ITT: Subtle Vidya Clothing

ITT: Subtle Vidya Clothing

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Still mad I can't get this fucking shirt





People will just think it's a penguin hat.

Is this shit actually official? It looks like something you'd see at a mall kiosk that sells meme t-shirts and bootleg pop culture merch.

So subtle I'd merely look at them and think they were a douche instead of thinking they were a douche that plays Disgaea.

isn't this puke-chans shirt

That's missing some commas.

Would wear.









I don't even mind the logo but leather jackets look so fucking gay.

WTF where is that guys head???


>save $2 by getting 2 for $10 (plus $1 shipping per hat)



That's how they get you.

Wath gaem?

Who owned the trade mark for "video games"?

This would actually be almost cool if Fallout didn't went to shit.
Maybe would wear if Bethesda never bought IP from Interplay.

if you look gay in a leather jacket you probably look gay without it too

Fuck you I like the new fallouts better


vinny diogami, inventor of the video game

but then we'd never get new vegas

Fuck YOU I like the old Fallouts better.

No wonder nu/v/ is shit, let's argue about it....

It wouldn't make sense if Bioware never did Fallout 3 because the combat system didn't look like that in the previous games and there was no VATS.




>rape shirt


I dont care if you enjoy the old stuff more but dont act like your taste is superior.



I love this shirt but I could never wear it without people thinking it was a rape shirt.



We would....eventually, somehow Cain & Sawyer would get a hold of it in some way(as they did)
That IP would be better dormant for couple of years more than turned into COD/Minecraft(funniest part is, fucking Bethesda sued Notch for stealing ideas),even some Kickstarter rpg in parralel universe by Obsidian would be better.

>not even using "bird" instead of "angry" so it's closer to the original title and now there's an unnecessary syllable.

Why am I so pissed, how the fuck do you mess up this easy.

how is that suble?
communism doesn't work.

>angry birds written on the bottom just to secure the copyright
that's what pushes this one into greatness

try hard


Who the fuck cares about taste of one individual, new ones didn't evolve properly, you have shipload of fps in postapoc


I used to wear it years ago. Now I just wear as a party shirt at times when people come over to drink.

But yeah I bet nowadays someone would start giving you shit for it being a rape shirt.


get out


But then I'll see 404 girl :(

alright, user, gold star for you, I got a smirk out of that.


thats sexist

well... you got me there


Because Sesame Street.

This is what I've been wearing lately, I'm afraid it might be too subtle.

Nice crenelated thigh-highs, DORK.


Literally everyone looks like a faggot with a leather jacket.


That would probably look alright if you're a grill that is

>five different fonts



I actually don't hate that. I'd never wear it, but Zombie Simpsons aside, it's slightly funny.

Now this looks like some shit your aunt got you in Cancun.


Would wear.









Is that actually a thing?

Who's grover

I love Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and I hate this shirt.

It's like Piston Honda's dialogue in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
A bunch of random inane shit from the thing he's from that mean nothing when strung together like that.

It's a shirt designed for Japanese people, who buy stuff with English characters on it because it's cool. Obviously it looks stupid if you speak English.

It just looks like an ironic meme shirt.

Who's a grover




What's Grover



Who the fuck is Grover?

I am, what do you want faggot?