game related of course
Which twitch/youtuber you follow?
Other urls found in this thread:
Based Jews
well, sometimes.
>clothing in picture 1
>and the hair in picture 2
I liked Lucahjin's Chrono Cross lets play. After that I thought watching those are a waste of time and I'd rather play games myself.
>this thread will reach bump limit and no one will mention Cygnus Destroyer/The LJN Defender or DariaPlaysRPGs
>t shirts really get me going
how fucking vanilla do you have to be
she is using the borderline-sleeve. It's 10/10 fetish
She looks cuter with short hair.
I'm a fan of fightin cowboy and a relatively small time twitch user called Grand poo bear who streams a lot of mario content
>she also removed her tits
>and is saving money for a penis transplant
I recently burned through every review Clemps had up, his Drakenguard and Nier videos are top. His Dirge of Cerberus review is also really fun.
I also really like NakeyJakey for his weird humor.
>before brainwashing
>after brainwashing
Ugly whore
legendary esports pro and amazon fire championship semi-finalist "northern"
You know Sup Forums, considering how much you hate illegals you sure do invade other boards a lot
so the ultimate answer to beating men is becoming them?
Sup Forums always does the exact thing they accuse others of doing.
Why do white trash hate higher education so much?
jew memes are part of Sup Forums. You have to go back.
I was just kidding I don't know if in fact she is removing her tits or adding a new penis. Hopefully no because she could still be a decent woman in the future
AvoidingThePuddle is the only twitch streamer I follow and regularly watch.
Because educated people tend to lean liberal.
Aris is a douchebag and a shit human being.
If you're going to keep making these shitty Sup Forums-bait redpill threads, you could at least stop putting text in the subject line. It makes it incredibly obvious it's you every time and that you're some newfag that came from reddit through Sup Forums.
Not an argument
You just justified Sup Forums autism
Nobody is actually educated
>Latest Harvard guideline for student said that there are over 6 genders and you can change it on a daily basis
>people actually pay 100k to study there
get dusted
>hey *insert stoner name* thanks for the resub
I hate this shit so much.
>lean liberal
Liberal is right wing.
Is being attracted to him(her) gay?
Sup Forums the youtuber:
/lgbt/ the youtuber:
/r9k/ the youtuber: