Final Fantasy XIV thread
Yoshida is a fucking hack
Final Fantasy XIV
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Penis weanus
Red Mage is Best Mage!
>it's going to have worse st than blm
>worse aoe than smn
>brings some debuff that a better job already provides
have fun rdmfags
>He does not main a tank
Explain yourself, shitters
>shitters without God parses will post here.
I bet nobody here cleared a12s
I can't handle responsibility
probably the most boring role once the content is figured out. dpsfags can always try to pad their numbers a bit more, and healerfags can try to do the fight with more mp conserved
tanks just follow patterns
Keep trying, loser. Hardly anyone took your bait last thread.
I want to do dungeons and boss-fights blind instead of looking up mechanics so that I know where the boss is going and where adds need to be before hand.
I played tank for a long time and I feel like it requires the most fight homework out of the three roles.
>will have insane burst like SMN and a gap closer like MNK and NIN making it OP in frontlines
>Will have a battle ressurection like summoner
>will probably provide foe's requiem debuff with 100% uptime as part of the dps rotation
>will have the best looking gear, every time that jobs get specific gear, forever
>the other jobs will NEVER have as sweet of a victory emote
Can one user be THAT jealous
Wouldn't it be funny if instead of making successive threads, we used the /vg/ thread instead? Like if we ignored the attention whores and RP fags to discuss the game instead of making continuous "not a general" threads on Sup Forums?
It's so fucking boring to play they had to add special mounts for each class just to get people to play it. And it's still under-played.
rdm is going to be shit. SHIT
weeburai as well
>tfw like monk
>tfw like BLM
>tfw want to roll RDM when releases
>Can't decide if i should level monk or BLM for now as first class
>90% of the time you are whacking the boss without moving
this is why DPS/Healer is more fun, they need to add more mechanics for tanks
>Has duty finder times of a DPS
>insane burst
I hope none of my bros here are sloppy fucks in Dun who waste my MP on raises.
This is a friendly reminder that these lovely young ladies will be your maids for the evening.
Say something pleasant and eloquent, Sup Forums.
Gentlemen how do we make monk not so deathly boring
Make it faster. Add a reason to switch stance out of fire when dealing DPS. More ways to use greased lightning. Add another AoE, improve flank/backstab mechanics to feel impactful. Increase greased lightning stacks from 3 but make harder to keep up. Really anything to make it look like you're playing StarCraft.
Neither of those address fairly static rotation or downright dull aesthetics or shit weapons.
Then what's your idea then.
Delete MNK
Greased Lightning stacks remove gear from your char and make body more greased\oily.
haha What the fuck?
Lies. SAM gear is best gear. Enjoy your plainclothes.
Going to get back into this game with a mate,
Always BLM
>yfw the SB allied beast tribes bring back the edge cat but with a fucking katana this time
>Finished my Anima weapon just now
Why did I subject myself to such torture.
>raiding in an erp game
lmeow why tho? =w=
Femlezen or Femroe? What subrace? How many dicks? Breast size max?
I did 3 zeta weapons back in ARR before any nerf because I didn't have a job. The HW steps for the relics seem like jokes compared to the ARR relics steps.
>tfw on the unidentifiable step
I might give up
Idk if I have it in me to farm all the tomes I need to get those items
femelezen, wildwood, no dicks, breast size 60/100
8 get
I'd been dumping tomestones on relic stuff for ages and before I knew it I basically had a completed relic sitting in my inventory.
What did you level up first in ARR?
What did you level up first in HW?
What will you level up first in SB?
white mage
paladine (pls fix paladine SE T-T)
I'm a dude who plays with boyfriend WAR main.
Bought a game time card but no DLC code. Did I get bamboozled.
Make GL give you cool auras for each step. Make demolish not have such pathetic potency. Increase Tornado kick's potency so its an actual DPS increase if you throw it in to a rotation and quickly PB to get back to GL3 quickly.
Not sure. I'm planning to give both RDM and SAM a go in PotD.
Be honest with me.
Have you ever seen a person in full shire do well?
I'm in full #handmade high tier crafted gear and I outperform every raiding sperg I've run stuff with
i play with my WAR bf too, he's super thrilled to get to tank with me. feels nice, like we take care of the party together
Paladin A E S T H E T I C is undeniably the best. Hopefully SB fixes them up a bit.
honestly, no
including me
>Paladin A E S T H E T I C is undeniably the best
Mostly nonexistent/dull effects on standard moves
Absolutely retarded (flipping the sword in the air) on HW
Nothing more boring than the standard guy with a shield and a sword
What the FUCK is this PLD is aesthetic meme, when the job couldn't be any less boring, except there's MNK which sets an entire new bore bar.
The duty finder times are amazing together. We love it.
White mage
I saw one full shire monk that had DEX melded into his gear. Thanks PotD.
>tfw ex gf is my fc leader
They're nerfing WAR for SB, you couldn't have picked a worse time to level one.
