Vidya related images that always puts a smile on your face

vidya related images that always puts a smile on your face

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I lost all my images recently but

>Pacha edit of Kyle Hyde holding a paperclip Just right

but since this thread idea is sinking fast, how about a 'black video game characters' thread instead?


let's get some good vibes going.


Good art

I'd actually play this


Tifa and Barret actually look like really good concepts, honestly

More /jp/ related but still



I tend to ne paranoid and thus slightly xenophobic, but it's comforting to see that people from diffrent races can also be huge weebs and nerds.

personally I'm fine with race swaps of well known characters.

I'm alright with it, but I'd just enjoy more good nigger characters, to be honest. Like in Sakura wars, best girl in that was a black lawyer that you could waifu. No other girl competes. I want more characters like her in my video games.

the FF7 one works well because you can tell the artist wanted to maintain the spirit of all the characters, its not crude.



>The Gerudo doesn't grab Link after he boops her and immediately begin to violate his tight boihole her 15 inch cock


I like Niggaseph and Barret Jensen.

I love this timeline

That's actually pretty damn good. Props to the artist for making a race swap that is visually and thematically appealing, instead of bastardizing the characters, tumblr style


>You lived to see a Nier sequel with Platinum gameplay
>You lived to see a Yoko Taro game sell over 1 million copies


sephiroth is fucking awesome
The hair of Cloud is kinda cool


if you know what i mean

I wonder if any friendships were tested when it inevitably came time to decide who was going to be Yu in the persona 4 group cosplay.


>edgy sephiroth is now a suave pimp who has to show everyone how hard he is
>creepiness and cruelty all make sense now

>anyone fighting for (yu)

>not shotgunning as brosuke

imagine the smell
>nigger stink plus weeaboo stink
lawd have mercy

Niggaroth and Cloud looks way better than the anime fucboi originals

dayum dat rise is thicc


Why is it so much more cringy when black people are weebs than when white people are weebs?

i suppose it's because they're vampire cultures of people who are vampire cultures


>implying it isn't the best

>Hey hey hey, let's reach out for the truth, gang!
>Kanji, your love life is like a dead-end: you can't go straight!

Unironically good

Sephiroth is an upgrade.

looks like a dmc game

or el shaddai is just like that



>Sup Forums praising niggerswaps for characters
This place truly became infested with redditfags, such a shame.

It's so weird to see Loss without any edits now


Have a (you) Sup Forums



go back you weed chan shithead



these overconfident bastards.






>these two cuddled together
>koji in those glasses in that ratty ass sweater
>mads in what looks like a fucking lifevest with that artlessly tousled hair doing the arm reach thing

what is this madness? why are they so cute?

Race and gender swaps are perfectly fine when it's done well.

The only time it's bad is when it's drawn poorly with huge red Tumblr koala noses and fucking hairy legs on women and shit.

Don't forget fat and with brown skin.
Brown skin girls are semen demons tough



There are some people that actually buy into this shit joke


>that file name
In all honesty DmC devil may cry wasn't that bad it was just so edgy it was funny.

Wtf I hate Microsoft now

A blank case is more expensive than battleborn?

>1 controller = 2 dogs
>2 controllers = 5 dogs

but he's not a cosplayer

The fifth dog is to keep their skills sharp.

This looks pretty good.

That Yosuke kills me every time

Mads is Danish.

Their fashion sense is even worse than an American NEET.

no it's 100% CP, can't you read?

this is two hours late but i have it

Sephiroth looks like someone out of Afro Samurai
I'd play it

>Rot in hell furfag.
>Lucario will not be in Brawl and you know it.


Pro tip: posts like this make you look like a newfag, fresh from KiA trying desperately to fit in to how they imagine 4chsn would act.

Pleasantly surprised

Barrett kinda looks like a no more heroes boss


Bam Ham alone is enough to make me smirk.



This is pretty damn good. Not too keen on Black Cloud's hair feel like he'd look better with a different hairstyle. The rest are fucking great.

No idea why.

Cloud is definitely the worst one.





why are frogposters degenerates?


>DBZ made by Gearbox Software

