherently bad, but sometimes it is bad when people (or maybe Kaathe specifically) somehow fuck it up like in New Londo and Oolacile. You see it first hand when fighting the 4 Kings and Manus.
>what happens when the fire dies
Either the Age of Dark or the complete reverting back to the Age of Ancients in the intro to DS1, nobody knows but all anyone knows is the Age of Fire so they don't want existence to end or whatever.
>the pus of humanity
It seems like it's a plot point that was going to be relevant but was dropped early in DS3. It's supposed to be humanity gone wild somehow, but nobody really knows how or why.
you can dislike how something was executed, user. things don't have to be one or the other.
3 was 1 step forwards and a fucking tapdance backwards.
He liked tall women. Haven't you seen the Dancer?
I don't think Drangleic had anything to do with Lordran, geographically speaking. Feel free to correct me if there are similarities, it's been a few years.
>so what did the final dlc add with that painting shit?
the real world is fucked, so someone decides to make a painted world so that there will still be someplace where people can live
>does the entire dark souls universe happen inside of a painted world?
>velka literally who
just some old god
>just what in the fuck is aldia? he mentioned he failed at something but looks like something out of bloodborne
vendrick's brother who was a mad scientist and did some crazy experiments and tried to "transcend the cycle". he couldnt for whatever reason and now he's immortal and waits for someone who can transcend
>why did vendrick give up and let himself get rekt by giants and go hollow willingly
he realized nashandra was a fragment of the abyss and didnt want her getting to the throne of want
>why is abyss bad and what is it.
Abyss is like an evil version of darkness. darkness is not inherently bad in the dark souls world, but abyss is and abyss can only really thrive in darkness
>why are there pilgrims of the abyss in ds2 I thought that shit was supposedly bad yet these guys seek it out??
they're just crazy
>what happens when the fire dies out for good and why is everyone so scared of it happening
the age of dark begins. it is thought that bad shit has the potential to happen here (like the abyss growing unchecked) but we really dont know what exactly the age of dark entails
>does literally everything go hollow when the fire dies or just humans
the natural state of a human is hollow.
>what are unkindled and how are they different from undead
they're people who tried to link the fire in the past but couldn't for whatever reason and now that the fire is dying for good, it's rallying everyone who ever tried so that maybe it'll get lucky and get linked by some old loser
>the pus of humanity shit confused me what is that
i think that's just abyss going nuts in one person
thats all i could answer, im probably wrong on all of it
Nah, it just sinked back into the ground, retard.
I like to think that BOTC is just wandering around somewhere, being the Tom Bombadil of the series.
>comes from a cold place
>name based off of Sullivan
>liked tall skinny women
Was the Pontiff Irish?
It's less clear than in DS3 but it's heavily implied that it's the same place, drastically different.
In 3 they just made it more explicit.
I only remember Vendrick having to travel west to do something and then coming back to his kingdom
WHY DID THEY MAKE THE CRESCENT AXE SCALE PARTIALLY WITH INTELLIGENCE INSTEAD OF FAITH?! That's some bullshit right there. I mean it was a weapon used by the a member of the Way of the White in dark souls 1 for fucks sake. I know that in Demon's Souls the Moonlight Greatsword (it was actually called the "Large Sword of Moonlight" in DeS) scaled with faith instead of int. Are they trolling us while also giving a nod to demon's souls making what looks like an int weapon a faith weapon?
We don't get Aldia's soul because we don't kill him. He was testing our strength.
>BotC is off somewhere banging Shanalotte forever
when did they mention that...
DS2 is a sequel
oh shit, so he's immortal then? truly immortal?
Now it's the MC's turn to get his dick smoked
They just wanted to trigger an autist like you.
jk ilu
He figured out how to become immortal in a really fucked up way, yes.
>Mozgus cosplay
Mein neger
>Dark Souls 2 story isn't canon.
It literally is mentioned in DS3. So at the very least Drangleic is canon.
>how do we set the sequel apart from the first game?!
>let's change everything that isn't broken for changes sake
maybe, i googled about it and found someone else asking the question but it's on reddit
DS2's mechanics are solid. Most people rag on the game for level design and bosses.
The crescent axe is one of the most fucked weapons in the series. It's a different weapon type in every game.
>so what did the final dlc add with that painting shit? does the entire dark souls universe happen inside of a painted world? who is the painter, God?
So remember that old knight that brings you to the painted world and can help you fight the final boss there? Yeah he finds the Dark Soul and hulks out.
Shame powerstancing didn't return in 3, I loved that mechanic more than just about any other single feature in the other games. Double UGS just feels right.
I agree I'm not saying DaSII took a step back in every possible way, but plenty of changes felt like change for the sake of.
thanks man. I did another cosplay him first in SOTFS but now im doing one in regular dark souls 2. Also I can't believe I didn't think to use the peasant hat to finish the cosplay until the other day.
Now...about your Mozgus cosplay...
>he's casting dark magic
i hate that artwork style btw but it fit my response to your cleric casting freaking dark magic.
that's sad. whats it like in dark souls 3? it better be in dark souls 3...