Full Synapsis
The game is played as 'Aloy' *(White Female)* with a really muscular build and no typical sexy female treats.
In fact, she would probably be considered a 6/10 in really life.
The story starts with a young Aloy who is living as an outcast along with her caretaker 'Rost' *(white male)*.
She is called "motherless" and as an outcast she and Rost are being constantly bullied by the other members of the tribe.
No one is allowed to talk to outcasts, besides other outcasts.
At one point in her childhood, Aloy finds a "Focus". A device attached to the ear that lets her do fancy stuff, like scanning machines and interact with ancient technology.
This focus is used in her childhood when you save a young Nora tribe member 'Tebb' *(white male)* from being rekt by robots.
There is one scene in which Aloy is bullied by a group of children. The group is led by a young boy named 'Bast' *(White male)* who throws a stone at her, giving her a scar for life.
The 'Nora' tribe they belong to is ruled by the strict hands of the 'matriarchs' who banished Rost for whatever reason (he never gets a backstory) and who act as leaders to the tribe.
All 3 of them are old females, while 1 of them is black. One of the matriarchs is a total bitch who hates all outcasts, and one acts as the nice mother who helps Aloy.
They pray to the "All-Mother".
Side note: All tribes have both white and black members, while the white ones still have darker skin than usual and would count more as latinos. Also, the hair color of blond does not exists in the game.