HEAVY SPOILERS *Why Horizon:Zero Dawn Is a SJW dream*

Full Synapsis

The game is played as 'Aloy' *(White Female)* with a really muscular build and no typical sexy female treats.
In fact, she would probably be considered a 6/10 in really life.

The story starts with a young Aloy who is living as an outcast along with her caretaker 'Rost' *(white male)*.
She is called "motherless" and as an outcast she and Rost are being constantly bullied by the other members of the tribe.
No one is allowed to talk to outcasts, besides other outcasts.
At one point in her childhood, Aloy finds a "Focus". A device attached to the ear that lets her do fancy stuff, like scanning machines and interact with ancient technology.
This focus is used in her childhood when you save a young Nora tribe member 'Tebb' *(white male)* from being rekt by robots.
There is one scene in which Aloy is bullied by a group of children. The group is led by a young boy named 'Bast' *(White male)* who throws a stone at her, giving her a scar for life.

The 'Nora' tribe they belong to is ruled by the strict hands of the 'matriarchs' who banished Rost for whatever reason (he never gets a backstory) and who act as leaders to the tribe.
All 3 of them are old females, while 1 of them is black. One of the matriarchs is a total bitch who hates all outcasts, and one acts as the nice mother who helps Aloy.
They pray to the "All-Mother".

Side note: All tribes have both white and black members, while the white ones still have darker skin than usual and would count more as latinos. Also, the hair color of blond does not exists in the game.

Other urls found in this thread:


Whenever a child turns old enough (think it was 18) they can run in the "Proving", which is designed to let the children show that they are worthy to the tribe.
Even outcasts are allowed to participate to become real members of the tribe.
Basically Rost prepared you for this proving your whole life, and gave you a life of hardship and strict leadershit so you will win it.

On the day of the proving your first quest is to get into the village, as the guards *(white males)* will not let you into the village where the proving is held.
When you finally make it to the "registration" it needs a matriarch to speak for you to let you participate.

You also meet people from the other tribes that are there to advertise their new 'sun king'. One of them , 'Olin' *(white male)* , also has one of these focuses.
Another one named 'Erend' *(white male)* who is a pretty cool dude but kind of rednecky and easy to anger. You can also learn about the "Red Raids" in which the old mad sun king 'Jiran' *(white male)* raided the other tribes to find blood sacrifices for his gods.

Side note: you also meet Tebb again, who quit being a warrior and is now designing clothes, gifting one to Aloy as well.


When you try to get into the hut where all the contestants are supposed to sleep in, before the proving, another guard 'Resh' *(white male)* is not letting you in, as he sees you as trash that should not run the proving.
However, with some dialog you get him to step aside. In the hut you meet the other contestants.
One of them is Bast, the guy who threw the stone at you and the anticipated champion of this years proving. He also hates you and insults you constantly.
The other one is 'Valla' *(black female)* who is super nice to you and answers your questions about the proving.
The rest of the random contestants just stick with Bast and do not get a name or face.

On the next day the proving starts and Bast does everything to make winning it impossible for you, like stealing your prey or sabotage your climbing path.
In the end the plot-no-jutsu still lets you win the proving.
However, unfortunately before you can get back to the village the contestants are ambushed and massacred by a raiding party led by some guy that we will later know as 'Helis' *(white male)*.
He was sent there by Olin, after he saw Aloy through his focus.

When Helis tries to kill Aloy, Rost jumps in and shoves her down a cliff so the explosion only kills him.
You get saved by the matriarchs and wake up in the holy mountain where normally no one is allowed to be. You see that the mountain consists of weird metal bunker shit and stuff.
There is also a huge door made of metal that for some reason recognizes you but does not open due to some technical problem.

le autistic long post so you can be in ebin screencap

>she would probably be considered a 6/10 in really life.
Stopped reading there

decent bait, I guess. good luck with the thread, op

no one gives a shit you autistic trumpelina

However, the matriarchs still think the goddess likes you, so they appoint you as "Seeker" which means, you are allowed to leave the village.

Unfortunately the previous hut-guard Resh is now the new "war chief", as the old was is out seeking the murderers, and of course he will not just let you out of the village, as he still hates you.
Luckily the village gets attacked by machines and Aloy can show her awesomeness to everyone and is finally allowed to leave.

Note: The following is technically a side quest, which I will cover in a bonus section - but it felt like it belongs to the main quest so I will cover it now.

