What does Sup Forums think of Kira Buckland? Does she have more range then 2b or what...

What does Sup Forums think of Kira Buckland? Does she have more range then 2b or what? I'm starting to watch her play through of Nier Auto2bsass and she seems like a cool down to earth girl.

HAHAHAHAA Jesus christ what an autismo. I feel bad for the faggots who ought this piece of shit

Jesus christ



What are you, a new fag?

I'm confused.


Runkachunk is an abhorrent human being, decent as 2B though.

>actually liking runkachunk


I'm so confused. So an internet voice actor got the part of 2b or what?

>she looked like a regular girl but turned into a complete bloated sweaty degenerate slob the moment she became a ponyfag


So why the hate exactly? She did some voice acting for newgrounds, but yeah?

Kira Buckland, a.k.a. Rina-chan or Runkachunk is a former Newgrounds voice whore who somehow managed to worm here way into professional voice acting despite being a pretty disgusting person and not particularly good at her job. For what it's worth her voice isn't terrible, but she couldn't act her way out of a shoebox.

So why is she disgusting?

because Spazkid said so.

Basically think of the most typical con going, smelly, degenerate weeaboo you can think of. That's runkachunk.

doesn't seem to have much range and her performance as 2B wasn't exactly the greatest

Kyle is a cool guy though, I like the playthroughs he's doing right now

I'm still not getting it, what did she do exactly to deserve the hate. I'm looking at her wiki on Encyclopedia Dramatica and I still don't understand beyond the usual memes.

She doesn't make me want to fuck her. That's why shes fucking disgusting.

That seems pretty shallow user.

I'm glad Kyle is getting more work. The world needs less Yuri Lowenthal and JYB.

Fuck off normie

Very badly miscast as 2B, but have no real opinion of her otherwise

Can someone give me a quick rundown on who all these new internet-turned-professional voice actors are? I'm only familiar with the old dubbing guys like Richard Epcar and Kirk Thornton.

I like toned shiny butts.


Isn't he considered a tremendous faggot by the internet?

She honestly pretty nice and has good taste in Jojo, but nobodyll read this

>watching people play games

what a cuck

She did a decent job as Toobs, but obviously it could have been done better by probably most voice actresses

it's cute that an internet autismo got to voice an android autismo, and I remember enjoying Rina chan's voice years ago.

her Juri voice made me harder than diamond until I saw what she looked like

There's still no serious answer in this entire thread. What's wrong with Kira Buckland? Why do people dislike her?

Did someone hurt you?

>9S had to spend what felt like an eternity plagued by these kinds of images after 2B gets roboAIDS

feels bad man

Memes. All of this e-celeb faggotry killed Sup Forums.

goddamn man

She's not even that bad looking, she looks pretty "girl next doorish" I still am confused.

People here are REALLY this fucking young? Jesus fucking christ.

Just read the fucking ED article you dumbshits.

ED is 99.9% memes, dumbass. Most of it is exaggerated nonsense. If you're going to ED for actual information, you're doing it wrong

I like how these cosplay all use the same fucking sleeping mask for the blindfold

That's a man, baby.

I thought Juri was Jessica Straus, did I miss something?