Sup Forums meta (Allowed by Hiro)

Let's have a meta thread (since Hiro ruled we're allowed to have one).

Why the fuck was this allowed to occur and archive? It's not even almost video games. It's not even video game culture. Look at the OP and tell me how that fits the rules.

How do we fix Sup Forums and drive the newfags out?

Other urls found in this thread:

first step: get off Sup Forums

Limit your Sup Forums to 1 hour a day

By banning newfag memes.


Less janitors. Better janitors.


ban these threads
ban random twitter post threads

Bring back namefagging.

mods just have to stop being shit and delete off topic
this include old fag e-celebs, /e/, and anything else that isnt developers and vidya music

off topic niggers need to stop making senran threads, comfy threads, etc and realize that just because its board cukkture, doesn't mean its good


bring back /vint/

Ban all the thinly veiled waifufag image dump threads.


By moving reoccurring threads to the correct board

Make an official statement about e-celebs. I know mods and janitors are doing a great job deleting e-celeb shit these days but it would be way easier if we had a new rule or something.

everything is fine

there, I said it

Allow DSP threads.

A purge would be nice.

whyd they click those links to see one shit frog image and upvote
it looks very hard to use

>Sup Forums
>no cwc

get out

Why the fuck do you keep posting an outdated screenshot?

A thread recurring 3-4 times a week isn't /vg/.

Also, we're not allowed to have the meta thread for another board on another board. That's just silly.


>doing a great job
Did you look at the OP thread? It's literally a "literally who" letsplayer that came here to do a fucking AMA, and shill his channel as well as some shit game he was working on.

>cristian chandler warden
>a video game
get out


Literally nothing on this site is good. Not an argument.

Sup Forums is so much better than Sup Forums for real. I kek so many times a day
Maybe I should start doing something with my life

You started browsing here in 2015, huh?

if everyone in the country (or the world) gave DSP just $1, it would really turn his channel and business around.

goes to show how selfish we all truly are

>Chad fucking Warden
Off yourself.

because it's not outdated..? you fucking clod. they haven't made another statement regarding it since. How the fuck is it outdated if it's never been updated you moron?

Ban consolewar threads and consolewar posters.

Autoban anyone posting one of those Wojak edits.


It will massively hinder underage and normalfag posting, both of whom have severe difficulties adapting here.

Reminder that we once had a discussion for 5+ hours showing mods banning and purging actual vidya, leaving only porn threads left as well as refusing to purge bannable threads made in response to show theyre not doing their jobs

I just want e-celeb, esports and overall anything related to Twitch and Youtube culture to either fuck off to some other board, or become a banable offence. Only kids care about that kind of shit, and kids don't belong in this +18 yo board.

>newfag spotted
that's board history right there boy



I'm 19


go back to r.eddit.

>tfw this isn't even a troll post
>these are just the actual types of people posting here now

Neo-Sup Forums is the cancer killing Sup Forums:


>literally wanting to kill board culture
You're the only newfag here.

based mod, shame he got fired

Just make it so a ban stops you from viewing the board. That's literally all you have to do. Maybe up the ban lengths for off topic garbage. Especially up it specifically if it's either Sup Forums shit or sjw shit. That garbage has no place in video games.

At 19 you're a kid and should fuck off or just lurk. You stop being an idiot at like 25.

there are two boards for random, why does it have to be on Sup Forums?

i'm a newfag, you're a oldfag. just because you've here longer doesn't mean you get to shit up the board

Talk about video games.


Found the real faggot.

>fire safety is against LGBT
yeah because the fire and destruction sjws bring clearly doesnt need a fire extinquisher as it'd stop progressive movements am i right

go fuck yourself, shit mod deserved to get fired

It's gotten really bad over the past 2 months. Even 2015 Sup Forums wasn't like this.

It won't work because of phoneposters.
Phoneposters are literally killing Sup Forums.

how do we kill the Persona fags? they're flooding our board!

Delete Sup Forums


it literally does.

Why are you complaining about newfags if you don't care about board culture?

Disable phoneposting, simple as that. It would cut down on shitposting VASTLY. Also any user trying to make a thread can only make one thread every few hours, this would at least somewhat reduce spam and shitposting.

Anyone who wants off-topic threads 24/7 should either be banned or directed to Sup Forums or /trash/ or some other off-topic board. That's all I can think of.


Because you've been posting an outdated screenshot that conveniently has the timestamp omitted.

Block all phone posters, ban anymore who posts reddit/funnyjunk/kikebook/twitter/etc threads.

>Board cultoore guise xD

Fuck off.



We need the newfaggots to stop replying to bait, but that won't happen because they won't get the chance to use their super epic baitfish.jpg they saved from knowyourmeme.

Ban baitfishes along with console wojacks. Also, filter the phrases "nice bait" and "good bait" and the unaccompanied word "bait" when just used in reply to posts. Put them on the spam filter.

sucking the cock or laughing at people who literally HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH Sup Forums should not be board culture. Board culture is whatever the board, not just oldfags, make it. we need to put an effort into making it vidya and not waifus, e-celebs, and depression.

>muh culture!
Fuck off!

Holy shit this. If it's retarded then don't respond to it. It reeks of attention seeking faggots who want to be part of le wacky Sup Forums culture.



It was referred to as an ama in the thread you fucking idiot

I'm complaining about retarded shit like e-celebs. What kind of adult spends his time watching some idiot playing? Let alone be into esports. What the fuck is up with you, people?

This place would be fucking excellent if it was only about game discussion. It really wasn't this bad in 2007.

Sup Forums making fire safety threads and mod banned one because it somehow was an attack on LBGT or some stupid shit

You can complain about e-celebs but there's literally nothing wrong e-sports.