this shit board not only sent Nintendo a thankyou card but also use weeb as an insult
This shit board not only sent Nintendo a thankyou card but also use weeb as an insult
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Sup Forums is getting increasingly anti-japan because of its overwhelming white userbase. white men feel an intense jealousy towards the japanese because x factors, but mostly:
>japanese women, superior to white women both in looks and behavior on average
>japanese culture, fairly traditional with a lot of pride in their ancestors, unlike the degeneracy from north america and western europe
>homogeneity: japan is 98% japanese and 99,5% east asian, western europe is 80% white and falling, canada is 70% white and falling and america barely counts as white country nowadays (50~60% white)
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I doubt white men are anti Jap women
Why are Japanese women so perfect?
>Superior looks
looks no but behavior yes, way superior.
>having taste this shit
stop typing weeb
Same person?
ever seen jap porn?
try finding white woman doing that shit
doing what?
No, are the same person. Nagi Nemoto from a Japanese idol group.
Yes its Nagi. She's fucking gorgeous. White women BTFO
then they have no rights to complain about niggers flocking white women
superior master race japanese genes
japanese men are also the world's great, japanese society is also the best one
>getting this low
by age 25 your average white women have had at least 3x the number of partners of an average japanese women
Post more perfect Japanese women
>at least 3x
All my classmates were having anal sex in the 6th grade.
Not kidding. And it was in an expensive school.
No I didn't bang them I was the weird guy who didn't enjoy sex until I was 17.
>then they have no rights to complain about niggers flocking white women
niggers are sub human to east asians too, though
Japanese women have brown nipples.
Nah they vary
This board is also home to.shit threads like yours
>>japanese women, superior to white women both in looks and behavior on average
Looks: no
Behavior: depends on whether you want an individual or a submissive drone
Due to the fact most weebs are betas, they are intrinsically drawn to submissive, collectivist asian girls as no aryan goddess would come within 10 meters of them.
>having taste this shit
unless you see skanky ratchet white girls on a daily basis, most people can fuck normally without acting like a whore.
Plus I cant stand japanese porn where they scream IKU IKUUU
not all of them
some koreans have pink nipples.
Still better than being delusional.
Not an argument
>looks no
>Looks: no
white people are nothing special on average, i'd say the average japanese face is just slightly more attractive than the average white face, but top-tier japanese women are miles above top tier white women. japanese women also have much better bodies on average, since obesity isn't a big problem in japan, unlike in white countries
>Behavior: depends on whether you want an individual or a submissive drone
truly cucked, now go back to
Kayona Kim has pink nipples.
top tier japanese woman
I prefer mixed jap/white
Post pics of 50%+ white girls with jap genes
I don't like their noses.
>picture not related
let's see them
They have cute little button noses while white girls have long beak noses like birds.
western games are like western women. Only third worlders have fun with it.
Define white, because Europeans have the most varied looking noses on Earth.
She looks like a chink tho
Korean, actually.
Are chinese whiter than japanese?
retard detected
they have money noses - focus is applied to the nostrils
further more japs have more aquiline noses than whities
go to be homo
Actually it's the opposite
hambeast pls go
Finnish women have 10~20% of asian genes
perfect combination.
monkey* noses
All I know is, white noses look more masculine. They look good on guys. Not so much on the girls.
there seem to alot of jap sympathizers in this thread so i wanna ask this
what is the red-circled garment called?
i see this piece of clothing in many animes and i wanna get one now
Why do I know this
That's one thing I really don't like about Asians.
They have no nosebridge at all for the most part. The result is that their fucking nose is just this wide, bulbous thing that juts out from just above their mouth. Also, their nostrils tend to be gigantic.
Really pretty eyes, for the longest time I thought she had contacts on.