Just pirated the whole trilogy Sup Forums

Just pirated the whole trilogy Sup Forums
what am I in for?

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They completely ruined the game.

Not even multiplayer is enjoyable because of how much they fucked over the atmosphere.

You'd have to be an utter retard to like these games.

Everyone here said the first game was shit. It was literally, GOTTA CLICK FAST- the game

Very fun campaigns and a dead multiplayer because the community continued to treat what should be a fun base building RTS like a race to see who clicks shit fastest. I don't know where that autism came from, but it killed the genre and Blizzard should never have encouraged it.

StarCraft 1 was better for multiplayer, indisputably. The amount of micro required meant that even if you had the better economy you could still be defeated if the other player used their troops better. StarCraft 2 is just "select blob, A-move".

StarCraft 2 is better in singleplayer because playing it doesn't feel like a chore, but because of how much they fucking destroyed the atmosphere and story I don't even want to play it.

Nigga, OP pirated them. He'll be playing the singleplayer not korea-clickfest multiplayer.

Wings of liberty's story wasn't so bad, I actually enjoyed it, but the rest is utter shit.

Dont bother. Play sc1 instead.

>what am I in for?

leddit definition man

The campaign has fun gameplay mechanics, but the story is garbage

>where that autism came from

It's inevitable in any game - clicking faster gives you advantage, so does learning all unit stats, openings and tictacs. You will lose to those who use them, so if you want to compete, you must join in this madness.
Or play with casual friends and just have fun.

>REAL TIME strategy
>managing your TIME matterning

People complaining about APM are the worst.

>what should be a fun base building RTS like a race to see who clicks shit fastest
You serious? Since fucking when ANY Blizzard RTS is about base building?

>what am I in for?

>don't bother to even pirate
is it that bad?

You can pirate Starcraft 2 now?

I've out of the pirate ride for years because Wings was "impossible" to pirate.

Campaigns are very fun and worth a playthrough. You may want to check the multiplayer later with a free version that allows you to play as Terrans. Or don't.

Co-Op is awesome

The bad:

Story is average and pretty cringey (to be fair, not many RTSs have good stories - WC3 and Homeworld come to mind tho).

The good:

Cinematics are quality.

Campaign has lots of varied missions with different unit choices etc. Pretty fun.

The irrelevant:

Multiplayer - you won't be playing since you are a dirty piratefag.


It was possible years ago.

Huh? Every game was easily pirateable. You're thinking of D3

The closest to not a disastrous story was Wings of Liberty but it got infected by "HURR DURR the darkness is the TRUE enemy" bullshit from WoW. The character assassination of several characters from BW, especially mengsk, is a true head scratcher.

Most of the missions all have some gimmick which gives more variety but removes a lot of strategy and becomes a "DO THIS IN THIS ORDER AS FAST AS POSSIBLE". You can beat all of WoL with nothing but MMM (marine, maurauder, medievac/medics) even on the "hardest" difficulties.

Heart of the Swarm is just a hilarious waste of time and Legacy of the Void is bad in unintentionally hilarious over the top ways.

The last 3 levels of LotV are what should have been most of the last two games in the series. But what the fun allied levels give you is compensated by the utter HURR DURR THE DARKNESS bullshit.

What a damn shame.

You can play as all 3 races in the free version, if you play custom maps.

Nice, time to research then.

send them

That's like people who have 15 guitars. You can only play at a time.

>m-muh mass murdering waifu
>le xel naga
>zerg and overmind were the misunderstood good guys all the time

How they managed to ruin everything baffles me to this day.

Removing Reavers, Lurkers, and adding marauders will go down in history as the initial blunders which could never be recovered from

That's like people who have 15 games. You can only play one at a time.

Expect Blizzard polish, really man the quality is off the charts for an RTS game. I'm still impressed to this day.

I'm only truly mad at the one fact
Not the robo fenix
Not the corruption bullshit
Not the xel-naga gods/dark gods whatever
Not the primal zerg
Only at a fact that the prophecy mentions Zerg and Protoss, but not humans.


Blizzard went completely retarded sometime after or during Wrath of the Lich King. It's probably just a coincidence but that's about when Activision bought them.

so should I play through 1's campaign before 2?

Who will win

>a squad of highly trained well equipped American FBI agents
>user who gets a stiffy from buying guns

Of fucking course
There's a remake of SC1 campaign in SC2 engine, you might want to try playing that,
though I would ill advice doing so

You should play through SC and BW campaign and stop there.

you can completely ignore SC2, the whole story is like a fanfic.

that's a few months coming. I'm having a reaaally bad rts itch now so I downloaded this. got any other games that could hold me off?

Play the AoE2 expansions

If you have a friend, you might also want to try playing SupCom FAF campaign in coop

Brood War:
Terrans fuck shit up
Zerg fuck shit up
Protoss fuck shit up
hell yeah
Starcraft 2:
Zerg BTFO everyone
suddenly demons
zerg are good boys they dindu nuffin

I have 3 guitars. A nylon string classical, an acoustic steel string, and an electric (strat). I could maybe get an electric with humbuckers, but really that would be excessive.

All guitars are pretty similar, unlike games.

That guy surely doesn't need 20 different kinds of automatic rifle.

