What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Not much, really. Pretty solid game.
There's still no VP 3.
Llwyn amd Fraudir are pure sex poured into plate mail lingerie.
Sorry about the typo. Masturbating violently atm.
What about there being no einhenjar deaths scenes, no time limit, or no overworld?
>mfw tried to emulate this
Welp. Battle system looked tight but the crashes and FPS drops were too severe.
It's not on PSN in any form. Not even the first game or the PSP port of it are on there.
I just wanna play some VP in bed on my Vita, I don't wanna have to settle for that Exist Archive crap.
I'd also take a Resonance of Fate port/sequel
I've tried multiple times to play it and I feel like it gets way too difficult way too fast. I dont know if I'm just a shitter or what, but I always feel weak as fuck.
Generic Einherjars with no backstory.
Man I loved that in 1.
The beginning is pretty rough it seems like
How is emulation?
Generic finishing strikes didn't help either.
Honestly, if they had kept only half the cast but made them unique, it would probably be even better than the original.
it wasn't really good... the world feels very small, extremely linear.
Is there some kind of guide to explain how to git gud at VP2? I'm in a similar boat to the other user in that I want to play it because I really like just about everything about it, but I always feel like I'm fucking up my team and just barely scraping by fights. I'm not even talking about a full walkthrough or anything like that, just something that teaches you how the basics of how to play properly.
>not Richelle
Last I tried, which was like a year or two ago, it was still pretty shit.
I've played it twice, if you ask me, the thing is that you feel underleveled as you progress through the story most of the time. Just fight where you can fight if you're playing without stopping to train your chars. As you start getting more levels you should start to go back to the areas you felt you were getting your arse handed to you, and at that point start paying attention to runes and skills and figuring out where you can hunt for certain runes. Some things, come as trial and error, boss fights mainly... this is kinda innevitable, but you get certain hints as to what to expect in the dungeons. Pay attention to what you're fighting, because having the right weapon and the right skill is key to winning the tougher fights. Don't try to get every char fitted with every skill, but have the precise skills needed as you advance, some are key, like the one that allows you to hit ghosts comes to mind. If you obsess with getting every skill for every char you'll end up bored and it's unnecesary. If you happen to come across an area that you feel is giving you experience, that's your chance to level chars and fit them with skills, don't try to grind for experience and skills in places where the experience you're getting is shit. Have patience with the rune system... that's what I can think about. It's a good game but it's pretty demanding in terms of time you ahve to invest in it to feel that you're getting the best out of it.
samefag here-
the other thing is scout the dungeons before starting to fight and pick up whatever you can without fighting... when I said fight only when you can fight, that's what I wanted to say, just freeze those bitches and map the area, get a good idea of the dungeon, the type of enemies you're fighting, and get as most items/chars as you can before starting to fight, the chars/einherjar usually are more levelled than your team average.
How was the portable spin-off? What other games have a combat system like Valkyrie Profile?
I gotta go back and play VP1 again. I fucking hated it but I was like 13 when it came out and i'm sure I had shit tastes
Indivisible will have a combat system similar to VP but it's ATB instead of strictly turn-based.
the DS version? see it tries to be VP meets FFT, in a way, but feels very limited.
samefag cont-
tanks are really important too... you have to have at least one motherfucker that can take magic and melee hits, and another that can go around healing and using items... another skill really important is the one that allows you to use items with no cost (quick item I think was its name)... so in the tough fights you have to give yourself the time to place the chars in the right spots, get the tank to aggro and position your more weaker chars in a safe spot and keep that healer/item dispenser alive. Pay attention to any skill or item that gets you quicker to the point you can start dealing finishers earlier in the round, or getting more purple gems (more attacks)
Right. Not her.
Also, wasn't the einherjar sometimes randomized? Like, if you got a weapon or something it could be one of two characters? I hated the fuck out of that system.
Thanks user, I'll copypaste all of this and keep it handy the next time I decide to play
covenant of the plume sucked cocks please no.
>tfw /ourguy/ lost
Liam did a GOAT job with the dub.
I can still hear it.
Pro tips for playing VP1? PSP or PSX? I've tried to play it twice but for some reason I always stop when I get polearm man.
play on hard mode
use a guide if you want the good ending
Nothing, that game was tight as fuck. I especially enjoyed the difficulty curve.
Reminder that this and Star Ocean died for FFXV. Thanks Square Enix.
The balance is shit. This is fact. The game has 50+ NG+ cycles but the gameplay system is not built to accommodate the increasing difficulty.
Einherjar don't have their own stories and you don't have a reason to use anyone who isn't a male heavy warrior. This includes your party members.
>you don't have a reason to use anyone who isn't a male heavy warrior.
there's always a reason to use cute girl characters
How does this run nowdays on pcsx2?
last time i tried, this and silmeria were unplayable. not sure if i got a bad iso or not tho
i remember using a gamefaqs guide and spending hours grinding for the best items or some shit in this game to get the best ending