Persona 5

>50% of the dialogue "choices" have no impact on the game
Why are they even there? Outside of confidant events and 2 conversations, every response has no ramifications. Is it just filler to make the game seem more "full"?

For fun you autist

yeah maybe

>repeatedly choosing the same answer worded differently for 100 hours is fun

For °•~role-playing~•°

Japs can't into dialogue options other than in visual novels

Anyone else feel that P5 had less memorable events? The school events were shit and not even fun and memorable

This must be your first persona game.

It is actually.

try 80%

just because it's the norm doesn't mean it should be

>personafags can't understand the concept of improvement

>niche games that sell well to the target audience due to their tried and tested format should change because I said so
Not happening senpai

To be honest, after the shit you could pull off in Persona 3, the guys can take a break.

The purpose is that in SMT games you are always playing your interpretation of the character. It's their way of doing a silent protagonist. Most games that do a silent protagonist keep them 100 percent silent and let you imagine what "you" are saying.

SMT games take a different approach because while it is your interpretation of the character, they still are a character. For example the character in Persona 5 is not gay therefore you cannot choose to date a guy confidant. Those dialogue options exist to allow you to role play your version of the character. It's kind of like the Witcher games only this protagonist is less defined as a character.

Now one thing that pisses me off though is when they have two options and they are basically identical.

It's just for flavor.

Just because you can change things, doesnt mean you should.

The Wheel is just fine as it is, user.
Sure, you can change the materials, maybe add a few design choices, make it a nicer wheel, but I still want a WHEEL.

>my arbitrary change that nobody is asking for is an "improvement"

Why are you pretending that isn't the case in every game with "choices" OP?
Most games just give you one choice to lock your route, then another choice to dictate if you get the good end or bad end.
Everything else is flavor choices.

Dude you can't be gay in Persona because Japan hates that degenerate shit.

Well there's 297 responses that have an effect on the game.

Based Japan

Some western CRPGs would like a word with you.

They almost made Yosuke blatantly bi in 4, and Aigis loves you no matter which gender you pick in P3P.

But maybe gay robots don't count.

t. Guy who never played p4

That's exactly what I'm talking about. They took out the planned fag stuff in 4 because the series was too mainstream for them to let that shit fly.

Blatantly. As in not just implications all up in the everything.

Yeah, but they've come close. So who knows whether or not they'll continue to skirt the edge, or actually just dive in one of these days.

They never will. P5 took place in an edgy urban setting and only had gays as a creepy background joke.

The very specific rule is that if it's super niche then you can do whatever but if it's super popular then you better get that degeneracy the FUCK out of here.

A lot of them are great though.

>Beep Boop
>Honey, I'm home.

>Time to button mash

Never say never.

It'll just bite you in the ass.

Though you do have a point with Japan's contentment as far as "gays as a creepy background joke". Like I'm honestly surprised I don't see more SJW-types kicking up a fuss about that.

Why do you retards play the last game of the series first?

Not him and I've played all Persona games since 2, but these are fucking long games so it's not hard to see why someone would start with this if they don't have a lot of time and don't even know if they will enjoy the series.

Some did. I think a lot of them were split between the Persona-hype bandwagon and their need to be offended so they just decided to ignore it as japan being weird.

>since 2
You're one of the retards he's talking about!

Is it true you can't advance SLinks during the time between securing infiltration routes and sending the card?

I'm in the third palace, attacked it immediately after it was available but I can't send the card right now because I need a few things first.

>Japan hates that degenerate shit
>the country that has an entire genre of games dedicated to homo shit
>that has more gay characters than its Western gaming industry counterparts

More like you can't be gay in Persona because Hashino wants to pander to otaku.

Tell that to the absurdingly large yaoi market.
Also Kanji.


Only blind SJWs actually think Kanji was gay.

This, it's hilarious to see retards thinking japan doesn't like faggotry in fiction when they have entire STORES dedicated to both ends of the spectrum

But the regular otaku want to self insert in a blank state so he can choose his waifu, and that's exactly what most games will do.

Oh noes, the SJWs have taken over Japan!

If you get a boner for a guy him turning out to be a girl doesn't make you any less of a faggot.

oh the irony


And this is a problem because? You do realise that the purpose of a business is to make money, correct?

one thing i kind of miss from persona 3 is how different people from your team would greet you when you get home.

Kanji isn't gay because they pussied out halfway through development and made Naoto a girl and made Kanji's entire identity crisis boil down to "oh it's ok to sew" which made his social link one of the most boring of the party members.

