I just want to go back

I just want to go back.

I just want vidya to feel the same way it did as a kid.

Why do we have to grow up?

Oh boy, it's the daily "I'm such a jaded gaymer guys" thread.

growing up is for bitch niggas

not our fault you have a shitty life now, dont bring this into videogames board

Lower your impossibly high standards. Marvel at the blood, sweat and tears put into every pixel. Appreciate what you have.

I wanna go back to when I had friends

I don't even remember what's it's like to have friends anymore

I wanna die

>steady job
>comfortable financially

If my life is shitty then what's your idea of a good one? Inb4 you're a NEET.

breath of the wild recaptured that feeling for me, shame it had to end.

If you have those things and aren't happy you need to take a serious look at yourself.

it would be nice if he were jaded, but instead he's bitching about growing up on a taiwanese yuan drama subreddit like a proper twat of a manchild.

jaded gamers aren't disappointed about growing up, they're just alcoholics that play vidya.

>having a job
>having a slit around on top of it

i feel sorry for you, wagie.

you're the one who made this thread, which inferred you arent happy with it. sounds like you dont enjoy your job,gf,

>having a slit around on top of it

>your idea of a good one
having a gamedev job where i work from home.

He's trying to convince himself that he doesn't really want to be employed or in a happy relationship and that he's better off as he is.

Had this for awhile. I fixed it by leaving Sup Forums for about a year. It can be hard cus you might not realize how addicted (or dependant) you are on the chan, but it really can affect your psyche in a negative. You start to constantly look for things to judge in everything. that's why things seem nicer when you're a kid (also less responsibilities and stress yada yada)

So yeah, I recomend taking at least 6 months off the chan. Find another site to replace it with less negativity, or use that time to play more vidya. Also try to get out of the habit of watching youtube videos while gaming

Good goy

I do enjoy them though. It's not that I'm not happy, It's just that vidya just isn't as enjoyable for me anymore and I feel like it's just because I don't have that sense of wonder that only a kid has.

Fair enough.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks user.

dat wagie delusion

while you have to wake up in the morning, i'm enjoying vidya, learning languages, mastering musical instruments, etc. my life is lived, and yours is a mere subservient wagecuckery.

now go fuck your slit, pet your dog, and get ready for another day at work tomorrow morning, faggot.

Thank you

You don't do any of that shit and I'm actually briefly between jobs right now so I have a couple weeks off.

On top of work I still manage to work out regularly, engage in my hobbies and have a decent social life.

That sweet NEET salt.

I love how you just associate any kind of job with being a "wagecuck".

I'm a fabricator. I make shit and fix shit for people and they pay me for my skills. What exactly do you contribute? Nothing.

So keep wasting your days sitting on your ass and masturbating alone and telling yourself that you're really "living your life" while I do something actually useful and then go home and fuck my girlfriend.

As a 'wagie' I will fully admit that NEETS live impossibly good lives (potentially, some wallow in their filth I suppose, that's not good), but man fuck not being a 'parasite', I pay more for each missile we fire in kazfuckitsan than a NEET and I'm fairly sure we have more missiles, all so we can enforce hegemony and make people trade oil in dollars, which I see none of the benefit of because I have the same low tier job that the majority of working Americans have.

I don't blame Neets, I don't blame people who get autism bucks or who can convince their dumb fucking family to pay for them forever, good for them, they cashed out in this deal, sure they have to live with being a 'parasite', but that's one cheap cost. Accept one piece of moral degeneracy and you get literally your whole working life back, 33% of your fucking time for the rest of your life and the energy to live the other 33% that you're awake, holy shit its a good deal

>go home and fuck my girlfriend

thanks for the offer, cuckie, but i'm not interested in your three dimensional swine.

This is another great example of sour grapes. I don't care if you want to jerk to anime tits, but the whole 2d>3d thing is stupid because it's not even a competition. One exists and one does not.

>that's all he has to come back with because deep down he knows he's literally worthless as a human being

>holy shit its a good deal

Well sure, if you have no self-respect.

