Seriously, what the fuck is this? Do the localizers lurk here?
Seriously, what the fuck is this? Do the localizers lurk here?
And a lot of the "Phan-Site" comments are strange.
"lel" and "kek" expanded beyond Sup Forums years ago.
>characters from a game set in the modern era talk like people from the modern era
what's le problemo, famalam
its cringy and massive pandering but at least it was not BTFO
life is strange also used kek or lel shit
Nothing in particular... kek
He said the equivalent in Japanese.
Sure thing m8
Actually thought this scene was perfect. He is an awkward dope who spilled his spaghetti. He was the only character who would unironically say that out loud
"ror" ?
>Futaba unironically says kek as well
fucking dumb nerds
>autistic weeb shits the bed not knowing the Japanese version is full of wwwwwwwwwww and ror
You mean to say Mishima is Sup Forums incarnate?
warota or warai i guess
its cringy and 2ch pandering too
You do realize the Japanese version has a bunch of 2ch stuff, right?
>fucking dumb nerds
I wish.
>basement dwellers say "kek"
What a shitty and unrealistic game, 0/10.
do you have autism
So they decided to opt localizing that with shit from here? A lot of the phansite comments feel oddly reminiscent
The way she says it is in disbelief though. Like, if you were to say kek in real life, someone would probably say "...did you just say kek?"
>tfw no smelly neet gf to IRL shitpost with
She is genuinely surprised how much of a loser Mishima is and repeats what he said to herself in utter disbelief. Futaba talks in a lot of game terms and makes loads of references but she never spews meme shit like kek and lol.
That's literally a post and not something somebody said out loud.
>Sup Forums logo on Ann
>we are medjed, we are unseen
>medjed started out as some severely autistic anons righteous crusade only to be co-opted by the government and used against justice seeking youth
>Character literally called fucking Futaba
>Uses chan references
Surely it's not referring to Futaba aka 2chan
>t-t-that doesn't count
>Do you believe the phantom thieves are real?
>lol no
>pics or it didn't happen
>fake and gay
>seriously traps are not gay
I'm not him and I don't care about that one.
The only retarded thing here is her saying it out loud.
>her name is Futaba
"Our" memes are very mainstream.
>futa bar defenders
During the entire conversation, Mishima is being a sperg while Futaba talks shit. He says kek aloud and Futaba makes fun of him for it. You'd know this if you played the game.
Or wait, I'm actually kind of annoyed they used kek instead of lol too now that I think about it.
What about the user saying: CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP
>Hey are you free?
>What am I saying? You're always free
Can I fucking marry this woman right now
I've never played any persona because mainline smt is better
>Mishima: "Do you do racy camshows"
>Mishima: "N-not that I'd mind kek"
I refuse to believe people this socially unadjusted and awkward exist in real life.
Why do anons consistently freak the fuck out over memes being present in a game when they are totally justified by the context in which they are present?
>Why do anons consistently freak the fuck out over memes being present in a game when they use them on a regular basis IRL
anyone who tries to deny it is in too deep
>when life gives you lemons
>you make dindu muffins
Sup Forums thinks memes are some precious, original treasure they're obligated to protect from other sites that steal them despite Sup Forums stealing memes from other boards due to its lack of memorable OC.
Nice filename
>Hang out with meme-loving fucks
>Spout memes all day
I do this, and yet I'd never be retarded enough to randomly respond "kek" to anyone at my department.
>saving images
>as the Phantom Thieves poll increases the shit posting comments also increase
Regardless how much people want to deny it all this social media shit is part of our culture now.
Atlus did a great job of mixing the concept of social media, phones and the overall modern world into the game.
I also appreciate that it depicts Tokyo as a shit hole because as someone who's actually had to go over there, its refreshing for a jrpg to burst the weeb bubble
Wow, it's almost as if you're supposed to think Mishima is a sperg. Really activates those almonds...
mishima's autistic
as in not what you call someone you think is a retard
legit autistic
>tfw I know someone that greets people by saying ayylemao
I haven't played the game, I just came here to laugh at people who don't know what Futaba is :^)
How do you win Futabas heart? Not be Mishima?
It was the wrong option for the most SLink points, but I picked it anyway.
And she even acknowledges it's savage and doesn't care!
>NEET is retarded
>NEETs are perplexed by this
The main character is already the polar opposite of Mishima.
Hikikos and NEETs notoriously lack self-awareness
This game would've been a lot more interesting if Mishima grew bitter as FUCK and exposed all of you, forcing the stoy in a drastically different direction.
This guy seems perfect to boil over with resentment.
>Mishima lied about the Phantom Thieves needing money so he could blow it all on an expensive buffet
Reminds me of a certain site administrator..
>friend has started using shitposts IRL more and more
>can't even get mad at him anymore
Nah, but his ego does take a step toward too huge, and then you have to remind him of his place.
>Localize it by using shitpost language in English
>Get mad
You rather they use Japanese shitpost language in the game?
You didn't miss the part where he bought a yacht and then had it sink, right?
Back to Raidcall with you
>I never played persona
>That's why i know the old games are better
>Please bring back the 90s
Do the world a favor and kys.
its like an actual tsundere thing. very juvenile but some do. same goes for that shitty frog. nobody cares about being treated that as an icon of nazi and shit out there but retards like polacks gladly freak the fuck out like kids.
How can you tell if you never played it?
They use "笑" and just that, they don't use the full katakana warota nor any extras. And the most adecuate translation would be just "lol" and btw, It's not a futaba / 2ch thing, every japanese between 12 and 24 uses it.
Because we all like to imagine Sup Forums as some underground, back-alley website where the forefront of internet culture goes.