Buying this PS4 bundle and have enough for another full priced game...

Buying this PS4 bundle and have enough for another full priced game. Typically play PC but decided to dip my toe in the console pool.

What game should I buy? Currently deciding between Bloodborne, Persona 5, The Last of Us, and Horizon Zero Dawn.

why did you buy a ps4 if you have a pc you play games on? for those 4 games? honest question, no condescention

Ps4 is utterly trash.
Buy a xbox one.
>black ops 2
>quantum break
>sunset overdrive

Multiple reasons. Mainly due to the fact that none of my friends play PC. Also I'm semi weeb trash and I want to play Kingdom Hearts 3 when it comes out.

None of those games interest me


Bloodborne, Last of Us and Uncharted Collection are under 20 right now.

You were better off getting the Nathan Drake Collection bundle. You get three full games instead of just one.

I wish Xbox One had more games that interested me so I'd have an excuse to buy one so I can play the Rare Replay version of Jet Force Gemini, but that's literally the only Xbox One game that I'm interested in.

Nioh is pretty great.

I bought a PS4 exclusively for Bloodborne. because I wanted to play it. Wanting to play a certain game has always been enough of a reason.

Buying a console for one game is never enough reason. Stop being retarded.

Yes it is.
Go and shove your GPU card up your ass.


>want to get PS4
>want to get the games before hand
>namely /m/ shit, means importing subs
>shipping from japan is a bitch so you want it all in one order to minimize cost
>about to order, hear word of GB3 with all the DLC, might as well wait for that
>this was months ago
>worried by the time GB3 is out, other shit will be out of stock
This order's never getting made is it?

> kicking the table away

Bloodborne or Persona 5.

>Want to play DQ XI when it comes out
>70 dollars on Amazon, not sure how many after shipping because the only time I bought a physical item from Japan was Tales of Vesperia back when orders over 40 dollars had free shipping on PlayAsia
>PSN version is 90 something dollars

Man, I hate Japanese game prices.

Enough for a full price game? Get Bloodborne + dlc and TLOU Remastered if you didn't play it on PC. That should be $60. Otherwise just BB + dlc.

>on PC

Meant PS3.

what if no ps+? is bloodborne still worth it offline?

PS3 doesn't have BB.
I have yet to play BB online.

Get Persona 5 now if you care about things like talking about a game on Sup Forums while it's still fresh on everyone's minds. Get Bloodborne otherwise.

crap, crap, crap, multiplat, multiplat, decent game, crap, crap