seriously? no thread about this? they just released it today and look kinda interesting
Outlast 2
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honestly, i think i might be a bit too scared to play this with my current setup. also i'm out of money right now.
Help I'm stuck at the part where you get chased by an enemy. What do I do?
i don't know, maybe you should rape him.
Didn't work, he chopped of my penis. Now what?
if you played the first one you played the second one its the same shit
its looked style looked a bit different for me.
looks like a shitty RE7 ripoff with worse graphics
I find it a disappointing sequel
GOG release where?
Since when games are so beautiful with the lighting ?
I'll play it closer to october, kind of weird to release this in spring
Sweet easy to pirate. I love gog.
Played it, it pretty much is.
Pirate it.
>Western trash
No, thank you.
This, I'm too pussy. I hate jump scared so I won't play it. Probably watch a letsplay of it. Only thing letsplays are good for.
i'm just gonna read the wikia for the interesting parts
May as well chop off your cocks and balls too.
Mirrors Edge in 2008 looked miles ahead of this
So its just a fuck simulator with those twins right?
Like you got a slider for tit size dick thickness speed, etc. Like one of those Japanese games
Fine I will bro
Pussy bitches.
I really liked the first one, but am too stingy with my money at the moment to buy any games.
it's already been cracked
Because its fucking STALKER without supernatural shit.
the reason for it all is the nazis made a device that fucks with peoples heads. think stalker or fallout nv dlc
it fucking SUCKS
these games are basically the equivalent of the yearly Saw/Paranormal Activity/Conjuring movies. Made to get a few quick bucks out of people who don't actually care about the horror genre.
Sauce nigga.
Couldn't find a torrent on the bay.
You are just talking shit. Game looks great, good designs and gameplay pace. It's not a quick casgrab youtuber bait made in unity.
Play the first game fag.
What I didln't like about the first one is that you were always faster than the guys chasing you
Lead tumors slow you dawn.
waiting on GOG version tho
PC gaming everyone.
Outlast is of a quality that other early access, slapped together in a month and a half horror walking sims never reach. It's the same in that you walk or run being chased down a hall while appreciating the art, but the art direction in Outlast at least has vision and effort. Can't hate on them cause they don't really try to be anything more than what they are.
Even the sequel/reboot looked better.
Sup Forums pirates everything so theyre waiting for their shitty torrent site to upload the game
you know that you didn't add anything to that guy's point?
why buy something you can get for free?
You'll know when you grow up.
I'm the same way, I can't play horror games, I just watch them instead
The amount of game reviews giving this garbage above a 7.5 are absolutely astounding. The game is lazy trash with a polished shine.
Shitty jump scares and try hard gore. It just keeps going and going with little to offer in the way of anything resembling gameplay. You basically just run around like an asshole while brain dead christfags bumble around you. Game sucks and we deserve better.
Oh yeah, and the bad guy is a homo version beyond thunder dome master blaster ripoff who shoots flaming arrows and literally nails you to a cross...
>game made by trenchcoat wearing 13 year olds in study hall.
Whoa you are such a videogame conoisseur. Did you even finish the game?
sounds like almost every other horror game, I don't get this genre at all
Just play AvP2 Marine campaign and ease yourself into survival horror.
Do you guys consider it better or worse than the first Outlast?
Why do I have to be some sort of aficionado to say the game is lame?
You're on Sup Forums talking about games.
This one sucks. I'm sorry I tried to explain why I felt this way.
Oh I hear about it and saw it but too bad I still haven't beat the first one, I can only it play it for a few minutes before I start to panic, I should finish it soon though, I could probably beat it in 1 day if I played during daylight but then it won't be as fun so I only it play this types of games at night.
It has worse pacing than other horror games to be honest. It's just a constant slog though the same scenario with excessive gore thrown in.
>waits till the game goes on 70% sale
>ends up buying it on G2A for 10% of its original price
>l-look... I bought it, I help developers!
>2 games in 4 years
>same as yearly released movie series over a decade at a time
the absolute STATE of you
youre fucking ruining it. go play it now you bitch.
The start of the first one is pretty jump scary in the beginning but somehow you get used to it. It actually kind of gets boring after a while. I tried playing it a few times and I get up to some big watery part and get so uninterested.
