Nier Automata
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>Dicking around in the desert, trying to find that one weapon just lying around
>pass by a nearby dune, suddenly camera is wrested from my control to point to the top of the dune
>cresting over the ridge is over a dozen of these bastards, all screaming and charging straight for me
Ending E is the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced in a video game
androds are fukcin gay
I'm so glad A2 was there at the end. For a second there I thought it was just 2B and 9S that got saved.
>yfw you're handing in a quest and the creepy music starts
I wasn't the only one who killed that one fuck after the treasure hunt quest, right?
I can' believe Taro put in a fucking serious sam reference
I shot him up, but stopped short of killing him.
Really fucking wanted to, though.
What does Sup Forums think of this review? youtube.com
There's a weapon in the desert?
Yup, a spear if I remember correctly. It's a drop on the ground somewhere around the center of the desert. and I'm pretty sure it was guarded by tanks.
haw haw haw
whats the most optimal build?
So epic bro amirite XD
Jus liek Undertale, my personel fav :D
Did Sup Forums kill or wipe Pascal? I killed her desu
you need the scanner, I can't imagine how the long the guy who found it the first time was combing the entire desert
I too opted to kill though.
I chose to wipe his memory, but after seeing him back in the village and calling the machine parts junk and selling them maybe it would have been better off dead
>just keep playing the game only REALLY starts on your third playthrough of an open world rpg!!
>please our game is good believe us!!1!1!!
Now that I think of it, this is Sup Forums's Undertale.
>really overrated
>multiple playthroughs required
>Undertale is loved on Tumblr and hated on Sup Forums, Nier is loved by Sup Forums and hated by Tumblr
>shitty 'this could only work as a video game endings
>the MC's real nane is revealed at the end for an ebir tweest Xd
>joke character turns out to be the edgy final boss
>easy bullet hell sequences
>bad graphics
>shooting at the end credits
>le feels slowly revealing text segments
>"don't give up XD!!!!1!
>gender-fluid characters (Frisk and Pascal)
>humans are soooo bad message
>low budget
>quirky creator
>spiritual successor to another game
>some RPG elements, but not enough to actually matter
>sad ending
>lots of grinding required for true ending (ending Y)
>awkward dialogue
>quirky shopkeeper (Emil and Tem)
>pretty good music
>both deal with themes of existentialism
>no hard bossfights (except Ness and Emil)
>both have emphasis on flowers
The similarities are astounding
The scene back at the village is one of the most generally disheartening scenes I've ever seen
I thought about that but I think that Automata nailed every aspect I didn't like about Undertale
Also I think Undertale was inspired heavily by the original Nier
>implying they didn't have it coming
>have it coming
>have it coming
>have it coming
I felt that he deserved another chance even if he didn't think so at the time.
Neither, I left. I still don't know if what I did was right.
Why do you even bother? It's always immediately apparent when someone did not play the game. No amount of thread lurking is going to make you more convincing
First time I killed. Taro tricked me into believing Pascal was a real human bean.
Replayed a second time and I wiped so I could get machine head boxing gloves.
Mamma mia! Thats a nice pasta.
I just started playing Drakengard, why do you sick fucks like it so much? The gameplay is fucking awful?
And I just left him. Nobody gets to have an easy way out of their bullshit.
People warned you about the shit gameplay, they keep saying that it's only good for the story.
If you had asked in any thread you would have been told that the gameplay is awful and most people would have advised against playing it.
I bought it on a whim for $2 at Goodwill because I knew it was worth $30 online. Should I just grin and bear it and finish it, or just sell it for a profit?
Who would pay $30 when it emulates perfectly fine?
No clue, video game collectors I guess.
Glad to see muslims are represented in Nier automata.
>not murder the murder of murder
>kill of murder the kick in the face
Seriously murder the murder murder. Murder goodwill and stab again.
>after park boss become overleveled more and more just by doing all the side quest and farming some chips
>beat red belt at level 33
>takes forever but still satisfying
>kill 21O accidentally after 20 seconds
>miss all the dialogue
>my strength is my only weakness
It was decent game but it needed way more character interaction for me. I always wished there was more small talk and felt like the mailing system was lacking. They could have made a whole VN thing about talking with the operatores via correspondence but they didn't. You get two missions and every few hours a status update.
All the 9S suffering just blew past me especially with the whole A2 MISUNDERSTANDING drama cliche that is way too old to work and just annoying.
Emil got to me the most and I didn't even play the original Nier.
I understand that I'm playing androids in a desolate world but at the same time you can't expect me to become that deeply affected to characters that are emotionally lacking. In my mind I already had the image of androids = machines so the robots imitating human behaviour was only suprising to the characters in the game.
Same with the whole obvious 'Glory to mankind' twist which everyone and their mother saw coming.
Game is still good and OST amazing but the story not so much. I think people are just that desperate to get something else that they fail to see that at the end you still choose between two endings which only impact the last five minutes of the game.
Amusement Park and Fanatic Factory had great atmosphere but atmosphere =/= story.
I don't get it, where did 2B come from?
She can be one of the clones in the tower.
Dude what a fucking madman
I don't know why, but I find the image of Taro playing Serious Sam hilarious.
Same, welcome to being human pascal. Hope your next pass is easier, but learn to enjoy your pain.
is this reviewer legit
or just a gushing weeaboo
The game left a huge mark on him. He sounds too much fanboy, but after playing it im like him.
