Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV thread

Stop playing White Mage.

>there are healers that get upset when people want them to play well
The trinity was a mistake

you cant stop me

>play healer
>literally never been told to dps
>still get comms every fucking time
Community's casual as fuck and the content is easy, no one is actually worried about the minute you'll save outside of the Sup Forums tryhards and internet tough guys

>not trying to be the best you can be

I genuinly don't care outside my static, most of the time when I do my daily roulette I just watch anime and let eos do most the work while I throw out the occasional ruin, Sup Forums shitters can get mad all they want, I've never been asked to stop and 99% of the time when I tank the healer I get put with is doing the same

>being this happy to get carried
I know it's a game but it's like you have 0 pride as a man at all

Fuck you I'll play what I want. You don't pay my sub. I want all the hours I put into making its relic weapon worth it.

In all seriousness though, I hope WHM is given a reason to exist in HW. It's the least they can do after over-buffing AST and not making a new heal job.

People who reward shitters who /follow and spam Cure I while watching TV are worse than the shitters themselves. I hate not healing in Dungeon roulettes because of all those lazy fuckers.

I have pride in the backlog I've cleared while others do the work and comm me just for coming along

Stop being a tryhard as if this game is hard in any way
DPS should do thier job

>I have pride in laying there absorbing media and not using my mind
So you aren't a man at all, got it
I bet you play a cat or lizard slut as well

Dude why doesn't the tank just heal himself



It's almost as if people have varying views of what counts as having fun in an MMO

He's probably a potato who thinks he's the cutest little shit around so it doesn't matter if he's bad at his job or not.

The irony
You're such a big man getting this upset over an MMO

>People who reward shitters who /follow and spam Cure I while watching TV are worse than the shitters themselves
I wiped a aery group today not paying attention, got it for my roulette, was messing with my media player when group got shocked, the tank actually apologized to me for it like it was his fuck up, I just went along with it

>I bet you play a cat or lizard slut as well
Bingo c@t

I have fun as long as i don't die non stop and most of the userbase isn't good enough to switch between being DPS and healer all the time. I don't care if a dungeon takes a few seconds longer to clear or some shit

3+1 = 4

That's why I play pld, you can call out shitty healers and when they complain you can kick them and keep making progress due to your mitigation and self heals
Fuck entitled healers thinking they matter, tank and DPS synergy all day every day

>barely playing is having fun
I guess? There are other games that don't require your full attention and are single player though.

>says its ironic and others are upset
>only responds because he's upset people call him what he is

Kek last thread people told me the playerbase aren't tryhards. Maybe it's just Sup Forums

Just hit level 47 WAR, and up until today, all of my healers have been average or above. But last dungeon we did (Longstop) my healer did nothing but spam cure on me the whole dungeon. I'm not sure if the dps were just ass or if the healer not doing damage has that much of an impact, but it took fucking forever to kill trash.

Then you can go to reddit or the OF where people aren't tryhards if it bothers you.

People reward you for literally just doing your job
>Make big numbers appear
>You have received a commendation!
>You have received a commendation!

If you don't dps on healer you are inferior to a healer that dps, you are worthless trash, eos could do your job and she's also cuter.

I once had a War in longstop who refused to use defiance because it would lower his DPS.

Sup Forums is always full of try-hards. FFXIV's playerbase is pretty casual and laid-back outside of end-game raids as a whole. You can easily pass on the "SKIP MECHNICS BAD DPS WILL BE KICKED 1 WIPE AND DISBAND" groups to find more easy-going ones for the same content.

Asking the healer to contribute besides standing in the back and tossing a heal every thirty seconds isn't tryharding.


Well, I'm a pretty shitty healer and I never know if I'm getting a nice and slow tank or a grab everything possible in front of me tank, so I start with healing then DPS if it's safe.

Healers can do around 80% of the damage a dps can, a healer not doing damage makes shit last almost 25% longer than it needs to

are worthless shit

Never said that it bothers me, way to project kiddo

>Maybe it's just Sup Forums
It is literally just Sup Forums, no one outside of the small easily triggered group here ever really cares as long as things get done and your not going out of your way to be shit, in fact telling a healer to start dpsing is more likely to get you yelled for being a dick at than the healer, the in game community is actually pretty obsessed with keeping it's nice clean image

>whole point of that character is that she needed to learn and use all the conjurer abilities, not just healing
>still cited to this day by people who aren't comfortable all their class's abilities in a party

I don't comm DPS unless they were actually exceptional. Like flawlessly doing mechanics, using support abilities well, and consistently doing amazing damage. I only comm healers if they legitimately save a run or DPS as much as possible. Tanks get comms if they pull as much as possible, don't loose aggro all the time, and aren't assholes about playing their job.

>(((Final fantasy)))

That's a cute picture. Post more

No you don't get it, we need every second to come back here and shitpost more about how bad the run was because most healaers can't into DPS

The playerbase does 1200 dps in full 270, ofcourse they aren't tryhards, they are fucking idiot shitters.

More FF than anything since 9

>a healer is level 60 and doesn't have swiftcast


>Doing content outside of your FC

Never get commends but it aint fucking worth it m8eys

cheer up! there's no need to be upset!

if you don't think i've votekicked healers outside the final boss room for being fucking lazy, then gotten one from my fc, you're in for a surprise, boyo

>not having a group that plays perfectly


>lol why do I need to get THM to 26 when I want to heal?
>I don't need swiftcast, it's nice to have but not really necessary
>Stop dying and maybe I wouldn't have to res you

Shitters, shitters everywhere.

>unironically being an Aethercuck
Enjoy your aggro battles in 24 man raids.

I thought the whole point of that character was that she needed to watch her mana instead of casting from HP all the time.

How is this without friends? I have plans on playing this over the summer without my friends because they're too erratic to play MMOs with to have any semblance of satisfying progression.

To be fair swift cast has more priority on a White mage than it does on a black Mage it should have been a white mage still from the start.

most MMO need friend to enjoy, and ffxiv isn't an exception.
Soloing it is completely ok, but you'll need to grind more if you dont try communicate with your fc or guild.

They could make 24-man raids worth bringing three tanks for. That would be cool. I hate tanking that shit because I don't fight for aggro so I'm just a sub-par DPS unless it's a fight with adds. And if the other tank wants to do adds then I'm still just a shitty DPS.

>not swiftcasting aero3 after casting aero

>mfw finding out people outside of JP data centers actually fight for being main tank in 24 mans
What the fuck man. They're all basically designed with A taking stuff from the left, B being main and C taking stuff to the right given how everything tends to be placed.

I had fun with 15.

These threads can be useful.

oh boy, another retarded weeaboo episode

But what if B is a WAR? Seems kinda wasteful if theres a PLD or DRK around.

The DPS loss of a specific tank not getting to mt in a 24 man is so insignificant this shit shouldnt even cross your mind.

Pretty alright depending on what you want, unlike most mmo's theres a whole single player story for you to go through and the game is build around the dungeon finder for most, also crafting is it's own class and zoning out to solo level them is pretty comfy. Also you'll probably be able to get a few in game friends easy, community is super friendly/social, I'm pretty fucking autistic and my friends list in games that I've play for years (like wow and lol both of which I played since launch) are completely empty, but even I've managed to get a small group of friends and little casual but dedicated fc

>be friendly
>can keep up okay with scrapperlock tanks who pull giant crowds of mobs.
>dont have a huge problem switching to Cleric for a few dots/holys during a boss/ae fight
>usually dont forget to turn cleric stance off when going back to heals
>dont have a sarcastic raise macro
>people still hate me

i dont get it.

It's fine. Free trial it and see how you like it.

She was a little shit who wanted to keep doing things her way instead of a deonstrably better way.

"I want to keep casting from my life force, it works and I don't ever over-extend myself!" - learn to manage your resources shitter, it doesn't matter now but it will later

"I don't want to DPS! I just want to heal! You can't make me do things I don't want to do!" - you're right, you can't be forced, but you're being a shitter and not fulfilling all the expectations of your role. Don't be a petulant brat. Do your fair share.

"I don't need help, I can do it all just the way I am." - you will need help, this is a team game you fucking shitter

Everyone should play the CNJ quest line.

I had a tank in Void Ark who would force his group mark on the left mob, despite everyone putting C there. He didn't stop even after C took their rightful mob. He got salty over it.

What is wrong with whm? Doesn't the mnd bonus they bring not good for healing and dpsing as healer?

Excluding Echidna for some reason
>People placing waymarks as ABC instead of BAC

>>dont have a sarcastic raise macro
Found the problem, people begrudgingly appreciate autism

At least the retarded weeaboos do it right
Frankly I don't see the point in waiting around for 2 minutes either arguing or just not pulling at all, don't forget the boss spinning and cleaving players that's always fun.

this doesn't happen

8 players can do better in seal rock than 24 in shatter. PvE PvP was a mistake.

aero 3 then swiftcast aero 2 then cast aero like normal my dude

>PvE PvP
As has been evidenced by every other mmo that's tried it, anything outside of just killing the other team for pugs is always going to be a failure

Playing on Aegis because I started the game with an irl friend and he had friends who are aussies playing there. If I had started this solo I would probably be on Coeurl.
I doubt a tanks DPS is gonna make much of a difference in a 24 man.

People say they hate you but they don't mean it. Just bask in your comms as you continue to be an excellent example of what a WHM can be.

t. WHM main with 4.3k+ comms

>your not going out of your way to be shit
Being a netflix healer is going out of your way to be shit though

Don't worry i'll let you die next time

I see so many catboys in faggy healer gear. Stop it.

As long as the group is alive the healers job is being done

Because they lack utility and are too mana-hungry to DPS efficiently. AST can give party buffs (Mostly Balance and Arrow to boost DPS) and fill WHM's role as the heal over time/aoe healer, and SCH can spend more time in Cleric stance thanks to fairy pet while also having mitigation heals, making the raw healing burden easier.

WHM is not useless but it's not as good as the other classes if you're trying to get through shit as fast as possible.

>playing catboy ever
>not catgirl
>not wearing conservative sensible gear

>casting aero3 first
>not casting aero2 first on the offchance that the server ticks between your first and second aero casts


The only reason I hate white mages is because if I'm tanking dungeons (which is always going to be as a DRK), Holy completely fucks up my Blood Price and MP management.

I just want to spam sea urchins while healing myself and play with a healer that doesn't work against me.

>wearing sensible gear

Why should I do a9s-a12s when I can just get augmented shire gear?

It's called Aera and Aeroga you WoWfugees.

Is Final Fantasy XIV worth getting into at this point, user?

Catgirls work real hard to maintain their lithe, tight bodies. And you want to cover that up?

I try to make sure I spam holy after the DRK finishes using Blood Price, but I'm sorry that you got stuck with people who don't do that. You can't even tell them to wait because they'll either not pay attention, ignore you, or get pissy that you're telling them how to play when you don't even play their sub or their class.

Tell that to the localization team.

Explain that again to someone who doesn't know how DRK plays.

I would never lewd my c@ she's a respectable hero of the realm

Yes, but extremely poorly.

There's a free trial, play it.
This question gets asked every day.

what pose is this