>tfw you will never be a Pre 3.2 WAR ever again
>Mfw I just had a new leaf CNJ in Tam-tara who hate pugs and dungeons in general, never left cleric-stance but refused to DPS at all because they play a healer
>more eastern-exclusive items being given away in retarded ways
Fucking jews
That must be awkward as fuck.
Just like they're making harder dungeons
Yeah her current bf is in there too
Real strange
Yeah, so?
I play classes that are fun to play, not their relative strength.
They better give us some fucking raid support that isn't purely defensive so people will actually want us again.
What are some items that qualify for this deal?
I'm looking at the Zodiac Age but I can't tell if it qualifies or not.
is it fun because of it's strength tho? for example if they took away massive fell cleave crits, would it still be fun?
"Strength" is also fun to some people, you know. STR WARs loved their fell cleave screenshot macros.
>used to think that it was stupid that one of the 2 lines reward is just 1000 lore
>started a relic and is now praying to just get the 300 lore for 9 seals
Yeah thanks, I pulled the trigger. Now I just wait for my code.
If you preorder something, you can place your order, get your codes, redeem them, then cancel your order
I did that several times and the code never came
they fixed this from last time
You're right, they changed it since the last amazon event.
how is warrior going to be nerfed?
Dark Knight
Red Mage after the hype died down,not dealing with those queue times.
If Fell Cleave did 0 damage but still remained in-game I'd be fine with it. The act of fell cleaving, the animation, the sound, where it fits in rotations, etc. that's fun for me.
That's cool. I'm not one of those people though. I like WAR because they have cool weapons, nice animations, solid rotations and flexibility in handling situations whether MT or OT. Unless SB guts the warrior's toolkit ala WoW I'd imagine it will still be fun to play. Especially if DRK remains a clunky mess and PLD stays bland.
For me, having a massive HP bar is cooler than having massive damage. I'm eagerly waiting for tanks to break 100k HP.
Stances change up your moveset or apply extra effects onto your skills. The correct stance with the right move increases the effect by 50% or something. Extend DK/TwinSnakes duration by twice as long to allow MNK to be able to do 2-3 cycles before having to refresh, instead of one.
FoE - high compatibility with buffing moves, increases the effect of DK/TwS and also inflicts a Dismantle (5% less phys) effect with Demolish.
FoF - high compatability with dps moves. Just increases the dps of movs like SP, TrueS, Bootshine. Demolish.
FoW - Compatability with all moves, adds a slight cleave effect to every single target move, but at 50% less potency. Debuffs do carry through and positional calculated the same way.
New opo-opo form move on a 30s-1min cd that takes advantage of your stance. That cd would be something like a 400 potency hit for Fire, a 10s stun, 100 potency hit for Earth, a buff that extends GL3 for 20 seconds for Wind.
>NA Amazon promotional shit yet again
>yet more Mog Station items
>Annoying trend of items being per character now whatever the price
>Moogle suit, an exclusive to Fanfest, no longer exclusive
I guess we can see the FFX outfit and minions in a couple of years.
well that's cool user! means you really enjoy the job and you'll stick with it and go far
like how i'm still a monk... ;-;
What mechanics do you think her trial will have?
post your character to help me decide
>Annoying trend of items being per character now whatever the price
This is the worst thing about mogstation. At the least these amazon shits are account wide.
T7 2: electric boogalo.
Two things.
1. Refreshing Greased Lightning resets the cooldown on Shoulder Tackle.
2. New level 62 skill: Annihilate: Deal x damage to a target with a powerful kick, while pushing yourself backwards 15 yalms and removing bind/heavy. 160s, off GCD.
How bad would it be for me to make a learning party for AS8?
>bio enemy
>painflare them
>they take the bait and panic purify
>ruin 2
>tri-disaster+ energy drain
>ruin 2
>fester + dwt
>ruin 2 and deathflare
>ruin 2 and swiftcast + ruin3
Every single enemy job is dead by the end of that, most dead by the deathflare. this is all done in about 10 seconds.
>not hitting the enemy with your book
always classy
Creator was a mistake.
Don't worry about your MP bro.
I only did it for the event gear/mounts.
Frontlines is definitely the closest gametype to being fun in this combat system for pvp, but it's still flawed in the flow of matches and the general spaced-outness of the maps.
It could use a much better come-back mechanic than adrenaline rushes to keep things interesting.
>Want to do a quick EX roulette before reset
>Get Sohm Al Hard
>Tank is a PLD
>He has only 4k more HP than me
>He's also new
>Explain the whole dungeon to him and get 3 commendations at the end
>moogle suit is back
Can't wait to use it with a moogle katana.
Samoogle, or Mogurai?
I'm considering leveling MIN/BTN first in SB so i can actually have money
i've been scrounging by on dungeon gil and generally stay around 100k since i buy leveling gear for gatherers/other classes