Daily reminder that Sup Forums defended paid mods

Daily reminder that Sup Forums defended paid mods

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>Sup Forums is a single unified entity with no dissenting opinions

Please tell me this is NTR

They did. Especially when Totalbiscuit told them to

Stop posting

Oh ya, absolutely everyone agreed that paid mods are good and not a single person disagreed ever, the end.

Yes. It is.

This might come as a shock to you, but Sup Forums is not a single person
Hello, Reddìt


Totalbiscuit is our leader after all, what were we supposed to do?

Daily reminder that Sup Forums cured cancer.

>Implying I'm from Reddit.
If you can't even tell me what songs were in this album then you can just get the fuck on out of here.
You probably never even heard of Jakku.

>openly announcing sage
You are apart of what's wrong with this website.
Fuck off to your subreddit.

Sounds like announcing a sage to me.

Yeah, it is.

You're a real human bean, and a real hero.




Sup Forums will defend anything if it's unpopular.

>Sup Forums isn't a hivemind

>a hundred idiots thought they spoke for Sup Forums and made some trash card
Literally no different than the Sup Forumsgas that have been run by reddit for the last 5 years

>you will never experience the pleasure of being an unfaithful bride
>you will never cheat with a man you don't even know the name of while still wearing your wedding dress
>you will never show countless men your bridal lingerie, then tell your husband that you're not in the mood for it for the next weeks/months

what was wrong with paid mods again?
i mean everyone had the option to not buy them didnt they?
then some other people tried to extend the common definition of mod to bug fixes to try to make paid mods sound even more devious than it previously wasnt

i dont care either way
paid mods: i dont buy them
free mods: good for me but i probably wont use them

>you will never be this autistic

Thank shit

I fucking love NTR

you don't even know what "fpbp" is you new


i use it as an opposite of kys, works most of the time

this is what Sup Forums is reduced to.

Please stop, I cannot leave, maybe you can

Please tell me you're either Canadian or a newfag
Because this is upsetting me a bit more than it should

Okay. NOW im glad i dont have that much autism. Jesus Christ

I still feel like this is fake, but now it got me thinking
it doesn't even matter if it is real or not, because how small is the line between this and the hundreds of furries who wear their cum stained fursuits at family dinners really?
the amount of disgust and dissapointment you'd feel as a parent wouldn't be that much different