Fuck, Marry, Platonic Zone, Anal

Fuck, Marry, Platonic Zone, Anal

When you say "Zone," do you mean "Friendzone" or Zone as in tentacle rape?

Fuck and anal Futaba


Fuck Ann
Marry Haru
Platonic Zone Futaba
Anal Makoto

Fuck: Ann
Marry: Makoto
Platonic Zone: Futaba
Anal: Haru (Because you all know rich girls love this).

>Yusuke is not an option

>Fuck, Marry, Platonic Zone, Anal

That specific one is probably for Futaba, since many people consider her more of a sister/child they need to protect than a sexual object.

In fact considering those options OP probably wants us to say

>Platonic Zone

Fuck makoto and get her pregnant, marry makoto and raise our kids, platonic zone haru because she'd make a good babysitter, don't do anal because I'm not into that

Do I get to anal makoto if I marry her?

Marry ann
fuck ann
platonic zone everyone else
anal no one that's gross

Of course

Fuck Makoto
Marry Makoto
Anal Makoto

Platonic Zone Daughter Futaba

glasses, Makoto, forehead, blonde

Ann confirmed best girl.

Goro would totally clench. Don't trust that fuck.

I know this image was made a joke but threads like this make it so true and relent even today

Fuck Ann
Marry Ann
Friendzone the rest
Anal Makoto

>smelly neet doesnt know what anal is


I want to fuck, marry, and anal with futaba only!

>the balance of Law and Chaos
Man that went by fast. Lawfags are a dying breed now.

Marry Haru and platonic zone the rest.

Marry Makoto
Mistress Haru
Nurture and Protect Haru
Anal Ann

>tfw not getting pegged by Sae while she calls me a useless piece of shit
why live?

>Anal Ann

Lawfag here

She knows what it is, but she's shocked that someone would want to do it with her.

Fuck: Ann
Marry: Futuba
Friends: Haru
Anal: Makoto

Anal Makoto
Zone Haru
Marry Futaba
Fuck Ann

Dump everyone and Marry Chihaya.

Cute bumpkin.

Everyone in this thread is correct.



>Platonic Zone


Futaba is the cutest and you also get Sojiro as your father-in-law. Seems good to me if I'm honest.

>Marry Miss School President.

What a perfect girl. Nothing compares.

Cute image.


Fuck Sae
Marry Kawakami
Friendzone Futaba
Anal Makoto

Don't care about the other party members.

Friend Ann

Marry Makoto

Fuck Futaba

Anal Haru

No one since the main casts this time around are absolute dog shit compared to side characters.

Fortune Teller girl is best girl

>Fuck, Marry

Makoto and Haru. Who is which I still don't know since I couldn't get through Haru's S Link in my first run.



She is Ryujis.


Stupid meme fake NEET splatoon girl

My african descent brother.

Ann belongs to Ryuji
Futaba belongs to Yusuke
Haru and Makoto share the MC

Honestly I think Mishima and Haru would be a good fit for one another.

>Are you into older women?
It was adorable how she went straight for it

Marry Haru
Platonic Zone Futaba
Fuck Ann
Anal Makoto

Fuck and anal the halfu.
My gf is japanese and I'm in serious need of boobs.

Everything about her is adorable and she isn't even my favorite.

>Morgana finds a way turning human
>becomes a girl, panic
>Joker tries to cure her identity crisis with dick
>surprise anal with Last Surprise in the background
>"You said you want to be treated like a man"
>"Th-that's not what I meant...nya!"
>hit her weakness
>cums 1 more
>"woah, looking...cool...Joker..." as her anus pumps out the overflowing cum

Hentai when?

Fuck Ann
Marry Haru
Platonic Zone Ann
Anal Makoto

Her pout is the cutest.

Morgana not being a qt catgirl halfway into the game was the biggest mistake

she will never mumumu again ;_;


Lady Ann
>Platonic Zone

The only correct choice.

get your paws off my wife you filthy cat.

Marry, fuck and anal Futaba

Platonic zone the rest

Marry the shut in
Fuck her smelly NEET pussy and cute little butt
Father-in-law zone Sojiro

Any other choice is also totally fine,
but not for me.