Can someone explain Outlast 2's ending to me

Can someone explain Outlast 2's ending to me.

It made no sense at all to me.

Jessica was molested by the priest but how does she play a part in the story at all?

Lynn was dead the whole time?

What was the point of the demon rape babby and the sun eating the planet?

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Please help this game left me with a really unsatisfying feeling of vagueness

Yeah I have no fucking clue what that ending was. I suppose its the apocalypse because of the previous happenings (birds/fish dying after the blue flash, and the locusts), caused by your child which is the supposed Antichrist being born. But I don't know how the flashbacks play into anything other than the christian theme.

I don't even know. I thought the game was great and was leading up to something unbelievable and then it just stopped without any real resolution. Disappointing to say the absolute least.

It feels like the people who made this game pretended to make an interesting and compelling story and instead just went for being as edgy as bloody as possible and tried to pass it off as storytelling.

Like okay cool Jessica got touched by the priest like maybe Blake gets pissed and drowns the priest or something hence why there's so many water themes in the game, nope, just a bunch of loose ends

Lynn hanged herself 15 years ago but dude lmao she was alive the game to squeeze out the antichrist

Ethan and his daughter's plots never got bothered to be elaborated or followed up

I just finished it

What the fuck happened?

Seriously, what the fuck happened? Where's Murkoff they said was in it? Where's the Walrider? What in the god damn fuck did I just saw?

It really did feel like an edgefest. The "fuck you and fuck your god!" in particular made me roll my eyes.

I think the point of the last Jessica scenes was that the priest pushed her down the stairs, which broke her neck, so he hung her up to make it look like a suicide. At least that's what I got out of it.

Made me think of Dead Space 2 desu

But Dead Space 2 did it better.

I didn't think it was possible, but they actually managed to have their story make less sense than KH and MGS, ALL in one game. What the fuck were they snorting while writing this up?

Is this game Anti-Christian?

>Where's Murkoff they said was in it?
I think it was that hospital incident Blake mentioned right the beginning. So yeah, no Murkoff working behind the scenes, just a passing mention.

Just finished a stream of this. Glad I saved 30 bucks. At first it had some kind of plot going for it but then it suddenly ends? What a waste.

Remember when Sup Forums wasn't full of easily offended Christians? Remember when all religion was fair game? The transformation this place has undergone is shocking.

This is like The Evil Within all over again. We're probably going to have to get DLC to make sense of everything.

It feels good being the underdogs who are up against a bigger opposition.

no one is talking about this, fuck off

it's not about being easily offended, it's about how passe and cringe it is to be like DUDE GOD ISNT REAL LMAO. it's babby's first independent thought. it doesn't take any effort at all to say this shit. and it couldn't be any less creative.

The ending is just the main character succumbing to madness. The evil corp from the last game had a mind control tower set up driving everyone crazy.

There's a few journal pages that explicitly explain this.


Thats honestly a terrible way to explain what the fuck is going on at the end

So is there actual supernatural shit or is it just murkoff being cunts and making everyone into crazy mutants again?

Also, the villains are pure kino. The bitch with the pickaxe and the tongue monster are sick.

So Lynn was dead too? I didn't quite catch that part.

Yes, it's all Murkoff science.

Apparently Lynn was alive but it was Jessica that died? Shit, even the writers probably don't know, they just made everything up as they went along and didn't bother looking back to make sure it made sense

How many unique chasers are there? All I saw was the pickaxe bitch, the tongue monster, and the small guy with the bow riding the giant. Are there any that top Trager and the Groom?

>Are there any that top Trager and the Groom?
Nope. The ones you listed and some other crazy cult lady is all you get.

Wow seriously? Nothing to match Trager? He was easily the highlight of the first game.

And who's the other crazy cult lady?

The one who rapes you offscreen while you're hallucinating the school near the end of the game.

More like SUBMITTING to Blake being an alpha male.

But fuck Islam and the Jews, right?

Sure, Blake. Just remember that your wife died giving birth to nothing because she wasn't hallucinating totally and her lost thoughts were of disappointment as she didn't give you a baby. The thing you're holding in your hand is a figment of your imagination.

no, faggot

What the fuck what

There's rape in the game?

No baby was born. Blake is hallucinating. Further proven when Lynn said "There is nothing." in the first game it was said that women had to be moved out of the asylum because the Walrider creates a "Phantom Pregnancy" effect on them. That means there are nanomachines in involved in this game.

Like these fucking cowards would have the balls to talk shit about jews and islam. Always gotta gun for christianity.

It's basically rape - the game. The whole game you hear Lynn being raped and Blake gets raped later too.

it's the edgiest game in a while. feels like it was made by a pack of teenage atheists that listen to burzum.

>Blake: "Oh God! My hands had a stack stabbed into them! I need to stop the bleeding! I'm gonna die!"

What a bitch. Miles had his fucking fingers cut off and he wasn't half as beta.

Hey, at least they had the balls to actually put rape in their game. Unlike most edgemaster games.

But it's female raping man. So it's not that bad.

Does Blake lose his lunch?

That does not dethrone Miles!

Game was absolute shit.

But does he? I'm legitimately curious.

here are your proofs

No. Blake doesn't vomit in any scenes.

I haven't been this confused at the end of a horror game since The Evil Within.

Outlast 2 is literally taking story ques from The Evil Within.


Most "Horror" games are shit and leave shit out just to make it seems deep when really the devs had no idea what they were doing