Want to play better at fighting games

>want to play better at fighting games
>buy a fight stick
>get worse

Did I just waste $100

>he bought a $100 stick
Minimum for quality is 200.

It also might be that you need to practice with it.

You just need to practice to get used to it, but that said fight sticks are as much a meme as gaming glasses

>minimum for quality is 200
maybe if you're retarded and buy a prebuilt one

An arcade stick isn't some magical device that will make you better and initially like in your case you'll probably be worse because it's a new thing you aren't used to. An arcade is just a more fun and authentic way to play, you can get just as good on a controller.

what about with a keyboard?

>buying fighting sticks

please tell me you're underage

definitely doable, and in some cases better

>Did I just waste $100
yes... because if it took you to "I need to get better at fighting games" to realise that sticks are the ONLY way to play fighters, then you were already dead, Dan.

of course youre worse, you switched to something youre not used to

give it some time, when you get as proficient with a stick as you were with a pad. I think you'll see it was worth it.

It's just more fun playing with a stick

I could never do it. Keyboards just don't have the proper ergonomics for fighting games for me. Maybe if you had one of those split key ergonomic keyboards that might help.

Standing 360 is just impossible for me no matter what I use.

I literally can't even hadouken anymore. I went down to bronze in SFV before I switched to casual matches and I lost all of those too.

In before >playing SFV

Try doing 6321478 (look at your numpad). You don't need a 360, a 270+button is enough.

I recently switched to a stick and boy was it a long ride. I'm better now, but I still have trouble doing basic things like 2xQCF, jumping and dashing - and don't even get me started on instant air dashes from arcsys games.

Nigga, you sucked ass before if you were only silver in SFV. You're still shit. Just practice.

If you can't do any of that, your ride isn't even close to being over. IAD's aren't hard. 956.

i watch streams with fighters and sticks sometimes, how the fuck do they not break the shit every fight? they plow that bitch with the force of ten thousand autistic KFC kitchen hands

Fight sticks are literally a meme, not even meming.

I know that fully well. But getting things right in the stick feel so good I don't ever want to go back to the pad.

And I mean, I CAN do those things often, but they should be 100% success rate, when they're more like 80 so I still need to practice. The quarter circles are something else though because I feel like I'm not holding the stick properly to do them, especially Foward (to the right) ones.

If they are sponsored, they don't care. All gear is free.

Everyone bought a stick once, it's like a turntable. Just be a cool guy and win tournaments with a ps1 dualshock.

nice meme

Most people are better from one side or the other. I'm definitely better from P2 side. A double qcf is almost instant. It's slower from the other side, but with enough practice playing a game with strict inputs gets you pretty good at them.

>not winning fighting game tourneys with these bad boys

Keyboards are doable for most combos. The few things hard to do on a keyboard for me are the 360 motion and Guile's Z motion

I used to use a keyboard since that used to be the only way I could play fighting games. I've since moved to using a Hitbox controller. It's been good to me.

If there's any ghosting at all or shitty rollover you may as well give up on doing anything other than the most basic of combos, since anything complex will be literally impossible due to the hardware limitations of the keyboard.

Sometimes you can get an HRAP4 for 100 dollars at places like frys.

>get worse
Because you arent used to it, you donut. Practice and you'll get the hang of it.

That being said, a fight stick is not necessary in this day and age. Some of the best players in the world use a plain old PS4 controller. Hell, an EVO champion used a PS1 controller, and still does.

By the way, it's been a while since I've seen Skeet Fighter.

>hey plow that bitch with the force of ten thousand autistic KFC kitchen hands
Fight sticks are just naturally loud. Just because they sound loud doesn't mean they're fucking slamming the buttons.

Good quality fightsticks are also extremely durable. And if one of the buttons DO happen to break, its literally $3 to replace it.

>fightan games

You wasted more than 100 dollars.

>Having shitty keyboard with bad rollover
Playing as a charge character while pressing back down constantly while simultaneously pressing other keys needs good rollover. Who plays on a shitty keyboard anyway?

Like, including the time it took for him to read your post?

mad fgcuck is mad

idiot the only reason why pros use sticks are because they grew up playing the games in the arcades so they are just naturally use to it

pretty much this.

>Lol playing with a stick is gonna make me betta at fightan
You do know there's a lot of pro players that play with pad right?

In a manner of speaking, yes you did. They just take getting used to, took me about a month.

That's true, but a lot of people choose stick because that's what they feel more comfortable with. I started playing on a pad but I never truly felt comfortable. Then a friend gifted me his old stick and I gave it a try. Once I got used to it, I never wanted to go back to pad.

Or they have normal sized people hands and know that pressing all the required buttons at once on a pad is impossible

Tell me more user. cause what you are saying is kind of bullshit for me.
60 eurobucks for joysticks buttons cables and a basic USB controller. I wouldn't call this quality.

he means as long as you have name brand stick and buttons youre good

Ignore the faggot tripfag, you need to get worse with the stick (at first) to get better long term.

I find that yeah, they are pretty good to use. I built my own one.
You just need to learn new muscle memory. You are using your hands and wrist in a way to play vidya that you haven't before.
Give it about 10-20 hours.

>$100 stick
>falling for the stick meme

Well yeah but a arcade stick is more than just brand materials.
The case is important too.

>he fell for the stick meme


Yes you retard. The stick only works if yu're used to playing Arcade machines. Controllers work fine if not better when you're used to them.

It's okay user. Spending $100 on garbage is fine.
Don't let the jew in you tell you otherwise. Spend your money and don't ever feel bad about it.