How the fuck does someone with such shitty opinions and absolute scrub-tier skill have a massive following?
How the fuck does someone with such shitty opinions and absolute scrub-tier skill have a massive following?
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You'll be amazed to find out that youtube's userbase is full of fucking morons and children who think his "skits" are funny.
Retards giving him free advertising
this isnt video games. this belongs on
he's honest but still casual
he never beat any souls game and that's why he never review any of them. said it himself
Dumbfucks like you give him attention. Fuck off.
Because retards like you give him attention?
This piece of shit gave Metal Gear Rising a 7/10.
I hope I meet him someday so I can slice his nuts off.
I am coming for you Joe.
Capped on the angry gimmicks that AVGN started.
His horde of mouthbreathers keep spamming sites and message boards, just like ITT.
There are better games to get butt devastated over for peeved pedros' score.
MGR is a solid 7/10. It lacks content, weapon diversity, and it's far to easy. It's not bad though.
lol I'm a casual too and still beat every souls game.
7/10 is pretty fair for that game
Stand aside for the best game reviewer
>Rating a game based on lack of content, or too easy when developers aimed for a specific set up
It's a non-criticism nitpicky personal preference. He's a retard without hindsight and because of such a unfair judgment based on his own likes and dislikes.
That piece of flash isn't even a reviewer.
>developers made it that way
>You can't criticize it because of that
7/10 is generous for that piece of shit
Whats his name again?
Remember that time when he sperged out over Trump?
You can criticize obvious oversights over unfair difficulties. But complaining about the amount of weapons? That's nitpicky.
he's a casual, but he's not a complete shill (though a bit of a fanboy) and gives games fair ratings. Also kids like his dumb skits.
But thats true though. I love Dragons Dogma and its a 7.5/10 at best due to the archaic UI and menus. Most Jap games desu are 8/10 because they arent very well rounded. They do one amazing thing but fail at some very basic stuff.
Because he put effort and got noticed.
Let me put it this way: if your opinions are better and if you can make better jokes, why don't you have Jewtube channel with million of subscribers?
Of course making these things work doesn't go anywhere without luck, but he put effort and even with his shit opinions now lives off of playing video games.
Actually, his shit opinions is a plus to him, he is not controversial, he's vanilla as fuck, people who think Skyrim is a 10, and there are millions of them, are going to enjoy watching Mexican fellating Skyrim on green screen even more.
>Why arent I, the cynical douchebag, as likable as him?! His opinions suck and is bad at games!!! You should hate him as much as me!!!
It shouldn't be hard to understand why he has a large following, take your ego out of the equation.
Pretty much same reason why DSP still has cult of personality. People started following/watching him since the beginning.
By not spending all their time on Sup Forums ;)
AJ reviews
>BotW 9.5
>The last of us remastered 10
>Uncharted 4 10
He unironically appeals to children. Mostly children and casual gamers, who make up the majority whether you like it or not.
Im sure youtube channels you watch are top quality and not "im in my early twenties and my humor is superior" tier, right?
plenty of other games he half assed and gave them shit reviews due to his incompetence
if joe reviewed dark souls in his honest opinion his channel would be dead within the week
It's almost as if he's biased in some way.
>It's a non-criticism nitpicky personal preference
well it is his review. if you want to do one prasing ngr as a 10/10, go right ahead, but it won't have the same attention.
besides,he's a casual player giving casual reviews for a casual audience. if a person likes an action game that >lacks content, weapon diversity, and it's far to easy, there are reviews for him, too. mgr isnt necessarily for joe, joe's review isnt necessarily for you.
Every eceleb thread
>has opinion I dont like
The fucking audacity, all his content is shit.
He started early.
Except Joe respects Dark Souls though. He appreciates the series for appealing to 'hardcore' gamers but admits he isnt good enough to finish them which is why he dropped Bloodborne. You can still hear him name drop Dark Souls from time to time when comparing horror games for some reason.
kids and other plebs exist
A lot of TGWTG fags did. I wonder if most of them are even active.
The lack of self awareness here has caught me off guard. If you just want to hear someone repeat to you what you already believe then looking at reviews, other people's assessments based on their preferences, is utterly god damn pointless.
Well only Joe and NC seemed to remain. I think Linkara is still there tho
He is an entertainer, not a reviewer.
>he doesn't realize that 90% of the people on earth are borderline retarded
You might be one of them, OP.
Ass, titties, ass ass, and titties, ass, titties, ass ass, dem titties.
>haha, everyone is retarded! EXCEPT ME OF COURSE
The biggest retards of all.
Most people have shit tier uneducated opinions, who started vidya in the 360/ps3 gen
Watching him cry over Trump winning was funny.
>pretty much every review has him crying about Trump
What a cuck
I think NC replaced Linkara.
He brings up DLC and pre order shit while other reviewers don't talk about it at all or say "its worth it" "its not so bad"
So he is at least okay with me
Cant be denied, but when he brings things up and acts like a child about it, its hard to take seriously.
is he getting deported?
I think he has a good heart, he's just not particularly smart.
> How does someone with the lowest common denominator of opinions have millions of people following him I don't understand
>Duck Dynasty review
>Does whole skit that is racist as fuck towards rural whites
>Its okay im from Texas
>lives in Austin so I know hes a libcuck beaner
>EA Star Wars Battlefront releases
>Review "Wow the graphics are amazing, and some people think its a bit light on the content but you know EA is going to be adding more in the future"
>Hungry Jesus "They fucked it up, all this shit is left out and you know they are going to charge you out the ass for more maps and weapons, the best fucking weapon on day 1 was a pre-order exclusive"
Hope he doesn't get deported
He praised Donte as a better game than the old ones that only diehard fans will hate.
