Imagine how awesome video games would be in a communist world

Imagine how awesome video games would be in a communist world.

>Devs can make the games they want without restrictions
>No needs for competition so no exclusives or other dumb stuff
>Everybody gets to play everything for free
>No DLC or other capitalist bullshit

keep dreaming fag

tetris was pretty good for it's time

>Everybody gets to play everything for free
Even in Soviet Russia the arcade machines used coins.

They wouldn't exist

China still can't make good vidya

>Devs can make the games they want without restrictions

Top kekerino
The first thing commies do after getting to power is create censorship
Fuck off leftist faget

Pieces of bread to be more exact

They say the combination of red and yellow makes people hungry.

Video games arnt essential for society so in a communist world they'd be given the absolute lowest priority. How could you justify having 100s of people work for 3 years on a AAA game when those manhours could be used for infrastructure, farming or something else.

I don't understand artists who advocate communism, you'll be either making propaganda, news or working for free during your time off from your actual job.

soviet russia existed during 1917-1922 period
there were no arcade mashies back then

The devs would be too busy queuing for toilet paper.

Economics should be a mandatory class for everyone.

Soviet Union was 22-91 so stop being pedantic.

There would be no videogames in a communist world,back to the gulag.



Commu/v/ism when?

Animation while at first used for propaganda purposes and displaying adult themes was delegated to children animation. Some probably would happen with videogames, you'd have to play lots of kiddy shit and only once in two decades see something great come out.

>those pictures of cats
It's like pottery.

>Devs can make the games they want without restrictions
So, kickstarter.
>No needs for competition so no exclusives or other dumb stuff
How are these two related? Everyone with a braincell knows that exclusivity only benefits the publisher, not the dev or consumer.
>Everybody gets to play everything for free
So, piratebay
>No DLC or other capitalist bullshit
How is separate game content "capitalist" while the actual game isn't?

Jesus christ pinkos are dumb.

Hey retard, it's already getting there, bernie exposure is proof of that.

when you realize how badly you fucked up, you'll be gulag'd, they always go for the useful idiots that helped them first before the disenters. Have fun. Also go back to infinite chan /leftypol/