Be a secretive bossy cunt

>be a secretive bossy cunt
>got tired of her shit
>broke up with her
>is sad
I don't understand women.

women are the niggers of gender

Yen is just shit in general. She takes Geralt's affection for granted and is all about "muh fate". The last wish is the Witcher's equivalent of staying together for the children.
Any reasonable adult would realize that their relationship is past due and that Triss is the only option for a healthy relationship thats going somewhere.

Also fpbp

She ugly anyway.

>get to the point instead of fucking around because they need to find Ciri and she could be dead
>is sad

John pls

>le first post le best post
What the fuck is this, the comment section of a Youtube video?

Anyone else heard something that made pop?
Because all hymens in the world just broke at the same time.


She makes the mistake of taking Geralt for granted and then realizing that was a mistake far too late.

>Any reasonable adult would realize that their relationship is past due and that Triss is the only option for a healthy relationship thats going somewhere.
wrong! the only reasonable choice for gerald is to remain on the witcher path and continue to be a mentor to ciri. gerald will never be able to settle down. maybe he becomes a family man for 20 years, then what? the only thing he has known is the open road and witchering. he complains about it, but he enjoys it

>Sup Forums, biggest concentration of manchildren in the internet, calling others niggers

Sure, if you live in America.
Then again, burgers are the niggers of the planet.

And also
>muh strong independent man don't need no bloody wimmenz!
Grow up.

About to replay the game
Gonna Romance Triss this time
Will be hard having to shut down Yen :(

I'm pretty sure niggers are the niggers of the planet.

Nowdays America is because even white americans behave like niggers.

Every single fucking thread. You autists are obsessed. You're more annoying that the faggots that are actually from reddit.

The redhead wins by default. As always.

Because she still loves you, you stupid faggot.

lol uhhh what?? Women are WHOOREWS they dont' HAVE feelings TOASTY ROASTIES

You can't teach an old dog new tricks

>Trissfags are still this butthurt
Why don't you except that you chose worst girl already? Even Shani is better than that manipulative cunt

your waifu is shit. triss is bad and so is yen. the only logical choice is gerald getting fulfillment from being a mentor to ciri. just because gerald isn't banging some hunchback doesn't mean he isn't out there banging all the other sorceresses and prostitutes with no down side since he's immune to venereal diseases

> normie breakup simulator


Yen and Geralt love each other, but it's been a fuckload since they met, they don't need to show affection constantly, they both know they love each other.

Do you think 70 year old couples don't love each other because they are not kissing and banging constantly?

t. John Lennon

Witcher 4 should be a prequel so we can see young Keira.

>still doing the juvenile 'my strong mc doesn't need any women!' thing

>Do you think 70 year old couples don't love each other because they are not kissing and banging constantly?
Have you ever talked to such a couple? Most don't love each other anymore, but stay together because they spent most of their lifes together and they simply got used to each other. And what the hell are they supposed to do with 50+ anyway?

Most couples that stayed together simply didn't get a divorce. Thats the key.

I think you'd be surprised just how much banging is still going on at those ages.

>You're more annoying than the faggots that are actually from reddit.

he doesn't. the game did a pretty good job showing that triss and yen are both shit and it gave you the OBJECTIVELY CORRECT decision of turning down both of those hussies

>Sup Forums pretends, not only to know about women, but to know about how old people feel about their partners


>Sup Forums is only inhabited by NEETs because thats what reddit told me
>also here is the all time favorite constanza meme

Grow up.

Dolph looks broken himself

Retirees are the best NEETs

What's next, SJWs complaining on Tumblr about muh patriarchy aren't all landwhales with dyed hair?
All the people who take part in this ''gender war'' are obese ''people'' who are resentful they can't be attractive to others, so instead of blaming themselves, they blame half the planet.

Alright you can stop now, normie plebeian.

I stop once you grow up.

I'm a white male without dyed hair and if you don't think the patriarchy is real than, well, lets just say there's a good reason you're on Sup Forums and don't say those things in public.
Because you're gonna get steamrolled by society. You're little internet soap box is already everything you have left.

lol everyone on Sup Forums are virgins and never talk to women!
you sicken me

I think you mean 'conform to my standards'

not an argument. why are you so butthurt about this? gerald can get far more emotional fulfillment by focusing his time on making sure ciri turns out okay. gerald "i can't stop stumbling upon political conspiracies" of rivia will NEVER EVER be able to settle down, not for long. you're the one who needs to grow the fuck up and realize that there is no healthy relationship to be had between yen or triss

Is that the face she makes when you refuse her? There is a lot of emotion in that face, very well done.

