Based fucking randy! Battleborn haters = BTFO

Based fucking randy! Battleborn haters = BTFO

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its happyyyyyy its happyyyyyyyyyyyy

If you look hard enough you can kinda see the Battleborn characters in the trash. ayy lmao

Randy we know it's you, give up

>randy can never give a good comeback

its really pathetic to be honest

on that note


He should spread the love by making an actual game people can enjoy.

keep shilling ranfords


Battleborn is actually pretty good, but i can't fucking stand randy so im glad it failed.

Hey Randy I think you got the wrong door. The unemployment line's two blocks down.

> Battleborn is now down to ~100 players max

How long until it reaches "unplayable" territory?

>I didn't have my glasses on and thought it was a different picture of battleborn characters

I-Is Randy gonna make it!?

>heh get a life

Did he have to google that one?

>I know you are what am I?

that's basically his comeback logic

Can someone post the whole "hobby grade fps" buzzword thing?

Is there anyone that did an overwatch version of this?

Fucking casuals. Battleborn is a misunderstood masterpiece. Kind of like the movie Never Back Down.

That's the whole dev team playing the game

I thought it was some work that inspired battleborn but it was anyway.

>reads the twitter feed and personally insults a person who made fun of his shitty game


Why is he allowed to have his own twitter? Why haven't people told him to shut his fucking mouth?

Are you implying never back down wasn't good?

>Why is he allowed to have his own twitter?
Because he actually owns the company.

>I-i wasn't btfo... it's you who was btfo! i-i feel sorry for you, h-haha


now thats a good comeback

>Bulletstorm remaster
>remastering a game that only 6 people played
For what purpose?

>there are people old enough to legally post here who don't get this reference

>he actually thinks the new CoD is ripping off Brothers in Arms

Bulletstorm is a great game, but it really didn't need a remaster. Especially not a $50 one that made it impossible to buy the original on Steam.

To sell it on current gen consoles


So that 6 more people can play it?

Which might have worked if they didn't try charging full price for it. Should have taken a page from Capcom and Nordic's books and sold it for no more than $20.

>how dare you speak to me

He lives in a fuckhuge mansion, drives at least one jaguar and is the boss of a whole studio. He does whatever he wants and not even his hamtastic wife can hold him back.

good little bitch aren't you randy


Would you rather be Randy Pitchford or Anthony Burch?

>Randy trying to be nice (probably genuinely IS nice)
>get shit on by millennial human waste

this is how you create monsters

Randy Burch

But for how long? The food bills for his wife goes into the thousands each week and Gearbox is failing hard. I don't think Gearbox will bring forth many games after Battleborn and Colonial Marines.

Searched the guy´s profile, I was expecting some alt-right muh guns muh bible muh trump shit, but he actually gives the vibes of being a positive person, don´t get where Randy is comming from to tell him that.

Why its almost as if Randy is full of shit!

Why doesn't he just pay someone to make the twitter bantz for him.
I mean even I can come up with something like " any similarities with your biography weren't intentional"

randy seems like a nice guy. Why do people on Sup Forums hate him so much?

Randy's a pathological liar and shady businessman, he deserves all the shit he gets.

More like he's a smug piece of shit from a less than mediocre developer known for bombs like Alien: Colonial Marines, Duke Nukem Forever and Battleborn.

Never Back Down is the greatest movie ever made.

Who's going to tell him that?
His boss?

Honestly.. it's really sad to see Bo-Bandy fail to comeback against people like this.

How pathetic do you have to be to consistently get BTFO by pathetic people? It's like watching an new low be created on a nearly daily basis.

full of battleborn

If anything Randy is pretty cool in the way he interact. Has he ever blocked anyone over trashing his game?
Some people are seriously stupid and will block you on twitter over the tinniest things.

Never back down was great fuck you

>spend millions to make online game
>only 100 people playing shortly after launch

This shit was supposed to test ideas and make money for BL3 too.

look up that pax west song he did

to be honest, randy
at least he owns a company, anthony is actually just a no name piece of shit nobody with nothing good going for him whatsoever

but it's really a tough choice considering this is the other person we're talking about

yes, actually

This is the guy that stole money from the Aliens game to make Borderlands 2. He might seem nice but it's an act.

At least Randy can take his money and turn his life around. Burch has nothing.

Ok then all good opinions on him lost.

>Evolve was a failure

That makes me very happy considering the ridiculous pricing.

Fucking Special Delivery in TF2 has more players at this point.

Probably 2k will when they absorb his failing company in less than a year

>steal money from Sega
>get BTFO in literal karma

Feels good man.

>Just 40 more posters in this thread will be more people than Batttleborn's current players

gearbox so desperate that they rereleased that kicking game that came out not so long ago and then slapped duke nukem into it in the most half-assed way possible

He wrote, practiced, and got up on stage in front of his fans to play this song completely unrelated to his company, games, family, friends, etc over a mild joke on twitter thinking that he BTFO the guy who wrote it and try to prove he wasn't shitshattered. He's too far gone.

>that """"""""comeback""""""""""

that's pathetic


This obvious samefag

Hello Randy how are you doing, running your failing video game company? He deserves all of this.


Post Battleborn mains.

>I know nothing about corporate structure

hang yourself f am

let him be , he is already dead.

How do you create something this ugly, surely at some point someone on the design team says "You know maybe we should tone it down a bit".

>shortly after launch
Its been over a year twat

tf2 is 10 years old, user
tens of thousands of people still play tf2, even before it went f2p

It's fucking gearbox, they know their audiences are "LMAO SO RANDOM MAN XD!" and that they love that shit, you should see the other character they made, some vampire nurse or some shit that randomly twitches in some edgy way.

I remember one user pointing out that the worst aspect about BB character design was that it wasn't a reflection of the character's kit. Like the guy who's a mushroom doesn't have any sort of mushroom related attack, the guy who has giant muscles only uses them to carry a gun, not to do anything with them, and so forth.

I actually have some normie girl added on facebook who loves gearbox, borderlands is her favorite game and she always posts the most cringeworthy shit ever, I'm just glad because I think she actually doesn't know about BB

I liked Never Back Down

>kinda felt bad for Randy since he kinda resembles my father
>but then remembers that it's Randy

The mushroom dude (Miko) throws paralyzing spores and his ult summons a giant mushroom that heals.

I hope this garbage """"""""remaster""""""""" was damn cheap to pump out. Im sure it'll be enough to hold them over until they can shit out BL3 :^)

i actually think the mushroom guy looks cool but i hate games like battleborn and overwatch anyway

Miko is pretty fun but fair enough

>implying any movie with Amber Heards magnificent ass in a white two piece isnt goat

What a fucking homo


Only one i've seen is this one with genji as leatherman

>How dare you speak to me

>Gearbox goes under
>Borderlands is bought out literally anybody else

Thank fucken god

>No gachimuchi reply within a few posts
Fuck neo-Sup Forums

Man I forgot about Colonial Marines..

Battle born was fun, but the queue times got so god awfully long because it kept hemorrhaging players.

Gearbox just needs to release Borderlands 3 then quietly fade into obscurity.

kek reminds me of those shades who wore to the convention

>The Pre Sequel was loaded with sjw garbage, lesbians, memes, and poorly balanced gameplay
>Wanting more of this


>reference is less than a year old
really makes you think

I always end up feeling sorry for Randy when I look in these threads. But then remember he fucked over Sega and then wish he got more

I'll give you your six hot loads, my friend.