>tfw when 10days user got banned for excessive shitposting
I don't even like Bloodborne that much and that's hilarious.
Now that we can have a thread without his autism, what are some actual shortcomings of Bloodborne?
>inb4 there are none it's perfect
Tfw when 10days user got banned for excessive shitposting
Other urls found in this thread:
has anyone bothered to add him on psn yet
>10days user
FINALLY!!! I'm so glad that fucker got banned. He was miles worse than FFXV-kun or Barney-fag ever were. He derailed literally every BB/DS thread.
Blood vials not replenishing on completion of successful coop or pvp
Though I beat his ass on my second try, I feel that Gascoigne is too intense a casual filter unless you've already embraced the "fuck honor I'm doing what works" approach that Dark Souls teaches you.
some faggot kept posting for months how he platinumed BB in 10 days while summoning for every boss and that somehow meant that game was bad
don't worry, somebody will emulate him
>tfw he's asleep
Based mods
He can be a bitch, especially early on. It sounds like you're talking about cheesing him though, I didn't know there was a cheese for him.
Wait really? Fucking great news, i hated that faglord
>I didn't know there was a cheese for him.
If you can't into dodging and parrying just stand behind tree and spin to win with axe.
Playing this for the first time now. After DS2&3, I really enjoy how far the lamp posts/"bonfires" are apart of each other. In DS2&3, it felt like they were around every other corner.
Maybe they're not that far inbetween in BB either, but so far I've only seen one, while exploring quite a bit.
I wish I hadn't already beaten him on my latest run, I want to try it out
Real talk, it is the easiest soulsborne game.
I solo platinum'd it in a week, no big deal, since it's the easiest From game. Although I had that week off because it was winter holiday season.
No, DS2 is.
He has so many attacks that can be safely parried that you can just repeatedly shoot him with the shotty and he'll eventually get crumpled. this applies to his second phase as well. In fact if you're lucky your entire fight against him will be riposting him and he can't do shit.
My least favorite things about BB:
>can't rest at lamps
>beginning of the game is very limiting in terms of build variety
>no respecs
>one shot grab attacks
I would say that honor goes to DeS just because how easy it is to make a build that one-shots bosses.
gascoign felt like a vergil fight for me. We used the same equipment and I had practiced my dodging with executioners and warewolfs before I even got close to his fog door. His fight was probably my favorite fight of any souls game, dodging his swipes and shotgun blasts to counter with my own felt so fucking good.
Why is every dungot had to mention platinum? Most players had it, not a big deal, you dumb shit
When I saw how he fought, and then he transformed into a werewolf, I thought how awesome it would be if the player could do that. When I found beast blood pellets, and read their description, I got my hopes up that filling the meter would make you transform into a beast. I was disappointed.
yeah, if you use the beast claws you can kind of feel like a beast but its just not the same
My main issue with Bloodborne is the multiplayer/PvP the core thing of fighting another player is excellent and there is tons to learn but connecting to another player is absolute dogshit.
You're one of them too, you know.
>Most players had it, not a big deal
Not him but BB plat is 7%
That's significantly higher than most games I feel. Probably because BB has a reward for getting plat
This disappointment happened to me too.
They ought to make a game revolving around transforming into all kinds of humanoids/beasts. Knowing the souls/bloodborne games, it'd actually be tasteful and cool.
whats the reward? never platnumed ot because fuck chalice dungeons
You can tell they wanted to do something like that with both ToH transformations. Honestly wish they had another year of dev time.
unique theme for the ps4 menu
Home menu theme.
>tfw didn't get the theme after platinum
ok cool, definitely not worth it. If it was an in game item or weapon that would be another story though.
They should've emailed you the code, you need to redeem it at the store.
>definitely not worth it
It's an achievement of its own.
What the fuck would you do with an in-game reward after you've already done everything possible to do in the game?
There's a PS+ exclusive theme. Is it the same thing, or actually something unique?
wrong, DaS2 is. The game is quite literally a response to all the whiners in DaS. Most bosses are a complete joke, bonfires up the ass earlierst OP builds.
The frame rate
The exclusivity
The frame rate
The Chalice Dungeon repetition
The frame rate
The frame rate
the free ds3 theme is all I need, or the PS anniversary theme. an in game item is enough of an excuse for another playthrough for me
There's not enough Lovecraftian horror in the game.
