What are the worst LPs ever uploaded to the internet?
What are the worst LPs ever uploaded to the internet?
How are they doing on BoTW?
>dude stupid voices xD so randumb
>wannabe game grumps
this entire thread belongs into the trash
>I'm a butthurt game grumps fan
>not the best LPers of all of Youtube
I feels sorry for your shit taste user.
Evrey single dsp playthrough ever.
This one is pretty much mandatory guys
Where did I imply in my post that Game Grumps is not shit?
I seriously hope you are under 15
Two best Friends Play: The Walking Dead: Season 2.
Keep hoping buddy, still won't solve your shit taste problems.
Honestly? Probably DSP's Dark Souls 1 Let's play. He slowly scrapes his way past the first boss, whining and complaining the whole time while not understanding or learning simple things like "what are the souls for!?".
He then reads an online FAQ to find out how to get the drake sword(extremely broken early game weapon that requires fairly specific actions to obtain). This weapon carries him all the way to Blight town but it's effectiveness starts to wear off here because it has no stat scaling, he then immediately rage quits the game. He comes back 1.5 years later and summons 2 people for every boss fight and literally watches them as they kill them for him, they also drop him powerful, upgraded weapons and armor to help him on his way. Finally finishes the game without reading a single item description, paying attention to a single cut scene or listening to anything any NPCs have to say then says "wow what a shitty ending".
It was certainly an entertaining ride though.
Generally speaking, GG has always been remotely interesting when was Dan in charge of playing something. Punch-Out Wii and Shadow of the Colossus are still the high points to me.
I have to admit, when I found that guy ( I watched the whole ME2 Playthrough) I thought he was funny. At least a bit crazy, and his laugh was kind of infectuous. Then I realized how much of a dumb dickhead he was
It was awful, but Danganronpa was way worse.
Why, what happened in Danganronpa?
Best Friends Nuzlocke was so horrible, Woolie plays RPGs like the most scared coward ever and he can barely get through a route without some terrible point of indecision, and Matt actually just sat there and whined that he had to be there the whole time. Danganronpa too.
the problem with Danny is that he almost immediately fucks up anything that isn't completely 3d or 2d. He was pretty bad in mario due to that.
>Arin doesn't like Super Mario 64
How much of a complete faggot is he?
He just literally can't handle 3D cameras. Guy can't move his character and the camera at the same time, twin sticks is too hard for him.
Would you rather watch OneyPlays or befriend all the gays?
Nuzlocke was worth it for the livestreamed finale. Danganronpa and few others are much, much worse.
Quite well actually. He killed the shock arrows lynel without much trouble.
I love the surfer-bro voice he gave Sidon.
But unlike Arin, he doesn't immediately blame the game after skipping the tutorial.
>wannabe game grumps
you couldn't be more wrong
The one with the irritating and overly energetic dork.
So yeah, most of them.
ngl, that solo Danny run was so great and pure
worse than aids moby and beard fat
>aids moby
literally who
Super mega is pretty good. They don't constantly make le funny voice every five seconds
christopher odd is probably the only person I can tolerate long enough on actual LPs
>there are people on Sup Forums who watch let's plays
>there are people on Sup Forums who have tastes and opinions different from my own
>there aren't are people on Sup Forums who thinks their favorite E-celeb is their friend
People who complain about Game Grumpy being bad at games completely missed the point. It's about a visual medium being used to get jokes out. They could be watching TV and joking or watching people walk by in a cafe. If you actually watched them instead of playing video games, you're a retard.
Are* xD
Pretty much any series Vinny from Vinesauce does.
He's fallen a long way. Now it seems like all he does is complain about petty shit, suck Nintendo's dick, or re-use stale memes.
Joel isn't much better, but at least he talks about shit besides his taste in music, memes, or Nintendo.
the difference is that the main guy is awful at video games and also makes critical analysis videos where he calls them shit because he's awful at them. He thinks Mario 64 is bad because his brain can't handle a 3D environment. Even if they are just fucking around, considering it's their living they should at least not be so obnoxiously bad that it's enraging.
I mean I wouldn't mind if they were bad at video games if they were good at jokes... but they're not
They're pretty shit all round, the more they tried to expand their brand the more dilluted and shitty their channel became.
I watched their shit for a year or so, Jon was good, Arin was .. bearable.
Jon left, Danny joined, Danny centric stuff was pretty damn good, Arin became even less bearable.
Now everything is trash and Danny and Ross are the only saving graces of an otherwise sludge through the mud of a channel.
>Ross and Dan
Fuck when was the last steam train?
Why does oneyplays get defended so vehemently here? I tried it a few times and it was the same shit I hate about every other eceleb channel.
James and Mike