>People want to win
>Getting good and playing better makes you win
>People do that because they want to win
Wasn't so hard now, was it? Every single game with a multiplayer option has people trying to look for ways to improve all the time, even if it means doing things you (or even they) consider un-fun or in contrast with what the developers intended.

Also, honestly, I love basebuilding too but you basebuildfags are the worst. Fucking git gud and stop whining. You can always play citybuilders, grand strategy games etc. if you want to sit behind a wall and do nothing. Hell, just by gitting gud you can actually practice basebuilding to some extent in semi-competitive games, especially if the game doesn't have built-in matchmaking that tries to keep you at 50% winrate. I had fun dicking around in LAN, building cool-looking towns in AoE while my friends were still stuck in Castle Age.

Dawn of War 3 comes out in two days and seems really fun. I was impressed by the beta. Game is sitting at 82/83 on metacritic/opencritic respectively.

This is accurate.

crushing disappointment, existential depression

>basebuildfags are the worst
>meanwhile mech is a viable strategy
really sieges my tanks

what's your opinion on the total war games?

I like basebuilding too, and I actually play citybuildans and grand strategy along with RTS games, and Terran was my favourite race, with mech being my favourite playstyle. I had a lot of fun copying that marine tank into battlecruiser opener some guy posted on TL towards the end of WoL.

There's a reason why TvT is the most boring matchup in BW

I do not like Total War games so I will not comment.

You forgot the part where protoss become bigger humans without mouths during their campaign, that was one of the things that annoyed me the most.

all of the mirrors are cancer to play
you have

Just play one map with normal AI, upgrade all units and uninstall

>A game about humanity trying to survive in space against Zerg
>Things are more grim than it seems as the existence of the Overmind is discovered and the true extent of the threat becomes known
>The mysterious Protoss start making an appearance and end up helping the Terran fight the Zerg
>All the while the political game between various Terran factions rages on and plays a major role in the story
>Characters have actual motives and backstab each other at will
>Various subplots like Reynor watching Kerrigan get corrupted and going from having a crush on her to swearing to murder her
And then

>Kerrigan is my waifu
>Everyone must unite to fight the GREAT EVIL OF LEGEND
>Mengsk is bad btw let's kill him first
>Everyone's motivations are simplified and the game becomes a love story

And it just kept getting worse after WoL

>mengsk is a bad guy
i am still mad
i will always be mad

The part where Artanis decides to undo a huge element of protoss culture and tradition because "lel freedom"?

That and they also lose the khala which has kind of defined their race since forever.

>kerrigan did 10 times worse shit and get fucking anime redemption arc

Modern blizzard is a joke

Oh, right. That also happened.

Christ, protoss lore got fucked in the ass in LotV.

>Thank you, for letting me murder millions of innocent people Jim

>My pleasure Darlin, always was

Alright boys, how would you rewrite the entire story of sc2 to keep in line with broodwar.
The bar is pretty fucking low with Heart of the Swarm being a slashfic and Legacy of the Void being more boring and badly acted than used car commercials

>[Written by Chris Metzen]

>Kerrigan literally tears through both aliens and humans like they were paper
>is stopped and nearly killed by Mengsk in his office thanks to his thingamabob
I wasn't the only one who couldn't take that climax seriously, right?

"I"M THE MAN WHO'S GONNA KILL YOU SOME DAY-jk lol wanna bang?" t. Jim Raynor

I just rememered, holy fuck Alexiei what have they done to you

You should play only 1's campaign (and the expansion).

By scrapping it all and ignoring it like the Twilight fanfic tier shit it was.

>SC2 starts where Broodwar left us, with Kerrigan having united the Zerg again and reigning over them
>It's the same shit
>We follow Raynor as he goes on his quest for revenge


>Kerrigan's climax
Ooh baby.

>first game is Raynor salvaging enough allies (mostly terran enemies of Mengsk) including convincing artanis to send the golden armada to destroy the queen of blades
>queen of blades is killed, but the protoss fleet suffers enormous casualties and very few of the terrans survive

>second game follows narud, who is actually a xel'naga and able to command most of the erratic brood hordes after the death of kerrigan as he attempts to destroy the protoss for good
>destroys the planet of aiur but in the meantime the terran develop weapons that can sever his control over the broods
>but given the remoteness of most of the terran worlds, the directionless broods begin to destroy everything, including each other

>third game is lone survivors of aiur, with the help of the dark templar, to destroy narud
>Raynor is able to win the civil war, killing Mengsk, but only due to the chaos of the broods that have decimated terran space
>Raynor and Fenix combine forces with Stukov, who the Queen of Blades made as a cruel experiment to create another powerful zerg ghost but did not rob him of his autonomy completely
>sc2 "ends" with Stukov taking charge to use what small legions he can command to fight the innumerable rogue zerg, the protoss now united on Shakuras, and Raynor reluctantly leading the terran federations on Korhal

I tried badly.

Write more new characters instead of relying exclusively on the old ones.
Pretty much all returning characters should be npcs or rare heroes you control, not the main cast.

Wings of Liberty you play as tychus
Heart of the Swarm you play as Abathur
Legacy of the Void you play as Alarak
there i saved sc2 what do i win

I'm sorry but that scene was fucking great , in a cheesy but lovable early 2000s historical epic sort of way.I was just sitting there waiting for "Now we are free" to start playing.