How the fuck does someone with such shitty opinions and absolute scrub-tier skill have a massive following?
Literally who?
He didn't tho.
Who was in the wrong here?
9 times out of 10 James' opinions are completely on point and I love him for it. During the Power Rangers episode when he was talking about how you expect less from Gameboy than on a console, and I was thinking "Well Link's Awakening was phenomenal" and he mentioned that game right then and there. Great guy who's knowledgeable about the things he enjoys.
Shame he's mediocre at playing the games though.
How the fuck does someone with such shitty opinions and absolute scrub-tier skill have a massive following?
Most people have scrub tier opinions and have no fucking clue what they're talking about
If you have some fucking scrub shows up and validate the unwashed masses opinions who do you think the plebs are going to watch
I will tell you the truth,
And he gave Skyrim 10/10.
Literal casual.
fag only does movies and reaction garbage
Say that to his fat face
He's another le upset gayme bandito and contemporary idiots can't appreciate the parody that came with AVGN.
He's also a retard similarly maturing with his audience of teenagers. Complete with "I've never played a Zelda game before", "Pc masterrace now that I bought a prebuilt pc", etc.
>gives games fair ratings
>Fallout 4 9/10
>skyrim 10/10
Because OP, a YouTuber's appeal isn't in their opinions or skill, it's a surrogate for a friendship with someone they identify.
It's not really much different than great sportsmen being super popular with kids before the 2000s, fuck Wayne Gretzky, Jordan, and Bo Jackson had a fucking cartoon, and don't forget all the movies with athletes in them.
The difference is kids play video more and sports less, and YouTubers actually speak to their audience, express opinion, make jokes, and are overall more relatable creating a proxy friendship... Something athletes don't do.
YouTubers are cartoons and professional athletes rolled together into one.
Does Fassbender always laughs like it's hurting his face? I never noticed that
Fucking Ray Liotta tier weird laugh
he started gaming with a 360 so he got that fanbase and now they are older
There's shitloads of shit tier e-celebs with loads of fans, who cares?
No one says you have to watch him m8, obviously he's gonna give every AAA game a 10/10 to not alienate his fans, just like all review sites
he's funny, he's honest, it's better than listening to IGN and/or gamespot
but after coming to Sup Forums i also realized he's also a bit of a cunt, which i guess compared to the huge cuntiness of normal journalist is also an improvement
>the audience giggles in anticipation
this game
>the audience can't contain themselves
>it's like a retarded kid shitting itself
>the audience burst in laughter over this excellent analogy
>the audience's sides burst because they can't contain the laughter
>im snarky and cynical like [insert allegory here]
>the audience fuck the nearest human being and pukes all over them because they need a better alternative to laughing
Youtube is full of underaged kids and low iq users. Trust me, I do youtube and have to deal with their comments everyday.
as I said, he has casual tastes. casuals would agree with those scores.
At least stay consistent with your use of greentext you meming faggot
>have to deal with their comments everyday
Spoken like a true e-celeb, can't ignore the comments because you'd be missing out on attention
Nigga, MGR:R is 4 hours long with very little reason to replay it. If this isn't a legit criticism for you coming from a $60 asking price, then you have their dick lodged so far up your ass that the taste of cock will never leave your mouth.
>low iq
get out, LTG
His videos are pretty bad for the most part but in being an austin dweller, having met him and well enough become a friend of his, Joe in-person is pretty cool, he's friendly and helpful about shit when possible, he does genuinely love vidya and actually feels more knowledgeable about it when he's talking like a real person than in his dumb internet shit, pretty decent guy to hang out with honestly.
Well known great and charming guy Brad Jones/Cinema Snob is still part of that group for god knows what reason.
>M-m-muh rural "racism"
Hicks are horrible people and the sooner they're steamrolled and their homes turned into a strip mall the better.
He doesn't though have those first things though. AVGN is a character, James Rolfe himself is just alright at games, he's a 10/10 guy for horror movie trivia and shit though.
>Casuals would agree with those scores
Nope, slow game playing game hobbyist here, FO4 was dogshit trash like 3, Skyrimjob was better than Oblivion but that was a horribly low bar to clear anyway but is inferior to say Morrowind.
que est esto
>Can't ignore the comments because you'd be missing out on attention
That's a retarded implication, you don't ignore comments depending on what you do because input from people who watch you is important. You don't let them control you or something but just shitting something out whenever and not looking at the result is dumb as fuck.
Because he holds idiot casual opinions and surprise surprise has a gimmick said casuals love to laugh at aka fake rage.
Cause he'll say anything he wants about the vg industry. He's obnoxious, and not funny, but some of his rants are good
Why does Other Joe look like a peon who gets paid in tortillas?
It is painful for Germans to laugh, that's why we use emoticons instead.
user stop with the Youtube threads no one cares.
Fair ratings?
This is the same guy who gave Skyrim a 10/10 and a bad ass seal of approval, and used the fact that "Skyrim is gonna have cool mods!!" as a supporting argument for the game.
He's half-Irish and grew up in Ireland, he didn't grow up in the German culture ^^ xD
>nintendo fucks with his videos
>followed by rant at Nintendo
he leeched fame off the nostalgia critic
>his first console was an Xbox 360
The lack of potatoes probably crippled the development of his risible muscles.