Growing up is a standard you'll have to conform sooner or later.

it's Sup Forums kiddies

yes the patriarchy is very real. I see women oppressed and raped on every corner in america! How will we stop this madness!

I'm a white male without dyed hair and I not only think patriarchy exists, but there should be more of it.

>Triss is the only option for a healthy relationship thats going somewhere.
Triss came over at the end of B&W and gave me a bullshit speech about muh politics, if there was a relationship Gerald and her would've at least fucked or something.

Whatever you say Mr Lowest Common Denominator

Geralt. It is Geralt. How can not remember to say the name correctly when you played a 30+hour game?


Grow up.

I think he's lampshading fantasy names being misspelled real world names.

>gerald can get far more emotional fulfillment by focusing his time on making sure ciri turns out okay.
not him but you really need to grow up, if you think that

All you said is grow up the entire thread to that user
Take your assblast and your shit waifu and fuck off you manchild

Geralt is a massive and nearly immortal manwhore who needs a cunt of his calibre for permanent relationships.

Cause my worklayout here is very chaotic right now and since I am not a neet sitting at home, I can hardly reach my keyboard and don't give that many fucks about spelling mistakes.

> muh social sex
Bonobos aren't allowed to post on this board.

It's obviously Gerwald.

Hey don't you dare talk shit about Bonobos. They are based

>being all defensive just because you fucked up

so you think he can get emotional fulfillment in destructive relationships with triss and yen?

are you all a bunch of virgins? anyone who has been in a relationship can immediately tell you that yen and triss would never work out for long

> nigger slang
Get back to your pavilion, monkey

>being this bothered by a grammar mistake
What if you didn't care so you and that user can do something more productive

>Yen is a secretive bossy cunt
>Triss is a lying cunt that will drag Geralt into more shitty politics
>Syanna is a manipulative cunt who fucks Jamal behind your back
Shani is the best option here.
She's the only one who accepted Geralt for who he is and didn't use him for personal and political gains.
Fuck CDPR for not making a Shani romance end.

Stop trolling, it's Harold.

Oh shit boy, you really need to grow up.

>> nigger slang
>Get back to your pavilion, monkey
What did you mean by this?

This. Yen is the only one who can challenge him. They're also both the only people who could stand each other.


Grow up

Shani was DLC, I don't think they factored her into the ending.

I don't understand. People aren't supposed to be sad during break ups?

I was productive all day, I think I can take the time to spend a couple of hours being unproductive.

>They're also both the only people who could stand each other.
Is that why he's living happily ever after with Triss?

no women are the Children of Gender, they never grow up, they always stay spoiled shits, and they think everything should revolve around them.
they are only this way because of Thirty ass niggers puttin pussy on a pedestal

>literal kindergarten backtalking
>no punctuation
Grow up.

that was a drug induced dream user. that never happened.

She is one the main girls in the first installment.
I'm sure CDPR could just patch W3 to have a Shani end.

Shani is cute. What's her personality like?

Shani is a simple human, her lifespan for him is like a falling leaf.

Grow up

Why don't we all grow up together!

If we're basing this solely on the game narrative and how all the choices play out within the game then all 3 outcomes are good you mongoloid.

It happened in my game.

The different aging process is the only downside tho and Ciri being older than Shani.

it wasn't real user, none of this is real. you have to wake up now.

It's a lie, user.

Some people obviously need to. And if you think "Gerald" needs no women than you do, in fact, need to grow up. Also, if you're so butthurt by somene telling you how it is, that you parrot back every piece of good advice he gives you, well then, you need to grow up.

cdpr should have introduced her in the 2nd game , too many people don't have enough context for her and how big she is in geralts life. And thus they end up choosing incorrectly like op

I never said the other options aren't good you oximoron.

Is the second game worth picking up? Or does everything that happened in it irrelevant with Witcher 3? I looked at how long to beat and it seems to be even shorter than the first game.

>Growing up
why don't we just stay kids forever famalam

t. yenfags in tears.

>how big she is in geralts life. And thus they end up choosing incorrectly like op
>believing an abusive relationship has a positive impact
>believing its the "correct" choice solely based on history together(conventiently blending out the bad), and not the future
You need to grow up son.

the books have nothing to do with the game. polackowski washed his hands clean of the witcher vidya