>Macquarie ups its Switch sales view from 11m to 14.5m in FY3/18, software attach rate to 2.8x from 1.8x; expects DQ11 Mar/Apr, MH5 Feb/Mar.
Monster Hunter 5 on Switch next March
>mfw they'll finally have to upgrade MonHun's graphics
An actual MH that isn't a spinoff?!
Muh. Dick.
It's not confirmed though. I mean, it's expected, but capcom have announced nothing.
>needing to upgrade graphics
someone hasn't looked at the switch at all
It's just an annalists opinion
Except I have. There's no reason they couldn't make the games look better and if you disagree you're just being contrarian.
I'm just going to echo what you said and say
"someone hasn't looked at the switch at all"
The games on the Switch are looking gorgeous. Just because it isn't 1080p120fpsInfiniFlops doesn't mean it's suddenly garbage. You need to get off your high horse, it's starting to break out of the atmosphere.
all the switch can handle is a resolution upgrade, there is no way in hell it could handle higher res as well as good quality models, the power just isnt there, look at botw
>if u disagree ur just bein contrarian
please nintentard
>They just rip the models from the WiiU game
You know this what they'll do
If the console releases are any indication, they very likely have higher quality assets that get downsized for the platform in question. So it's more a matter of adding in additional fluff than basic model/texture fidelity if anything.
BOTW was also a port ya dingus.
If XCX could run on the previous generation hardware, then a better looking MonHun could too. It's all up to the developer's competency though.
BotW is an physics based open world game with a huge draw distance.
Monster Hunter is a game where 4 players, 2 monsters and a small zone are loaded at once AT MOST.
>Huge draw distance
Woah there buddy
Did we play the same game ? The draw distance was pretty crap in all honesty. Not knocking the game, I still really loved it, but there was a good bit of pop in.
Name an open world game that doesn't have popin
Though pop-in existed, the bare essentials were almost always visible if you were high enough to see a lot of the map around you. At least it wasn't like SotC where entire mountains wouldn't appear until you were already halfway there.
It's over. Nintendo won.
Fair point, i understand your logic either way, Monster Hunter loads in tiny zones with little models to render, so the Switch should be sufficient hardwise wise to run it.
they better add some frontier monsters this time
but not the ridiculous anime shit like dhisofurua or whatever the fuck it's called, the red and white hyper edge dragon. give me niggas like the lamprey leviathan and scorpions. bring over that other nigga mspinas. actually also bring over the huge walrus looking motherfucker, he's cool shit too.
are there any frontier monsters y'all actually like that you'd like to see come over?
>nintendo stole a third party exclusive from sony
>Sup Forums became happy because sony is shit
>I'm mad because only sony consoles are sold in country i live in
t.a roach that wants to hunt monsters
The point was that the Wii U MonHun was a poorly optimized shit port to begin with, and is in no way indicative of what a new MonHun on the Switch, built from the ground up, would look like.
Also you're clearly a salty fuck, because Zelda honestly has better graphics than a ton of games. It looks better than nier for fucks sake, which I have on Steam, excluding the 60fps, which is not available on the PS4™ anyways.
>staying in your shit country
>not trying to get out even if it ends up killing you
Brazil ? Why don't you just stick with the Sega Genesis ? It's better than the PS4 in terms of it's library.
To be fair, xcx had an extremely stiff world.
Switch isn't region locked
So does MonHun
You mean Sony said fuck off we're not paying for servers and Nintendo said they would.