At the big gate, guarding the mother land you meet up with 'Varl' *(black male)* the son of of the old , supposedly dead , warchief 'Sona' *(black female)* who tells you that his mother sent him back to the gates as he was injured.
He also asks you to find his mother, so thats what you will do now.

After some bandit slaying, you find his mother and reck so more bandit camps together with her and her surpreme leadership.

Now, as part of the main story you want to find Olin to give him justice, so you make your way to "Meridian", the area owned by the "Carja"-tribe and their leader the "new" sun king.
When you reach Meridian you are greeted by Erend, who has been heavily drinking, as he is now the captain of the vanguard after his sister 'Ersa' *(white female)*, former captain, was found dead.

In the city you now find clues about where Olin could be and find out that he only did all of this, because the main antagonist group called "The eclipse", kidnapped his family.

Note: The following is technically a side quest, which I will cover in a bonus section - but it felt like it belongs to the main quest so I will cover it now.


We will now help Erend to find out who killed is sister. During the course of the side quest, you see Erend becoming more and more depressed as it seems that Ersa is actually not dead, but may be alive after being captured in an ambush.
In the final scene you raid a bandit camp and find her being tortured by a nameless 'Torturer' *(white male)*.
She dies telling her brother to finally grow up. We also find out that she was originally captured by an Oseram (third tribe) traitor and wanted warlord called 'Dervahl' *(white male)*.

Dervahl also has explosives in Meridian as he hates the new sun king, so you hurry back to stop the explosions in the last second.
Also, Dervahl raids the palace (and the 300 male guards that normally guard it seem to be all sleeping) and you also have to save the new sun king.
He is by the way called 'Avad' *(white male)* and a really nice and open minded guy.

This ends the side quest, and we can go to find Olin again.

Olin is found in a valley where he is watching the unearthing of some evil machines, and you have to fight the eclipse and the machines before you can talk to him.
As you know that he only did all of this because his family is kidnapped, Aloy spares his life.

You also get contacted by an omnious voice through your focus for the first time who tells you where to go next.
This voice belongs to a person named 'Sylens' *(black male)* who is portraied by the guy from hotel in John Wick, but you rarely meet him in person.
He also seems suspiciously tech savvy and can hack other focuses and knows a lot about the eclipse in general.

The next parts of the main story are dedicated to finding out what happened to the old ones, the secret behind the machines and the true history.

The true story is the following:
Thousand years ago there was a company called "Faro Solutions", led by a guy named 'Ted Faro' *(white male)* and they were the world leaders in robotics and engineering.
Their pride was the design of self-sustaining high level robots.
At one point Ted Faro decided that he can make more money by designing military robots, so the company started producing those instead.
All those military robots came with a super high level AI the ability to self-replicate by converting bio matter into energy.
And of course they decided to go rogue and humans could no longer control them... this was named "The glitch".
So, when he realized he Fuck up, Ted invited one of his science leads back, which left when they started producing military robots.

The name of that person was 'Elisabet Sobeck' *(white female)*, who was specialised in "green robots", so those that where there to detoxify the air and the waters and stuff like this.
Unfortunately the robots where to powerful to stop, and it was obvious that all life on earth will die within 15 months, unstoppable.
So, humanity had only one plan to work with, which was called "Project Zero Dawn" while every not necessary human being was thrown against the robots to win as much time as possible, before all life on earth was devoured.

Project Zero dawn was based around building a super AI called 'GAIA' *(portraied as a black female)* , that is supposed to restard life automatically after everything was devoured.
This includes deactivating all the robots, and recultivating the earth so it holds life again, and finally releasing humans on the earth again, giving them the knowledge that they had before.

To realize this, GAIA was made the smartest AI ever, and got a lot of sub routines to help her doing all this.
The sub-routines were:
*AETHER* - clean the air
*APOLLO* - preserve human knowledge
*ARTEMIS* - recreate basic animals
*DEMETER* - recreate plants
*ELEUTHIA* - breed and recreate humans
*HADES* - Failsafe protocol
*HEPHAESTUS* - creating all the robots that GAIA would need in her task
*MINERVA* - shutting down the evil robots
*POSEIDON* - clean the waters

Not all of them are explained in detail, but at least 5 are in game and you learn about them and their creators.

