What a fag

What's this bullshit? First time I fought him he just blew me away with mazan, leveled up to 18, with 2 personas inmunes to mazan but he goes and does the fiucking ANDALUCIA attack, that fucking bastard is too fucking op.
Any tips?

>he doesn't use debuffs

Kill yourself

Drain man, nozuchi is your friend.

Nozuchi is shit, he does no damage, and can't poison him since he's inmune.

Also, if I bought the magatama which nulifies mazan I think I could do it, but gaining 12.000 gold is immposible.

why didn't fuse debuffs/buffs onto nozuchi?
nozuchi has decent str, but in that fight he's better off debuffing or buffing
as long as matador hits him with a wind attack nozuchi has been useful
that's his sole purpose in that fight
to prevent the enemy from getting more turns

i dont think this game is for you user

Debuff his hit/dodge rate. Buff your hit/dodge rate if possible, or at least your defense. If you've got immunity to his force magic then you should be fine, especially at level fucking 18. If you lose with your debuffs on him it's just bad luck and you should try again with that same strategy until you win. Sapping his turns when he cancels your debuffs/hits you with force magic is the best you can hope to do. Don't worry though he's the hardest boss you face for a long while

>can't get past the casual filter
top laff

You did that on purpose.

I did not, I only played persona until I started playing this game yesterday.

Which DEMONS can last in this fight and use debuffs?

I can't answer your question because I'm not an expert on the skills and everything like a lot of SMT fags are. I just negotiated and fused until I got the debuffs I wanted. it didn't take very long. Really the biggest deal is making sure you have Sukunda. That will fuck his Andalucia up, costing him turns when he misses, or costing him a turn when he cancels the debuff. You will probably need a demon with media as well

the ball elephant thing has Sukunda iirc

go back to the drawing board and FUSE until you can sort your shit out, buying the magatama wont hurt either

fucking retarded personafag failing to understand the core gameplay as per usual because he can't turn the difficulty down

Can't buy magatamas if they cost 12.000

Not mine at least, I should fuse him and pick up another.

what the fuck have you been spending your money on other than magatamas you retarded low iq nigger

every boss in the game can be beaten with magatama and a well fused demon, no one here is gonna play the game for you, you fucking stupid cunt of a dickhead

go away

Healing and reviving demons is expensive as FUCK.

Fuse an Inugami and level it to 16 for Fog Breath. Alternatively you could get a Take-Minakata or Chatterskull and level it to 21 for Dekaja.

casual scum

Even if you don't pick up the Magatama now you should remember it's there and pick it up later, because collecting all of them can get you the best one in the game.

This is pretty good advice, thanks.

Also Inugami is weak to Force, but if you level it to 17 it'll evolve into Makami which isn't weak to it.
Or you could just fuse it once it's learnt Fog Breath, I guess.