I am convinced this is a parody video and the creator is laughing at the people who praise it.
>tfw really dislike one shot mechanics
>picked hard and too autistic to change it
>i'm willingly ruining my experience
People who like a video game this much shoudn't be allowed to review it.
>you cant review things you like!
So Sup Forums?
I was under the impression the pods had spent years looking for all the bits and pieces of the androids and were putting them back together. 2B didn't explode or anything if i'm remembering right so they probably just went over the area with a fine tooth comb.
there's too much negativity surrounding video games on the internet, I'd like more people who talk about things they like
>this shitty copypasta
Go eat a mackeral
>praises the fact the the world is tiny because so many different things happen in the same area and make it feel like a play and feel familiar and connected with the environment
>example being the first bit of city where you fight engels in the bullet hell part, then there's the wreckage of the other one you can talk to, and it's also the area where Yorha androids get infected for the first time
>this is all elaborate praise for reusing the same area a bunch
This us a fucking stretch even for me and I'm a huge taro fag
What happens if I refuse to reset their memories in The Wandering Couple? Will I not get the reward?
>find the robot taking care of wounded animals in the forest castle
>he stops fighting and begs me to spare the animals
>accidentally press the dialogue option to kill them all
How do I deal with these feels?
On the upside you avoided the most bullshit fight in the entire game.
When does this game start being good?
So far it's empty, lifeless filled with generic boring enemies and the combat is a boring repetitive mess.
The prologue was promising everything after so far is just bleh, I have to force myself to continue.
Then stop playing dummy.
You forgot the boring repetitive combat.
I can't believe I paid 60 bucks for this
If you're playing it for the combat, go play something else.
then for what am I supposed to play this game? The empty lifeless world? The generic boring enemies? Surely you don't mean for the sparse plot.
>And here, we have a machine that converted to an old world religion called... "Islam".
If you need explosions every 5 meters to keep your attention, this isn't the game for you.
You know you can quick dodge through their explosions if you time it right, right? And if you pull them correctly, you can use them to destroy other enemies.
Stack these HP chips. You get the benefits of hard mode without the one shots and you're not cheating, it's a strategy.
I'm kinda glad we got Gestalt. Baby nier looks fucking dumb desu
I started the original Nier and boy
You guys weren't kidding when you said the combat was jank.
Also it's giving me slight motion sickness for some reason, Automata never gave me an issue. Is it the camera?
It's controls + camera
>It's a drop on the ground
it's buired, you need to use the scanner to find it
He was right though, exiling someone just for being a dyslexic is disgusting.
>kill 21O accidentally after 20 seconds
Why didn't you just wait? It's not like she's a threat.
It was a great fight but I don't like how they tried to portray the animal loving machine in a negative light at the end.
That's the dumbest shit anyone ever said about anything.
If you don't have anything to add but fucking fanboy excuses kys little nigger.
>mfw I accidentally found it yesterday while doing Heritage of the Past
Kinda expected more for the most imbalanced weapon of the first game, should've been found sealed under twenty locks as a weapon deemed too dangerous for this world.
I never had a problem, found it pretty comfy instead. Btw you can adjust the camera a lot in the first game too.
So there is no middle ground just empty lifeless worlds and explosions every 5 meters, gotcha.
why don't you rather explain what makes the game worth playing, so far there is a whole bunch of absolutely nothing.
I think it just puts the quest on hold.
What makes you think we want to bother with explaining shit to a person like you?
I'm totally fine with you not enjoying this game.
After I return the copy my friend lended me I'll be sure to pirate the game to spite you
But I'm not retarded so I don't think a pirated copy will damage sales.
Enjoy wasting your bandwidth for no sane reason.
I don't understand these complaints, the story goes so fast it's possible to finish the first 2 routes in less than 4 hours, and after that the next routes become a rollercoaster of plot, how could you possibly get bored by it? Even if you don't like running around the side quests more than make up for it once you unlock fast travel
What is a person like me exactly? A sane consumer?
I'm not even bashing the game I stated obvious facts about the immense shortcomings I encountered in the game so far and all you little ultra nigger do is talk shit and dumbass fanboy excuses.
Again KYS.
What said, nobody cares. Well except for you, you are evidently quite mad. Game already sold over a million, which for a Taro game is huge, stay mad.
Somebody should cross this with Serious Sam Kamikazes
I just finished the white haired faggot in the desert and am already bored to the bone again.
I just don't know how many chances I can give a game that's so utterly overrated in my eyes.
This. Not my job to enable people to run away.
4 hours in and there is absolutely nothing resembling any plot whatsoever, it's the worst paced game I touched in a long time and I loved Dragon's Dogma.
Yoko Taro actually really wants to play Undertale but its not translated
>you haven't played it
Greater shared trait imo
Take your meds.
Feel like uninstalling, nothing happening whatsoever. Truly a game for pseudo nu-gamers.
So basically the game is shit and all you fuckups do is fap over toobee's ass.
Fucking overrated pos of a game.
After 30h I just started route c. Fuck.
Route C broke me, Taro's wild ride, too wild
hurry up then.
I want as few people to play this game as possible so it can be my private gem
youtube videos are inherently tl;dr
I can reader faster than these idiots can talk so just type it up
Then don't play it?
I don't see why you're wasting your time other than to appease/ antagonize strangers on the internet