Is it just me, or are consoles pretty much irrelevant except the switch?

Hold, the fanboy rage.

I mean, I have a roach-Infestation4, an XBOX WON, and a mid range PC.

but I can't play anything on my TV anymore. I just want everything on my switch, while I'm comfy, in bed.

Anyone else have this feeling?

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>I just want everything on my switch
Too bad, you're gonna play BOTW for the next 2 years and you'll like it

Not even remotely. But I have a 75" TV that was basically the best model made in 2016, and an incredibly comfy couch.

Why the fuck I would supposedly want to kink my neck to look at a shitty little handheld screen and cramp my hands on babby joycons is beyond me.

Everytime i see the nintentonka switch I cant stop laughing its easily one of the best jokes in recent times

Nope, I have a gorgeous OLED, playing demanding games on an underpowered handheld sounds like one of the worst ideas ever.

Same. I've never used a handheld before but portability is awesome and I can put in way more hours into my games.

And why does it have to be the switch over any other tablet?

>shitty mobile games

>switch port beggars are the new PC port beggars

>PC port beggars
>not waiting for an emulator which, with the PS4 being based on commonly available hardware, should be easier than ever