Sequel when?
Sequel when?
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What else could they do with the characters?
Switch port when?
It's Dana's second game and so far things only got better.
Full bar management alongside another VN story could be a pretty cool idea. Are the devs even out of Venezuela yet?
Is it possible to run this on a pi?
Don't know. Hope they're allright thoough.
When we get them out of Venezuela. know what? I'd play that.
They're pretty much done with the Vita port so yeah, it could happen. Probably won't but it could.
To where though? America and Europe are finished.
N1-RV Ann-A Never ever. Makes me sad.
Anywhere where they can just chill and make a game instead of making one to fund their escape.
Poland or Czechoslovakia then.
>You will never serve drinks in a comfy Panamanian cyberpunk bar
You will never deposit your offshore money in a quaint Panamanian bank...
Your account will never be exposed in a giant leak.... ;_;
va-22 hall-a Wouldn't make sense
Never. This game is fucking boring and if you like it end yourself.
Maybe you're not the target audience.
This guy has shit taste in VN's
Really, there needs to be a Final Fight-esque beat 'em up game starring Dana, Jamie and Sei.
Probably sometime next year. They are working on stuff.
Sauce on this?
We're going to need a team of about 15 anons to pull this off. But one of them will need to have money.
Man I wish I was in oil or something. This is the kind of thing I'd gladly bankroll.
Hopefully never unless they get better writers.
What's so bad about their writing? It easily tops most triple A hacks.
>lel ill go and suck a pussy now
sure thing
>Inability to take memes or the slightest form of humour
It made fun of your special secret image board and now you're butthurt. Twitch fags also got btfod in the way they very much deserved.
>Twitch fags also got btfod in the way they very much deserved
I understand you worked "hard" on it user but come on now.
Maybe for the next one actually watch some cyberpunk films or play some vids on the subject yea?
I would have been happy with an extremely cliche one.
Not meme town and no plot.
>wah my ex gf TOTES LES LEEL
bye now
Fuck off I watched pretty much every Caberpunk movie including, a perk of being born in the 80s and read Neuromancer which is horribly written.
It sold me on the Cyberpunk part. People like yourselve that get on the high-horse about your distinguished taste is cringey at best.
I enjoyed Cyberpunk with a maymay twist and it was still miles better than the shit Ridley Scott is shitting out these days.
Oh my goodness you're far too silly!
>no plot.
There is plot, it just all happens around the main character.
'Streaming-chan' was annoying as hell and even Dana couldn't stand her.
Note how Dorothy's anthics are actually likeable whilst the cam-whore is simply a nuisance.
The message is quite clear.
Oh gosh did I hurt your fee fees? You're like a touchy anglo literature brat.
>Note how Dorothy's anthics are actually likeable whilst the cam-whore is simply a nuisance.
>not liking best girl
You have shit taste.
I honestly thought Twitch-chan was a guy. I want a millennial camwhore like that to walk into a Hamburg scene bar
Camwhores are cancer and any harbour whore is entitled to piss on them.
I think you're either a lady on her period or a gay man
You're good. The latter. I unfortuantely tend to attract the Twitch-gossippy kind of faggot- Nothing kills the mood like that shit.
And if you're seriously into shit the like the bunny whore you need serious help.
Reminder that Jill is short as fuck.
>Sales passed 100K months ago
>Still no official lewds by Kiririn
Those fucking lying assholes.
The game could be abot that other Nirvana bar
What did you enjoy about the game? The atmosphere or the dialogues with random people?
Sauce on that image?
It's official art by Kiririn.
The atmosphere and the characters. Unlike some companies they know how to make characters loveable.
Would you still consider the MC of Vallhalla lovable if she was a man instead? (regular question, not baiting any SJW/GG bullshit)
Not really. But it's a tough question to answer. I like characters that ware well-written and Jill had a really nice coming-of-age thread. You can easily make that work for a male. Read literally any Murakami novel.
I wouldn't trade Jill for the world though whilst not being into anime it does seem to profit from female leads.
It's why I reject the current SJW/Bioware approach to writing - unrealistic ugly quota characters.
Let Jill munch some finally.
Yeah, to be honest I'm working on a VN right now set in a Afterdark-type universe. MC is a recovering NEET and I'm wondering if making him a girl would've made him more likable... Tho likely less relatable to the Sup Forums crowd
Make him a lesbian girl, I would like that.
Actually, it would be easy to make that a choice (so you play as a straight guy or an anime lesbo), tho there might be some backlash since the love interest is decidedly written as girl
Wot? Everyone loves lesbians in games and vidya.
You can even get some brownie points with progressive crowd.
Only thing though, you would need to make some adjustments to the script and writing to cover the character swap, or it would come off as lazy and tacked on.
Nothing wrong with a male MC in VNs. That said, FeMCs can be fun too, it depends on what you want to go for. You should probably focus on retaining the integrity of the story itself rather than what might appeal to people. And for god's sake, don't try to use Sup Forums as your target audience, just look at the response to Valhalla, there's no way you can please everyone.
>tho there might be some backlash since the love interest is decidedly written as girl
Chalk it up to time constraints and only utter faggots will complain. Same as what happened in Digimon Cyber Sleuth.
Well, the lines about the MC's porn collection would certainly work worse.
This might sound lame as hell, but it's specifically aimed at NEETs who want to make a change (as in, the MC starts hiding in the security of being a failure, then starts slowly getting out of his shell, gets a gf and a job and stuff) and I think that's quite a big crowd on Sup Forums.
Either way, I'd think the progressive fags would then be at my throat for there only being a straight dude or gay girl option and no gay dude/straight girl etc.
sauce to this promise?
Always thought that Dana was the only short one in the game.
I really don't want to see a sequel. It's better to quit as they are ahead, to leave and feeling missed.
They should test new things as they are a really new company, after learning some shit about themselves they could return and make something different from a sequel but still enjoyable.
>Either way, I'd think the progressive fags would then be at my throat for there only being a straight dude or gay girl option and no gay dude/straight girl etc.
You literally can't win with that crowd either. If you're just a sole dev/small team making your first fucking VN of all things, extensive representation should be the least of your concerns. Stick to your guns, maintain your integrity and the people who whine about representation won't amount to jack shit (they rarely do anyway). If you're not some triple A dev who promised to represent every minority under the sun down to intersexed aliens who identify as attack helicopters and you can't be directly shown as a bigot, you shouldn't have any actual problems. Ignoring that entire crowd is probably the best thing to do.
Never, inshallah
Don't try to please everyone, user. You can only do your thing and hope it resonates to enough people so your game can give you something back after all that hard work.
The more honest you are about these things the more they mark the players that experience them.
Thin is that a male ex-NEET is way more likeable because of the current climate. The NEET phenomenon is mainly affecting males because the education systems favour girls.
Having said that, listen to your inner voice. The top authors often don't listen to any advice from their target audience. Instead they go out and interview actual people (NEETs in your case).
The worst thing you can do is not listen to your impulse, your individuality.
Just make it a lesbian porn collection.
If MC is a horny tomboy dyke neet surely she stashed something like that.
Thank you very much for the encouragement. I will continue to work on the story as it is now - maybe it'll be worthy as something to tide everyone over in the comfy department until Valhalla 2 comes out
Not sure man, lesbians in general have a much lower sex drive
Who cares, it's a game (vn)
well i do care. especially since i cant get into a character who is a female.
I can mostly only get to characters that are girls. I despise myself so I want to remove myself the most I can when playing, and by playing as a lesb girl I can pursue the other girls as the character without having the least connection besides the longing of other girls.
i hate my self too but i really cant get into that perspective of a girl much less a lebo one at that