compared to gen Y (Those born between 1985~1996)
Gen z is from 1996 to 2002
Do you believe gen z has better taste in gaming?
what kind of arbitrary gen making is that and why do you fake stupid shit like this, just to get another thread about that shithead going?
>phone and tablet games
stop with your gay ass dumb made up words you just learned
It's not arbitrary, although I thought gen Y (millennials) were 85-99.
Guys from 85 to 89 know what's best in gayming.
A "generation" is usually as long as it takes for an average specimen of a species to grow my birth to sexual maturity with the ability to procreate. So, for humans, that's usually taken as about 15 years.
If anything Gen Y is 77-94, and Z is 95-2012. Where do you get your gens from? What did you think Generation X meant during the early 90's?
>Lumping me with disgusting pre-90s cave people
Fuck that
>millennials were born before the millennium
who is this cutie?
it's not arbitrary. Gen z is 1995~1996 to 2001~2002 and gen y is ~1980 to mid 90s.
someone who had bad parents, probably single mother who allowed tv and facebook shape her character.
no fuck off. You made this exact thread with the exact same OP pic as yesterday
Well at least they aren't going to be retarded like most millennials. Quite funny:
well the problem with millennials is that they were educated by the sons of the woodstock. I know it's hard to believe but the 70s was more degenerate than what Los Angeles is today.
>10 years
>15 years
>not arbitrary
None of it means anything. Might as well be reading horoscopes.
>if it's not every 15 years it's arbitrary
why are american people so dumb?
>anyone who isn't a die hard liberal is from Sup Forums
Such a typically millennial thing to think.
the group of people born in the 90s (who are now current day college kids and graduates) is the worst generation this planet has ever seen and as the years go by this is being proven more severely in every capacity than I could have ever imagined.
>born in 1989
can confirm. I never found a decent person that was my age.
everyone has abhorrently shitty taste but me
you have three and a half years to prove me wrong
>post Sup Forums shit on Sup Forums and not on Sup Forums
>get called out on it
>cry hard
>Not the baby boomers who is fucked everyone else over for their own personal gain
Yeah, nah.
haha I know this maymay xD
How is it Sup Forums shit? It's a news article about Gen Z.
the fact you tried to put liberals in a bad spot is an offense
Rule #3, you may be banned.
they get avant teen points for doing it
your picture
>gen Y (Those born between 1985~1996)
>Gen z is from 1996 to 2002
I was born in 1996.
Am I gen YZ?
>tfw my ex was too close to that face
damn the feelings
90s where the best.
N64/Snes had the best libraries of video games. Nickelodeon and cartoon network offered the best shows including good anime.
I kinda feel bad for the kids that were born in 95+, they dont get to experience any of it.
>selective and controlled
Jesus Sup Forums is something else.
According to millennials kids as early as 6 can choose their gender and sexual partners
Why can't they choose not go to school?
you, this annon gets it:
Surely it must be the generation and there could not be any unseen factors going into your judgement such as the obvious psychological difference between a hormonal teenager and a 50 year old with a wealth of experience.
Honestly I just feel bad for everyone born in the current millenium. As soon as they are old enough to think about more intricate matters themselves they will realize they have entered a very oppressive climate where everyone focuses on anger, outrage and fear. I was born in late 70s. 80s was a blast as a kid as I was a bit too young to worry about the cold war, 90s was a blast as a teen and young adult, 00s was a blast as an adult. After that everything went to shit.
>the people responsible for the dumbing down of all my favourite series
nah set of cunts
2000s as a kid was horrible. Every people I met had the following qualities: dishonesty, egomaniac and extreme manipulative behavior. 80% of girls I've met had borderline personality
my nigga
>gen Y (Those born between 1985~1996)
>Gen z is from 1996 to 2002
So where does gen Y start and gen Z begin within 1996? Is it 1985 to June of 1996, and then July of 1996 to 2002, or is there an overlapping grey area for no good reason?
the memes are to blame
solution is pic related
Those are N64 and Playstation babbys. They have nostalgia for collect-a-thon platformers, Ocarina of Time, Sonic Adventure shit, Spyro the Dragon, Final Fantasy VII, and other god awful early 3D tripe. They have the literal worst taste in games.
Wow Michael from Achievement Hunter looks hot.
It does kinda look like a girly micheal.
Too bad his daughter will look like Lindsey
Is it me or was all the weird promotion of pregnant Lindsey really.. weird.
Sells shirts to their 13 year old demographic
>Those are N64 and Playstation babbys
They weren't old enough to have nostalgia for those. If they were born in 1995 they'd be in Kindergarten in 2000.
They're Xbox 360 babies.
The pregnant 13 year olds?
Nah, I mean Gen Y. Fuck those kids. Gen Z likely has better taste in games since they grew up with better and more advanced tech. Gen Y kids grew up with piss poor game design and they prefer it.
I thought that definition was ~millennials~ or what the fuck ever, the "MUH GEN XYZABC" shit is so retarded by this point, it's almost like generations of people are largely varied and not a hivemand based on some bullshit thought of "when they came from" or whatever.