So are you gonna buy yourself a Switch Mini Sup Forums?

So are you gonna buy yourself a Switch Mini Sup Forums?

I'd prefer if it was the Switch SP and had a clamshell formfactor. Would make for a good successor to the 3DS.

Absolutely not, the screen is already kind of small for playing HD games.

I don't want to have to bury my face in the thing to see details.

Good luck trying to dock the thing without getting the joysticks stuck on the edges.

t. buttblasted faggots who are stuck with the og switch

There won't be any dock, it will be handheld only.

keep the screen the same size, just get rid of the bezel and detacheable joycons.

No. Switch is still only a consideration that will happen if it gets homebrew as a sweet emulator or enough games I'm interested in to buy one. Beyond that it would never leave its dock.

Hell I wish my 3DS had a damn dock since I play that 90% at home and plenty of its games could do for a big screen and controller. Yea sure low res as fuck, but the remasters of N64 games still look better than my actual N64.

>switch mini


There's no reason it couldn't come with a dock, or have a dock sold separately.

Probably, if it ever comes out. The only games on it will be Zelda and Mario anyway.

>dock literally just a piece of plastic
>not coming with its own dock that's slightly smaller

if they make a switch mini yes I'd get one

>Switch that can't switch
yah nah

Yeah good luck trying to cram all this stuff inside an even smaller case.

It won't be called Switch Mini as you won't be able to switch from your TV screen to handheld.

But yeah, Nintendo will release it next year.

nintendo didn't really futureproof the switch did they. and redesign would need its own dock.

It can switch to a paperweight

The Switch uses a Maxwell-based Tegra.
If they switched to a Pascal-based Tegra, they could make the cooling solution and battery a lot smaller thanks to Pascal's decreased power usage.

It's more likely they will do a Switch XL instead.

It's like technology never improves and gets more compact over time

It's like new technology is also cheaper
Oh wait no it isn't

Nintendo isn't an high tech compagny.

Pascal is not even out yet, do you think that when it will come out it will cost less than Maxwell?

I won't be buying a Switch until they release a smaller revision.

You're retarded. It's perfectly fine for HD games.

>All that Gamecube garbage

yeah, but pls remove this gay ass right thumbstick

Sure will. Probably give my switch away afterwards, like I did when I upgraded my 3DS.

Why don't you give away your old gaming shit to the under privileged instead of selling it user?

Why would I? I have a Wii U.

The switch mini is a trash idea. Nintendo should and will release a refresh in 3 to 4 years that will be Pascal, have a larger 1080p screen, and run 4k checkerboarding.

>If they switched to a Pascal-based Tegra,
They would have to throw money at Nvidia to develop such a thing because it does not exist.

>it does not exist

It won't be affordable until at least 2 years after it comes out.

Thus the development part.

Well, that sounds about right, in terms of a Nintendo hardware revision.

You're expecting them to release Pascal this year? I doubt it'll be an official chip until next year at the earliest.

I guess making HD smartphones is pointless then.

If this is true, and once it comes bundled with a game, probably.
Flimsy detachable controllers, no dpad, and shit battery have been the main reasons I haven't gotten one.

Probably. My switch is already kind of fucked, the left controller slides out without pressing the button and there's a tiny scratch on the edge of the screen on the black bevel I guess you would call it, just from putting it in the dock but I did it as carefully as possible, I didn't realise they had put tiny bits of fucking plastic facing the screen. Absolutely retarded design in my opinion. Hopefully they make a better model including the dock.

If it has actual d-pad then I'll consider it.


As someone who bought the Switch, I'd buy Switch XS if it came with better battery life.

The controllers are rock solid. The battery is better than the Vita. Try the system before believing BS from Sup Forums.

How the fuck would a smaller device have better battery

>Flimsy detachable controllers
What the fuck are you talking about?

> portable only
Give me a home/docked only solution without stupid tablets and we have a deal.

It's not that much smaller than the Switch if you take the Joycon off. Not to mention the fact that they could optimise the hardware for being a portable handheld.
>smaller screen, no need to be 720p, can be 540p or around that
>doesn't try and charge Joycons as there are none attached



>tfw should have waited

My friend has one lol

>smaller screen to power
>having the controller parts connected to the main body leaves a lot more room to work with since there's nothing splitting up the compartments, and joycon have their own battery now which would be removed to make room.
>they could even remove useless shit like HD rumble

Like said, this is a fairly common problem even if you take care of the system

No way I'm wasting money for something with only one or two good games.

yup. I buy every new thing nintendo releases. it's usually a good idea. also I'm not poor.

I would rather they include 2 pro controllers instead of 2 joycons as well.

>an actual dpad
I'd pay for it.

>lower than 720p
I've had my system for 2 months and have used it heavily. It's not a common issue and you can get this shit rma'd.

That's the one area where Nintendo always had an edge. Why the fuck would they fuck that up on they joycons?