'Patrick Brochard-Klein' *(White male)* , was responsible for ELEUTHIA, so the recreations of humans. You learn about him that he is gay, and he must have french origin, judging by the accent.
'Samina Ebadji' *(arab female in a hijab)* , was responsible for APOLLO, so the preservation of human knowledge, and how to make it usable to the children created by ELEUTHIA. Also, she was co-leader of the project, next to Elisabet Sobeck.
'Charles Ronson' *(black male)* was responsbile for ARTEMIS, so the recreation of animals.
'Margo Shen' *(asian female)* was responsible for HEPHAESTUS, so to construct the giant forges that will produce the robots.
'Travis Tate' *(white male)* was responsible for HADES, which I will explain in more detail below. Tate was a drug addicted hacker, that was really smart, but also really troublesome.

Lets look a bit at HADES. Hades was originally needed for the chance, that GAIA might fuck up her first attempts, so the earth needs another reset where everything gets destroyed.
This was HADES Job, afterwards GAIA could try again.

Alright, now when the earth was already wiped empty of life, the only remaining people where those I mentioned above, they lived in a bunker called GAIA prime, in their last years.
This also included Ted Faro, the founder of the deadly robots of doom.

And one point in the past, one of the doors to the bunker malfunctioned and did only close with a gap of 10mm (even though 1,5 mm is needed). This lead to an energy signature leaking out and could lead the robots to their secret bunker.
The door could only be fixed from the outside, and while everyone was arguing who should go outside, it was Elisabet Sobeck who was already outside, fixing the door and ultimately sacrificing herself for the others to survive.

Everyone got depressed because of that.

Ted Faro was the most affected by this, which led him to a point of insanity.
One day, the GAIA prime members had a meeting, in which they were contacted by Ted Faro, who told them that he does not want humans to keep the knowledge, so they dont repeat their mistakes, and that he completely destroyed APOLLO from the sub routines.
Using his master override, he vented out the air of the meeting room killing all the GAIA prime members.

However, GAIA still did her job and repopulated earth after thousand years, but as the humans did not have the knowledge of APOLLO, they evolved into primitive tribes again.

After learning all this, Aloy gets ambushed and captured by Helis, who wants to sacrifice her to his God (the sun).
With Sylens help, Aloy can flee though.

The next stop is the motherland again, to the door that was not opening in the beginning.
After fighting through an onslaught of robots and eclipse you finally reach the door. Luckily all the Matriarchs, the black war chief and her son are still alive, while all evil people are dead.
Behind the door you find one of the ELEUTHIA chambers, where you originally came from (thus motherless).
You also find a hologram of GAIA, who explains more of the story to you.

19 years ago, a strange signal was sent to teh GAIA network. This lead to HADES becoming self-aware and he wanted to use the GAIA network to destroy all life again.
GAIA could not let that happen, so she destroyed the main Hub at GAIA prime, to stop and annihilate HADES.
However, HADES survived and used a virus to make the other sub routines self aware as well, and destroy GAIA in the process.
HADES has the voice of a male by the way :)
In her last seconds, GAIA created a clone of Elisabet Sobeck, in the hope that she will be able to rebuild GAIA completely after Hades was destroyed.

Who would have guessed that this clone is Aloy. No one... except... everyone.

HADES ultimate goal is still to delete life on earth, so he wants to broadcast a signal throughout the world, that will wake up all the biomass eating death killers again.

In a pretty epic final battle, in which Aloy first kills the evil Helis, HADES gets destroyed in the end and Aloy is able to send a counter signal, deactivating all the evil robots again.
The final battle is fought together with Varl, Sona and Erend.

30 minutes of credits.

BONUS: Side Quests

In one side quest, we are asked by the leader of an Oseram settlement 'Petra' *(white female)*, to get her some stuff from a nearby junkyard.
This makes bandits attack the village. Luckily she is super smart and built some kind of artillery mass-grenade launcher that you can use to kill all the bandits.
The second part of the quest starts with a random underling *(white mal)* being to cowardly to do his job, and protect a caravan and you should find the caravan.

Another quest evolves around a father asking you to find a doctor for his daughter. Said doctor *(white male)* does not give a shit about childres lifes though and you have to bring him valuable stuff first, while he constantly insults you.

Another one is started by a woman named 'Vanasha' *(black female)* who wants us to first save a guy named 'Uthid' *(white male)* , who has been falsely accused of treason by the current leading priest of the sun, Bahala *(white male)*.
After saving him and killing Bahala. The second part of the quest revolves around saving a child and his mother from the cludges of the eclipse and bring them to the new sun king.

