I’ve spent about 15 hours playing Yooka-Laylee over the past 2 weeks and I can confirm that the critical reception...

I’ve spent about 15 hours playing Yooka-Laylee over the past 2 weeks and I can confirm that the critical reception was a little unfair. It’s a legitimately serviceable platformer with a few limitations because of its smaller budget. If a no-name developer made this, it would have been praised much like the recent Rare-inspired indie Snake Pass.

There are only 4 worlds and 1 hub but the worlds are massive with an incredible variety of different challenges that require a mixture of strategies and moves to complete. There are no invisible walls, which encourages exploration, and a clear path for progression that involves finding new levels in the hub world with moves purchased within levels. The camera is pretty dodgy and the arcade minigames are indeed lame but, my god, 2 out of 10 for this game is completely unacceptable from a popular reviewer and hurts careers.

I don’t think a lot people really know what they want. For years, people have been yearning for Rare to return with an open world non-linear platformer with quirky characters and a jamming soundtrack. However, I think these critics only have the tolerance for a straightforward linear platformer like Super Mario 3D World where the pathways are narrow and the secrets are obvious (find 3 coins and a stamp).

Other urls found in this thread:


there's 5 worlds

> Muh keyboard and mouse
> Muh eye sensitivity
> Muh childhood

Fucking shit reviews on steam are killing me

I didn't even know this got bad reviews, I've loved the shit out of it and haven't kept up to date with reviews. I'm gonna go see now, this sounds like bad news

was it good thinking about picking it up

I played it for maybe 2 hours and deleted the torrent

>tfw no Yooka and Laylee nendoroid

be aware that the game is a little unpolished. it's about 6/10 because of it.

if you're okay with that then I think it's worth it.

Probably because it was an uninspired mess? They couldnt even be botbered to use a better engine than unity. All you have to do is look at the stafflist to realize a these "former Rare employees" are all arists, musicians, or didnt even have any tangible relation to the original Banjo&Kazooie.

I got exactly what i expected. Mediocrity. I shoulda bought anything else

For the price they're asking they deserve the criticism. You'd expect a major game, not only a modest blander recreation of the past. At $20 I would be like, okay but it's still a competent game and it even ranks among the top 10 collectatons.

typical retail pricing for a "major game" is $59.99. YL is only $40, how the fuck does that set an expectation of a major game.


>those colors.

For a game made in Unity that's a lot unless like I wrote if it would have been excellent in any way.

They do it

>remove JonTron
>thank Heinrich Himmler in the credits

what did they mean by this

uh oh here comes the bait time to abandon thread

>someone on Sup Forums has an unpopular opinion
wow what a sight

I honestly loved the game.

Still waiting on that secret robot near the pirate ship in world 5 to do something. Maybe dlc?

it runs on unity

die faggot

It fails the Chris Seavor test.

What sucks is that the game is a 6/10, but it could have easily been at least a 8/10 if they had just fixed the broken controls, camera, removed the "fly" move, removed the "expand level" mechanic and instead just make 10 worlds, made sure puzzles didn't require moves from other later worlds.

It feels like the game is kind of unfinished and is missing all forms of polish

I'm tempted to buy it, looks pretty comfy and havnt played a platformer in ages

not worth $40

do you actually have reasons for disliking unity or are you just hopping on the bandwagon like every other retard on Sup Forums who has never so much as opened a game's map editor let alone seriously used a game engine before

>2/10 is completely unaccpetable
What did you expect from Jim "me and my wife are swingers ... b-but only she swings" Sterling?

Sterling runs his own site and the other major contributor is a dishonest transsexual Laura Kate.

I think Jim Sterling is officially worse than Anthony Burch.

>oversized levels
>awful camera
>usually mediocre minigames
>constant load screens, especially in ice zone
>mediocre/pointless transformations
>terrible expanded levels mechanic that served no purpose at all
>constant gating of pagies so that you're encouraged to run to the other levels and get all the powerups real quick, but when you do that the flying ability trivializes the previous levels
>music without much identity to it
>stamina system that requires you to wait around for ~15 seconds at times just to continue doing what you were doing
>resource nodes with timed effects instead of being able to collect resources and use them freely like the eggs in banjo, resulting in very obvious and unimaginative uses of things
>very awful enemies, just the same thing reskinned for each world and then the little eyes that take over objects are the majority of all encounters
>little to no reward for exploration, pirate skulls are literally just for achievements
>fourth-wall breaking jokes feel very forced unlike banjo's, which is cheap humor

what a mistake

>Laura Kate
Never trust a person with two first names.

The reviewers just complained about:

- No maps
- The quizzes were too hard
- The game was too hard
- Camera issues (I never experienced any, I'm not sure what they're talking about)
- Control issues (again, perfect for me)
- The story wasn't an epic that will live throughout the ages
- The writing
- The silly sounds that make up the voices
- It's pretty much exactly like a 90s 3D platformer


it's a 7/10, hopefully a sequel gets made with a bigger budget for more/better levels

>pirate skulls are literally just for achievements

Oh yeah, I got all of them but completely forgot they existed. I assume they're supposed to be the mysterious Stop N' Swap items of Yooka-Laylee.