Every person should have an inherent, instinctual desire to "leave the nest" and be independent. If not it only means that they either have no dignity or are just wrong in the head.

free time is a curse, humans are designed to work, if our brains aren't focusing on some kind of exertion, physical or not, for at least a few hours a day, we go insane, that's why if you're a neet you'll get depressed quickly unless you're freelance and spend hard time doing non traditional work like music production, art, making games, even building fucking wooden toys or whatever you wanna do. all "jaded" gamers here are facing their own depression problems and games aren't taking them out of it.

>wagies lying to themselves that their delusions of loss of free time and freedoms is somehow fulfilling as a human bean


>being productive and self-sustaining
>loss of free time

Keep telling yourself whatever you have to. Whatever helps you drag your blubbery ass from your bed to your computer each day.

>you can only be productive by exchanging your time and labor to the Jew for shekels

really made me think

That's bullshit, our ancestors worked an average of 16 hours a week spread randomly, there's no nerve in your brain telling you you have to labor constantly, that shit's trained.

It was trained back when 14 hour days were the norm, and 12, and 10, and now 8, and it will be the same bullshit when it's (hopefully) something better.

The only problem I have with modern games are the business practices.

I don't understand how people here don't like modern games. They are incredibly polished unless it's autistic manchild open world or RPG stuff and visually they are amazing, especially with HDR on a 4k screen.

I'm glad the "good old days" of Goldeneye are over. Game was a disaster. 20 fps at the best of times and AI so bad it can fail a mission before you even get to them.

>explicitly explain that I take independent jobs and trade my skills for pay


So you're not only a NEET but you're also retarded.

Why choose a life where you have to work when you could choose a life where you literally have the choice everyday to do the SAME things except you have, ya know, control? You could go clean up a park instead of sweeping aisles, you can go volunteer for a soup kitchen instead of flip burgers, you can choose to code an office suite in your bedroom and get to put YOUR name on it instead of working on Project Mercury Mk 11 Ver 2.2.4 where the only people who get any credit are the 14 senior developers whose job you will NEVER have?

I honestly don't get why people see life this way.

And do you do any of those things user?

28 here. I went through that phase, but that ended four years ago when I stopped playing games for four months to study a language. Since then I've been playing more games than ever and having a lot of fun with most of them too. Stop playing games for a while, do something else with your time, stop focusing on the negative feelings you now associate with video games, and come back when the urge becomes irresistible.

No neets, do that shit. I was briefly neet myself after school and it was crazy how fast my discipline and willpower faded over time. I kept going to the gym but eventually that was basically all I was doing other than looking for work. It was miserable.

I'm fairly confident though if UBI was instated and most of us didn't have to work I would need to make up a fake schedule to avoid depression.

I actually enjoyed my time as a NEET for the most part. Not having any responsibilities is nice. The not having any money wasn't though, that was the only downside.

How much do NEETs get? What does it depend on? Genuinely curious.

For government money? I have no idea, I didn't get any because I have actual issues and not fake ones. I managed to start working from home though.

>Why do we have to grow up?

You're probably just tense and blocked out of your more subtle emotions. That's not necessarily related to "growing up", that's just the result of habitually resisting and bypassing life and it's pretty much the norm. Your "child within" is just your "human within", and you can become too much of an insecure dipshit to see how things make you feel (in other words, you can lack the guts to perceive your guts).

What keeps people locked down in these miserable states is really just a couple of stupid ideas (which end up bearing a ton of "force of reality"). "Games are boring when you grow up" is one of those ideas that will cause you to imagine a void where you could be imagining something more exciting (or helpful, like a change of diet).

The brain wants novelty. To learn new things.

Indulge in a productive hobby and you will feel much more fulfilled. I felt the same a few years ago and feel content with videogames on 2-3 hours a week after actually going outside and not being such a massive NEET.

>I'm fairly confident though if UBI was instated and most of us didn't have to work I would need to make up a fake schedule to avoid depression.

If everyone is given some degree of "income equality", some other distinction besides money will become the new sorting mechanism, and you'll end up with a fuckload of impotent, depressed people who don't measure up just like pre-ubi. New discriminations and inequalities will show up. Just an idea, I don't know what'll happen.

in australia you get 500-600AUD a fortnight

which averages out to about $450USD