If Switch Mini has a HDMI port, it could still switch.
You wouldn't get the performance boost though obviously.

If you already have a Switch, why would you want the same but smaller. If you want better battery, that's a sacrifice you'll have to make.

If Nintendo were smart they would make something like this. If they can make a relatively affordable handheld system that can play Pokemon games, that's 10 million units sold instantly.


Cool, that's actually pretty awe-
>no detachable joycons
Fuckoff. I'm not giving up the most comfy gaming experience I've ever had. I mean yeah mouse and keyboard are still best for FPS games, but detached/separated joycons are god-tier for every other kind of game. Wouldn't give that up for anything, not even a d-pad.

I wouldn't. I'd want a larger system with upgraded specs over the dumb idea of a cheaper smaller shittier system.

I'd probably be more inclined to buy a Switch XL and go full blown tablet mode already.
I really see no reason to get a smaller Switch. The size is no issue, and a larger screen is a preferable viewing experience.

Though I play with it in the dock like 95% of the time so I probably wouldn't buy a new version if the only thing different was for something portable anyway.

Nintendo can make a Dpad joycons too you know.

>all these retards saying the Switch is better
It's not meant to replace the Switch, it's a smaller variant that sacrifices detachable controllers for portability.

Smaller screen, less battery.

Has anyone made an application to use the joycons on PC yet?
>laying in bed with PC hooked up to TV, playing some Jet Set Radio
Maximum comfy.

So don't call it Switch if it's not a Switch

Isn't the Switch Mini just a fantasy from people somehow frustrated at the size of the Switch?

I don't think there is anything actually concrete hinting at a Switch Mini ever actually being a thing outside of people whining.

I played Altered Beast when I was younger. It sucked.

>this is a fairly common problem
It really isn't.

I'm not buying a switch cause there's no games for it. And nintendo stopped making quality games after the gamecube era, so Im not expecting anything more from them. Thats around the same time the entire industry was going to shit anyway, so I don't really care anymore.

That doesn't make it more portable you fucking idiot

I'm waiting for E3 to decide whether I should get a Switch or not, since I think Sony might announce a new handheld. I never play games on my TV and I don't like sitting at my desk to play just for a couple of minutes, so a Switch Mini would be ideal.

When's the last time you actually played a video game you cuck faggot

>I think Sony might announce a new handheld

The work via Bluetooth so you can connect them without any applications but I don't know if they'd work for games on their own. I've been using them as controllers for my Pi 3 and they're great SNES replacements

You can't say anything that will make me feel bad. I'm adamant on my view of the industry. No one makes video games for 90s gamers anymore, and I never expect any to.

A Switch Mini will never come for several reasons.

Things that are actually could happen:
>Bigger Switch
>Redesigned Joy Cons
>Completely different Joy Cons

Things that are theoretically possible but unlikely:
>Expansion Dock
>Upgraded Switch

3DS is dead this year and the Switch doesn't have an ideal form factor for portable play. I don't even like the idea of putting the Switch in a bag because of the joycons. It's an ideal time for Sony to make a new handheld to snap up the 3DS players that aren't moving to Switch or want a dedicated handheld.

>90s gamers

The switch is literally thinner than a 3ds. If you really care about portability then take the fucking joycons off and store them separately.

>5" display
>No dock
>No Joy

is this thing my dick?

And you're too stupid to send your Switch to Nintendo so they fix your joycon? You're the little bitch here, stop acting like one and send broken shit for repairs.

if it gets rid of all the bullshit with the detachable controllers and hd rumble, it has a solid game library and better battery life when it comes out and still connects to tv my answer is
yes I'll look into it.

but at this point the switch is shit


Yeah, whateve-

Ok Nintendo, you have my attention; how much? Also, why don't your games ever drop in price?


Gonna wait for Sonys answer to the switch.

>It's an ideal time for Sony to make a new handheld
What the fuck am I reading?

The vast majority of 3DS owners want pokemon and shit, and a new Nintendo portable has just been released and is selling like hotcakes. Not to mention Nintendo has a history of updating consoles. These bullshit rumors are proof enough that people are eager for a more portable, simpler Switch.

You're fucking crazy if you think Sony are going to risk another catastrophe with another handheld. A huge maybe for a Japan-only successor to the Vita. But that would also be retarded.


No, these rumors are proof of idiots falling for the "Switch is big and not portable" meme when it's just as portable as the 3DS XL.

Whats so funny matey?

Their answer will be more exclusive PS4 titles.

The possibility of one happening is why I haven't bought a Switch yet.

detachable flimsy controllers and too big to carry in your pocket
to me thats not really good for portable.

also note that memes get memes because there is truth to it.

Which is why anyone who isn't a retard has a small n3ds
If it doesn't fit semi comfortably in a pants pocket it isn't portable.

if you don't get it you are funny too

You aren't even trying.

>too big for pockets
Maybe if you're literally a manlet shorter than 5 foot 6 or you're a girl.