My favorite one revolves around the "Hunter lodge", a group of people who get their thrills out of hunting the most dangerous machines.
You first have to do some pre-quests or else the Guard *(white male)* whill not let you in at all.
Inside you have to ask the current "sun hawk"'Ahsis' *(white male)* to allow you to join. Unfortunately he is a huge piece of shit, and you have to threaten legal actions until he lets you find a mentor.
Luckily you find that mentor in the person of 'Alanah' *(black female)*.
After some more questing, you want to hunt the biggest and baddest machine called "Redmaw". However, Ahsis doesnt want you to do that before him, so he sends mercenaries to attack you.
Later he gets killed by Redmaw, while Aloy and Talanah slay the beast, and Talanah becomes the new sunhawk (first woman to do so ever).

Another one revolves of a daughter *(white female)* that fled from her supposedly evil father *(white male)* and the father asks you to find her.
During the quest you find out that she had a hidden relationship ongoing with another tribesmember *(black male)*.
However, this guy gets tortured and killed by the Eclipse (all males).
In the end the father and daughter are sad together, and the father apologizes for everything.

Also, there is this quest in which a woman *(black female)* asks you to find out who steals her fruits. It turns out to be a mad savage guy living in the wilds *(white male)*

Next one ist about a guy *(white male)* who asks you to get him some supplies that he cannot reach. When you reach the spot, you get ambushed by him and other bandits, as they want to steal your stuff.

>muh autism

Have a nice day friends!

People are really upset about the truth, huh?

Thanks for the info OP. Anyone who complimented this game can kindly fuck off. What absolute garbage.

Agreed, she is a 4 at the most because she looks like a fucking dude.

>The game is played as 'Aloy' *(White Female)* with a really muscular build and no typical sexy female treats.
except the tummy and hip sway

Why is she so fucking ugly?

Also tl;dr.

Yes, that's very nice, user. Now just screencap yourself and be on your way.

You are at best making a case that this could be misconstrued to be a feminist game. There is no speaking down to other ideologies. There is in fact the opposite. You missed the part where the Nora (the matriarchs) were looked down upon by almost everyone else for being too primitive and retarded compared to everyone else.

How feminist is that?



looks like a not SJW dream


this isnt autism, its insanity

>anyone who criticized SJWs is a Nazi

Really. How often do you find yourself defending SJWs?

is this a post-ironic post?

>evil white men destroy world
>it's saved by women, blacks and Muslims

This game must have been made by a tumor extracted from Hilary Clinton's brain.

Amazing pasta OP. Saved.


You are fucking mental. Get help.

aww hurt little cuckold


Serious question, what do you actually DO in this game? I hear about how nice it looks but I honestly have no idea if I should play it. Gameplay looks shallow and repetitive.

That sounds pretty fucking interesting. I like games that have a nice set up.
Thanks for the synapsis OP, I'll check it out after finishing Persona.

that would actually be a cute boy if they gave him a proper haircut

>The game is played as 'Aloy' *(White Female)* with a really muscular build and no typical sexy female treats.
>In fact, she would probably be considered a 6/

She's not white.

Nothing you say makes any sense. You are a lunatic rambling on the internet

Well you run around in assassins creed style and fight huge robots and small bandits.
There are side quests, and collectables.

Its a fun game for sure!




watch some fights on youtube because nothing will convince you here.

The absolute STATE of Sup Forums right now

>its an american '''white''' person tells everyone what white is and isnt
love this one tbqh


so you are proving him right?

No one cares. Observe my 5.


I skimmed through your ramblings, OP. It looks like the none of the ideas or messages presented by the game are feminist or progressive in nature. You just think it's a SJW game because all the good characters are diverse and all the evil characters are white males.

So you just BTFO Sony, Guerrilla, a bunch of SJW journos and +50M sonnyggers in a single thread.



is this proving that white people are the biggest cucks?

isnt that the typical SJW thought though?



men confirmed for cucks

Holy fuck, what is this autistic shit?

Game's great, and there are barely any SJW elements in it unlike DA: Cisquisition and Mass Effect: Fagdromeda.

бляяяяяяяяяяяяя cyкa


are those dreads? reeeee only black people can have dreads. Its cultural appropriation!

Maybe, but OP didn't need to give a detailed synopsis just to tell us that.