Unique, I believe.
You mean at the email the PSN account is registered to right?
the DLC should have added atleast one additional Tileset to the Chalice Dungeons.
after some years, they have become my favourite part of the game.
It's worth mentioning the load times at launch. What a fucking mess.
What else?
>He derailed literally every BB/DS thread.
>some faggot kept posting for months
So in all that time threadgoers just couldn't learn to ignore him?
>after some years
Have you found Guidance III yet?
>So in all that time threadgoers just couldn't learn to ignore him?
Where do you think you are?
Just making sure, because I'm this fag and I'm new to the PS4 in general.
we're talking about nu/v/ and nu/vg/ here, its literally impossible for them to ignore bait posts or threads and im pretty sure most of them dont realise you can sage threads to prevent them from gettting bumped.
I haven't been playing it intensively for a while, but every few days I feel like starting the old ps4 again and doing at least one level of a chalice dungeon.
It's the one part of the game that kept my attention since launch. Could have more variety though.
Nope, checked just to be sure.
doll >>>>>>> 3DPD corpse
it would have been a bit better if the homeward bone item had let you return to the hunter's dream directly, saving a loading screen
I disagree with the notion that getting all the trophies means you've done everything to do in the game
It would've been better to not have some dumb slut I had to walk to everytime. Why did they repeat this over and over?
>at launch
Why bother when it was fixed few days later, 2 years ago?
Wait he summoed for every boss and it still took him 10 days? Unless i remember it wrong it should be way shorter than that if he actually summoned
it's a tradition that from can't let go of, in spite of already forsaking it and it obviously being better in the one game that doesn't have a level up maiden
Because some people played it at launch.
Not something I'd criticize the game for at this point, but I feel it's worth mentioning.
>Redditors making passive aggressive as fuck false flagging shitpost threads then flagging everyone and making a thread to circlejerk how they tricked on janitor into banning some fag
> what are some actual shortcomings of Bloodborne?
bloodgem system
how invasions works
a couple bosses are a bit on the easy side
game has fairly linear level design (something I let it get away with honestly, since it's much more action oriented than souls game isn't level design doesn't really need to be as intricate)
linear world design which is an actual problem because of the small amount of weapons, builds that use bloodtinge/arc are particularly hurt by this
a couple weapons that lack moveset options like boom hammer and tontritus are really boring
RPG elements that carried over from souls games that really don't feel like they need to be there
I think I got them all, now everyone else can just talk about the poistives
I feel like it was a bit longer than just a few days.
Online was a total pain, I couldn't reliably co-op or PvP. Turned me off of the online aspects pretty hard, even though the connection is better now.
SL1 run equivalent is the absolute hardest in the entire series though, bar none
I platinumed this game in a fortnight.
>most of them dont realise you can sage threads to prevent them from gettting bumped.
>talks about nu/v/
>doesn't realize sage does nothing
nigga you're nu
If the trophies are well made than its literally the case. If you've done everything or not upon getting the last trophy, solely depends on how the trophies are structured.
I've done sl1 dark souls runs, I've beaten dark souls 2 without dying or resting at a bonfire, and I've nearly beaten dark souls 3 at sl1.
I have never attempted a bl4 run of bloodborne, and I don't think I ever will.
sage doesnt work only because even if you sage some retard will come along and take the bait soon after
three actual shortcomings:
- byrgenwerth area is too small, you can finish it within 10 minutes after stumbling around in the woods for hours
- unseen village yahargul feels like a rehash of central yharnam
- the mandatory bosses after shadows of yharnam are a joke and you can go in without any strategy and less than 10 blood vials and still win the fight
I've done pretty much the same, did DeS SL1, DaS SL1 with no magic shields buffs parrying all bosses, DaS2 SL1, and DaS3 SL1. I tried BB BL4 thinking it wouldn't be too bad, got stuck on yarn-ham triplets and never looked back on that save file.
again, I disagree. With Bloodborne, you can get every trophy and only ever use one weapon. There's more to do even if you've gotten everything the game will acknowledge. In spite of that, I don't think there should be a trophy for using every weapon.
t. 10days user
Gascoigne is fantastic because its basically a tutorial on how to play the game. Its where you learn how to effectively dodge, when to heal and how to manage stamina. Its a perfect 'no, this actually isn't Dark Souls' after the Taurus Demon callback that was Cleric Beast.
