Which anime character is the best at video games?
Which anime character is the best at video games?
Wasn't there some anime about a girl who became a pro gamer and got amazing vidya skills when she showed off her pantsu?
Arcade Gamer Fubuki. It's about a loli who enters some Yugi-Oh level crazy video game tournament and her magic cheat power is granted by her Passion Panties. I'm pretty sure she also had a rival loli who had magic sexy black panties. Also she plays Street Fighter against a dinosaur.
"i"m such a gamer that i play games while bathing xD"
When will this pandering bullshit be put to rest?
Is D.Va anime??
when you stop being so casual
Serious question, how "ironic" or rather, self aware, are Umaru and D.Vas designs/writing? They both seem way too on the nose to not at least be partially making fun of the concepts and tropes they employ. But at the same time that might just be me being cynical and they might be 100% genuine and not intended to parody the "gamer" type.
>Trotting Hamtaro
I don't play mobile games so what's your point?
Konata was at least grinding in MMOs and being realistic about it, even if they presented it in a very simplified fashion.
Why are the cute girls who play video games always the best characters?
the ammout of deus ex machina they put out of their asses is incredible but probably these two OP.
Cause good taste.
Depends, in her initial iteration, she was a gamer girl who joined the military to repel the omnic invasion, she was a young kid and playful, but also knew when to be serious
Now she's a meme spouting gremlin, because Jeff takes internet jokes and dials them up to 11 in the desperate hopes of sales
Why did you post a blank image?
The Black Swordsman himself.
Go away Taisha.
SAO sure got me rused big time.
>Pick it up because I like MMOs and the premise seems interesting
>Expect leveling, dungeons, grinding, the works
>After two episodes the MC is suddenly level 70something edgelord psshh nuffin personnel
>Anime turns into a shitty self-insert harem shit with an even more Gary Stu MC than usual
Should've looked at the manga and not bothered.
Fuck haremshit.
>got baited so hard by 2ch shitposters that she went full Elliot Rodgers
what a _______
That fag is a pleb