>more detail here than a panoramic of Breath of the Wild's landscape

I can't play action games with female characters. It completely ruins the immersion for me

If one were to remove every detail about the people who did the stuff, it's at least a kind of interesting take on a solution to self learning robot apocalypse. I assume there's some sort of explanation as to why the MINERVA AI couldn't just be used to shut down the death bots when it was originally made.

The HADES failsafe sounds kind of retarded, and what the plot does with those sounds pretty stupid, but hey, it's something.

>Canada at the bottom


I wonder if you played the original metroid and didnt knew about the twist you would kys

>australia is for niggers

>Play a game
>Think it's pretty good
>See a thread about it on Sup Forums

Can we go back to just anons shitting on games that haven't even played?


To be fair it is pretty SJW at times
>The person in charge of Apollo project aka preserving culture is a muslim woman

tl;dr, but I read a thread the other day where a guy made the point of "making female characters look ugly to females to tap into that demographic".
Actually made more sense then our usual "sjw's want females to look ugly" theory.
Its all about making female characters look average to female players, while still look somewhat attractive to the males. I feel like thats what they were going for with Aloy.

And a lot of the other leaders for the other projects are white. What's your point?


Who? Cause those that got detailed backstories were

>Lesbian chink in charge of the design
>Muslim woman in charge of Apollo
>Black edgy in charge of Hades

Who were the other white leaders?

Why are you focusing so much on the race of the characters, OP? Are you some kind of racist?

Sure, but that doesn't stop the game from being a fun romp around a world filled with robot dinosaurs just because one character is a brown lady instead of a white dude.

>two islands of japan are for nigger

Oh sure. I had fun in the game but sometimes the game can be pretty SJW. That was my point.

OP has actually named all the Leaders ...
1 Black
1 Asian
1 Arab
4 Whites
One is a drug addict
One is gay
One is the female protagonist
One is a mass murdering psycho


I remember it and it makes sense.
I must be a woman then because Aloy is not pretty.

Except the whites were kept in the background. Guess who are the leaders that got projections telling you what they did in game instead of making you dig through the logs? Why do you think I didn't play the same game you did.

I didnt say they succeeded with Aloy.
There are obviously a bunch of guys who think shes hot, for me its a 5/10 at max. She has the face of a 14 yo boy.

I think the problem these days is that we're told to draw attention to it.

There could've been an action game for the PS1 that had Black and Asian ladies or dudes as playable characters and nobody battered an eye except actual racists I suppose.


>Top search for Alska is alaska

Why did that made me laugh

>In charge of preserving culture

Yeah. Observing that fact makes you a racist, is observing the fact that muslim countries are backwards as fuck and Islam is a backwards as fuck religion also racist?

That is like asking a pedophile to be in charge of a kindergarten


At the end of it all, the one thing that bothered me the most out of everything was that I didn't care about the characters.

They were all pretty boring both in their lines and the voice acting. Lance Reddick had a fantastic voice but he had no personality. I understand that outside of Reddick it was a bunch of tribal idiots but it still bothered me that they were tribal - they were obnoxiously primitive. Even the assholes who liked gladiator blood-sport were fucking tame.

I just came off Nier then did H:ZD. There were aspects of Nier's story that you could love: the fate of humanity, the post-apocalyptic world, the characters, the plot, it was pretty deep. H:ZD felt fucking bland; the fact that humanity's survival was derailed entirely by the asshole who started the problem just irked me much too hard. Not to mention we had no real motivation until around 10 hours in when they gave us a plot dump of massive proportions. But until 10 hours in I just did not give a fuck about Aloy or anybody else; the whole time I understood there was a mystery to be unraveled but I wasn't given any reason to care. And after we were given a reason to care, I found myself still not giving a shit.

I mean, it's like they failed the first rule of storytelling. GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO. I really felt like "overcoming the prejudice held against you for no fucking reason" was a terrible motivation for this girl. Like, was there ANY reason to have her and her dad thrown out of society? Couldn't we learn about the strict law and teenager-test without being outcasts?

Game was great and beautiful with the worst goddamn writing ever. It was like Avatar - technically amazing, shallow as fuck.

>is observing the fact that muslim countries are backwards as fuck and Islam is a backwards as fuck religion also racist?
>Yeah. Observing that fact makes you a racist
It kinda is, because you're assuming just because she's a Muslim she's also an extremist that hates everyone else's culture and is doing what she can to destroy it, which as far as I can remember in HZD, isn't the case with that character.


No I assume because she is a muslim, she is going to have some backwards ass beliefs especially since she is from Iran and wears a fucking hijab.