I love how Byrgenwerth still has two shortcuts ten seconds away from both each other and the bonlamp.
It'll probably be said a million times, but the blood vial system doesn't work very well.
The shitty players will constantly be running out and the good players will have way too many.
Healing is an important part of the game and areas should be balanced around how much a player can heal. I don't really like the estus system either since you can kindle up to 20 of the damn things relatively early in the game.
It's a lot harder to balance areas around a single set amount of healing items which is probably why they keep them variable in most souls games, I honestly don't have a solution for this but it is something they could work on.
How was cleric beast a Taurus demon callback?
the thing about kindling estus was that it cost a valuable resource (before everyone just farmed humanity) and from that sense I like the kindling system. I do like the estus shard system as well though.
Not that user but he does appear in kind of the same way, and on a narrow-boxed-in arena.
Also obligatory youtu.be
I mean, that's kind of self defeating isn't it? You could rat farm in the depths and get insane amounts of humanity. Hard to call it valuable after that. I mean I could get behind it if people were using some sort of exploit to get it, but that shit's just right there in the game.
Oh right, Ok. I guess I was thinking he meant that the cleric beast made the player feel like this game was a dark souls re-skin because of the mechanics of the fight, but then you fight gascoigne and learn that's not true. But that's my dumb overthinking brain
It's a weirdly designed area. The enemy variety is also extremely low, there's the big celestial spider thing and the mutated flies (and one sucker, but he's not exclusive to the area). Inside the building there's a way to the basement, but it's locked. They could've let us explore giant cave systems, something that's not in the main game. I feel it's an underused area. Also if you struggled with the Shadows you likely will have used up all your blood vials and the area is shit for farming so for the first time in the game you will have to grind.
they went a little overboard on the cloth physics for some bosses. Amelia was a little annoying with her "return the slab" toilet paper flailing all over the screen.
Humanity is never limited in DS1
People really overstate that point
But, I don't think the game really teaches you to do that. farming humanity is something you do after you already know the game, so I don't think the game is really hurt by it. having access to 99 full heals is not something an experienced player even cares about because they're good enough to stay alive with just the estus.
isn't it the same in the DLC? The living failures and the Lady Maria lamps?
>mutated flies
I think those are actual kin, not mutated humans.
about fucking time it took the mods months to ban one person
>literally NEVER EVER 60fps because Fromsoft are incapable of programming a game engine, the PS4 is a joke, PS4 Pro dev support is a joke and PS4 emulation may never even happen
It's too easy, the art style is 2edgy, the lack of combat variety sucks but it'd at leaset be more fuin if it wasn't locked at cinematic 24fps
No mayor shortcomings
It's the best soulsborne game by far
If I had to complain it would be that bywrether or whatever the fuck its called is way too small
Chalice dungeons are awesome but it takes too much effort to make them so
Parrying is too strong
That's about it tho
I know, but I don't advertising it anywhere. Not a big deal getting it in 1-2 weeks for exp players
Fuck you, the edgy right in the middle.
I don't want to get into "hur dur not me" territory, but when I play dark souls for the first time I figured out pretty quickly that rats drop humanity. I could have just gotten lucky with the drops to assume that, but another problem is that you only need to spend 2-3 humanity on a bonfire before it gives 20 estus for the rest of the game. Maybe a way they could solve it is by having the increased estus from the fire only persist through a limited amount of deaths? I don't know.
how is the art style edgy? It's victorian horror
I can imagine the Byrgenwerth we actually got was a miniature version of what they planned or hoped to have it be.
You can probably imagine the following, except expanded to be a dungeon: An area starting from the backyard of the university, going around the outside, a glimpse of the moon and ocean, finally getting inside, making your way to the third floor (after seeing the locked door), fight an insect boss?, then a glorious scenery shot of the ocean and moon as your reward.
It's a shame since Byrgenwerth is supposed to be so important to the lore
That I and possibly hundreds of thousands of other people will never play it.
No, Master Willem was doing experiments with them, granted them eyes. I think it's an analogy to Rom, who was human once before as well.