Can anyone confirm if it has some big mind blowing plot twist anything?
So many bitches in this thread. They gotta be underaged.
I think they might be pretending to be retarded to schill for the game.
Like the cheaper gayer lazyier version of Jessica chobat screaming into a camera about how outlast one will make you pee your pants. There's no way people are this gay.
So they basically violated Lyn's body in the beginning to find out she was pregnant right?
that describes 90% of the game
And then you get posts like this immediately after some criticism, to distract away from it.
>implying RE7 wasnt already an outlast rip-off
Then Resident Evil 7 was a better Outlast than Outlast.
Re7 may not be perfect, but it's leagues better than this trash.
Tell me the exact where the game went downhill?
When you bought it.
>noice, i can shoot in this one. i feel safe now
>leagues better
fuck off cod kiddies
I legitimately am curious, continue discussing the criticism of the game if you want.
>staring at a night vision camera for 4 hours while Re4 tier towns folk stumble after you.
How fucking compelling
You really know your shit!
Well 97% of it is in the dark
>having no weapons at all to make you feel more scared
cool fucking non-existant gameplay
Not really a big fan of the first one but to be honest it's brevity ended up being its strong suit compared to the new one.
The more open environments don't help much either.
>A grown ass man.
>Can't somehow beat an old ass woman holding a heavy weapon.
I can understand Miles with Chris because that man was a human tank who was also a trained veteran. What excuse does Blake have?
Not to mention Blake's fucking response to Lynn being pregnant is "we need to find an adult!"
>find underground secret lab
>some old doctor is still alive because this entity has decided to not just wipe the floor with him because it sees him as family (I think)
>big guy finds you but gets decimated by entity
>it's a guy in a hamster ball hooked up to life support
>only way out is to disconnect him
>do it
>about to leave when the entity takes you over
>get gunned down while the spirit presumably murders everyone in the room
I refuse to buy it because of the "we use the christian theme once again to base our garbage b-flick horror story because we're afraid to offend other religions".
There were also Catholics in it.
Is it still a jumpscare fest like the first game?
Yup and the gaming press is completely silent about it.
Could you fuckin imagine if they were crazy Hasidic Jews or nutty muslims?
There would be endless articles trashing the fuck out of the game.
I'm not even fuckin Christian but the shit is true.
Well, being Christian is not racially centered like the two you mentioned.
Does it have a stupid conclusion like the last game? Who the fuck thought nanomachine ghosts was a good plot twist?
Blah blah fucking blah you lying faggot.
Muslims come in every color homo.
How THICK is the download?
so many shitty opinions ITT
weebfaggots, nostalgiafags, contrarianbitches and christfaggots KYS
Stop. Take that Sup Forums shit out of here.
The plot twist is there is a machine making everyone crazy.
Ending barely answers anything if at all.
>Well, being Christian is not racially centered like the two you mentioned.
That's the weakest argument you possibly spout. Judaism isn't racially centered either, they all come in various colors and forms. Muslims too.
Face it, christians are just an easy target.
Nah, fuck you.
The game takes someone's (not even mine) major religion and centers their game around shitting all over it. They picked the easiest target in the room and I feel like it's completely legitimate to talk about how lazy and gay it is.
or just buy it on release. or you know, get a hobby you can afford.
>muh christianism
fuck off faggot
Or just not.
There's literally blob/tentacle/pulsing vein monsters that grab at you from the walls in hallucinations like it's condemned 2.
Your money is better spent elsewhere.
>literal cult horror about a cult
>being surprised that it's Christian when all of the infamous cults in America have centered around Christian mythology
Oh yeah it's totally just because they're SJWs that want to criticize Christians, there's no real world link between the cult horror genre as a whole and Christian cults in America I mean c'mon.
oh it was a response, I'm not planning to play this at any point (looks kinda lame)
And this is the issue with Outlast 1 and 2.
>fuck off faggot
That's basically what the game says.
Muh crazy christfags!!!
It's tired as fuck.
Grow up homo
I could not care less about that bullshit. I'm pointing out how lazy it is.
>Rewriting the most tired garbage over and over with no twist or new angle!