The dialogue choices were shit for the most part, the game had some funny moments but a lot of the times you can see that the conversation would have played out the same no matter what option you picked.


Businesses can grow by pursuing more than just immediate pandering.

>Not getting the point that sexuality is utterly irrelevant to Kanji's character

His whole thing is that he misinterpreted what his father said about being strong.

He thought it meant being physically strong and manly, and that clashed with his interests in textiles. The mocking from other kids didn't help either.

And all of a sudden some guy is really attractive to him and he thinks he's full gay. BTW, Naoto was always a girl.

There WAS a gay romance SLink for Yosuke, but that was removed from the game.

the whole character arc is SJW shit though

No point when they have a sure sale in hand already. Not everyone wants to play "Progressive Androgyny Simulator"

>They almost made Yosuke blatantly bi in 4

If Yosuke wasn't supposed to be bi they did a shit job of hiding it.

Then they can choose not to. They already gave the option before anyway and they did this for a reason.


Having a dev shove their sjw agenda down ones throat is not "choosing" anything

To get different reactions from NPCs. What do you want? Different endings?

>sexuality is utterly irrelevant to Kanji's character
>his entire panic is because he thinks he's a faggot and he's weird because he likes girl stuff when really he's just a faggot who likes girly stuff and that's okay

Sure, sexuality sure is irrelevant.

Play the game

at least get a reverse arcana or whatever the fuck it's called like in 3

the way things are you can just shit on people with little repercussion

If you're afraid of the SJW boogeyman why are you playing a game like Persona?

You're not really making Kanji's arc look like anything more than "oh it's ok to sew". It is 100% uninteresting and the inverse of Naoto's which was "oh it's ok to be a detective". And Naoto's concept art was for a boy.

user I hate SJWs as much as you but letting you an ingame choice isn't throat shoving. Especially when a nip dev do it only for the videogame instead of westacuck SJWs who do that in order to reassure themselves of their real world faggotry.

>why wont Eastern developers pander to my degeneracy?

They frequently did already

So why aren't you playing those games, instead of complaining that Atlus wouldn't let Joker take a cock up his ass? What is your endgame here?

>replaying the shit that is Persona 4

No thank you. I don't need to replay that shit to know that Kanji was a faggot who learned that it's okay to like girly things.

>the answers are just yes, no, sarcastic yes

Oh, I'm sorry, two choices to lock you to a route. Then fifty choices right at the end for a slightly different text box and static image.

>"L-look guys, I'm being contrarian! D-do I f-fit in yet, Sup Forums-sama?"

>not like Persona 4 is the contrarian opinion now
I have been gone too long I see.

>What's your endgame here

To trigger faggots like you.

Kinda fun since you can still play Yu like he's bi. But that's just Yu I guess.

More like 90

You're the one buttblasted that not every game allows you to partake in homosexual activities. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting senpai.

Leave it to me.

What does "no impact" mean?

That they don't effect the game in a mayor way?

Of course most won't in a game with so much dialog

As long as the options offer different dialog and add more to your character that's fine

As long as some options do make bigger effects, of course


Who's the on projecting now?

>what the hell? This game doesn't have any degeneracy in it! How dare they not cater to me!
>B-but I'm not angry though, that'd you guys

Fighting against peer expectations is pretty usual problem for youths around the world, user.

>t. P5 was my first Persona game
The main focus of the first 2 Personas was dungeon crawling, the focus of the latest 3 games is socializing.
That's why
>Outside of confidant events
There aren't many more impactful choices.

>peer expectations
You mean gender norms.

Damn I'm watching gameplay and Person 5 looks pretty cool

I like the attention to care and polish

Music sounds amazing too, is there enough of it for such a long game?

Last Suprise can get kind of tedius especially in longer sections of the game. Sometimes I just wish the Palace music would play, also fuck the Mementos music right in the ass it makes me want to commit suicide.

But, generally, it's fine.

You retards realize Japan thought homosexuality was something completely normal until western contact right? And for long after.

Yeah but they didn't think homosexual relationships were right. That's something people also tend to forget about say, the Romans.

Stay mad, loose-ass ;)

What could you do to Maiko?
I dont remember anymore.
I know that could tell Tanaka to lick your shoes.

But persona is a visual novel

You could basically confirm her fears she caused her parents divorce.

To make you pay attention.

Watching 5 minutes of characters with minimal animation and no camera movement can get boring pretty quickly. It's an area I hope they improve on in persona 6.

P3 was still up there on dungeon crawling.