I experienced camera issues with flying and some other parts, but generally it wasn't ever any worse than it was in BK.

I do remember watching a GameXplain review on YL, and the dude complained about the camera around those fire shooting holes in World 1. I thought it was funny when I first played it, because it was LITERALLY a matter of turning the fucking camera around with the right joystick when Yooka makes the sharp turn.

Reviewers were legitimately fucking retarded with this game.

I actually read in various comments around that people were cancelling their orders because of such reviews. So they didn't even play the game.

However, I have noticed one slight camera issue. It tends to swivel and correct itself to avoid objects in the world and this has been troublesome when jumping on platforms because it causes you to miss and fall. I do wonder if they intended for the camera to be just like the N64 platformers and in that case taking the nostalgia throwback a little too far.

I've not long started playing it but I'm kind of sad to hear there are only 5 worlds. Banjo-Kazooie had 9. But I suppose they are expansive. I was hoping that with at least some success with Yooka-Laylee they might be able to make more, bigger games but in light of the whole political shitstorm surrounding Jon Tron and people following popular youtube reviewers, this hope has been somewhat diminished. We'll have to see.

>playing around in the first world
>pause the game
>x/1000 Quills

>He thinks there's only 1000!

It's only a hundred and ten more than there were notes in Banjo-Kazooie.


How the hell did they get away with this?

I hope they just cut a deal with a publisher that is not EA. if they could just get consistent funding, that'd be great.

Rough edges aside, they delivered a good game in just two years, and with a relatively low budget.

That's in total. I can't remember now but in the first world there are 200.

I think it's a charming game, colourful and cute together with the fun characters and the terrible puns. I'd be interested to see what other kinds of games they make.

I just really want a YL 2 that isn't made in Unity and not published by Team 17.

The game's a 7/10 for me though.

Making the game on Cryengine or UE4 won't fix anything that's wrong with the game.

this, why the fuck does everyone shit on unity when it's a perfectly serviceable engine

They sold like 125k copies over all the platforms, right? Is that enough to make another game or is Playtonic basically done?

They could always kickstart another game :^)

the game was pretty fun once i stopped trying to 100% it. they should have made the hunter tonic for the last 25 feathers, not the last 10.

I'm running the game at 60 frames per second apparently but when I pan the camera it feels like my eyes are going to bleed.

How do I get to the 3rd world from the 2nd world book? This overworld is a bit confusing.

You know that bit in the hub world where the 3 bees? There's a door there that needs to be activated by shooting a button with your shooting ability.

Find the ice flower and shoot that button.

>it's the same generic baddy in every level

Yooka Laylee tried too hard be a throwback to old Rare games. The Kartos, Rextro segment and transformations and quiz show felt like they were just thrown in for the sake of it. The game is not bad but it seriously lacks polish which is an issue older Rare games didn't have. What they should have done is try to implement fewer things better rather than trying to implement lots of different things with a lower quality. Shovel Knight is an example of a retro throwback done right, they revolve the game around one mechanic and push that mechanic to its limit. Yooka Laylee should have been more focused rather than trying to do lots of different things, regardless of how much money it generated it's still an indie game made by a small team of developers so they should have opted for quality over quantity.

Hivory Towers.
Tribalstack Tropics.
Glitterglaze Glacier.
Moodymaze Marsh.
Capital Cashino.
Galleon Galaxy.

5 worlds and 1 hub, not 4.

Go to bed Austin

Every NPC in the game: Hey guys!

Laylee: You cocksucker. You piece of living trash. I hope you die. Fuck you.

People seem to live in some sort of imaginary world where, even though 99% of games launch with a $60 pricetag, they act like nobody pays $60 for a game. Don't ask me, I don't understand it either, same for people that complain over $300 for a gaming device.

that'd be 5 million, then however much T17 takes. either way, they'd have a bit more than it cost to make YL, so it's feasible.

I'm probably going to pirate this. I was all for a day-one purchase until the reviews rolled in.

>too stupid to read the titles of menus
>possibly even too stupid to figure out that you can scroll through different level total menus

Yooka Laylee was the kickstarter money + what Team 17 gave them.

>The quizzes were too hard
I breezed through them, got the double bonus on nearly every one in every quiz. I now understand why they padded the game with these quizzes. It's not just filler. It tests if people have been paying any fucking attention to the game and gave it the proper time of day, especially since the questions are easy. Anyone that complains about the quizzes being hard likely does not have a legitimate opinion about the game at all.

well seeing yooka laylee's mediocre sales it seems nobody is paying $40

Steam takes 30%

Just got done 100%ing it. I'd say its a solid 7. I'm hoping the game sold well enough for us to see a sequel with a bigger budget that can iron out some of the problems it had.

tl;dr lol

its shit

Yeah I don't know how they could possibly be that hard. The only time I got a question wrong is when I accidentally hit a button to try to move the text along at the exact time that the answers appeared.

>Probably because it was an uninspired mess?
>A game that was meant from the beginning to be a direct copy of Banjo Kazooie/Tooie is uninspired
And water is wet.

What are you trying to implying with your picture anyway the price because $40 was always the original price of this game.

>only 309 people playing

lol dead game

All the virtue signalling in the world won't make people play a mediocre game.

>like 4000 people refunded it
