are you buying it?
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Might pick it up at some CD key site
Not gonna pay more than 30 euro tho
Of course. DOW and DOW II were both great (as were the expansions), it got good reviews and looks neat. Also there will never be enough neither WH40K or RTS games on the market.
No the game is crap. The dev's are retards. Litteraly picked from art school and woman studies.
loved last stand
Gonna have to wait for the full version on this one.
Not because I think it'll be super, but I still think it'll be good enough to enjoy.
I already play enough MOBAshit
Threadly reminder the 'op moba' base towers that 'stall the game forever' eternaly cuck the shitters on Sup Forums can be taken out by a drunk Russian in 12 minutes with 2 asm squads and a dred.
Sadly no, I was not impressed with the beta at all. I liked the previous 2 games too much maybe and this is too far away from those.
I never buy for full price and on launch
No, I'm already bought it two months ago.
It's not a MOBA.
It's not really bad and actually fun to play.
But it also lacks content for the price they are asking for.
No deal
Will wait for the reviews regarding the campaign. I wont be playing online matches anyway.
according to GR, campaign is pretty good and around 15 hours long
gave it 9/10
No tyranids, no buy
Campaigns in RTS have always been glorified tutorials.
Maybe when sales happen. beta was cool and I liked it but $100 is too much for me right now.
Anyone got the HD version cus it's gonna be finished real quick
No. Gameplay sucked. Gonna wait till I can pirate it for the campaign.
>wanting pointy dinosaurs over necrons or tau
you'd have to be a cuck to pay that much for it.
I payed $70 AUD to pre-order the limited edition.
Where at user
Where else.
Did you get the code already? I dont wanna wait for a code on release and have to DL over 8 hours :(
They werent in the DoW games. Especially in DoW2 where the campaign was basically an real time tactical RPG.
>implying DoW2 and 3 aren't MOBAs
It's the limited edition, so it's the physical copy.
Depending on when you pre-ordered it, 90% of the time you get the game on the day of release.
Am I forgetting something about DoW1 being the same for every race with the exception of the core and IG expansion?
Sup Forums says it's shit so I'm buying it.
>Sup Forums says it's shit
Pretty much the same logic I go by too.
>good enough to enjoy.
War hammer fans are literally beaten housewives
Probably down the line when there are more factions.
Tau maybe, newcrons a shit.
ill buy it when it hits the first sale, by then they will announce what races will be DLC
will buy it if it has tau nids or crons
I will buy 2 copies right now! and i will preorder all the DLCs asap! is the game available on different platforms? make it so and i will purchase another!
Just checked, nothing in the limited I care for. Time for another digital
I enjoyed the beta, most of my frustrations with it were a result of me being shit
I look forward to the campaign
Plus, looking at SEGA / Relic's model (ie TW for Sega and previous DOW games for Relic) there will probably be shit loads of DLC to keep this going.
DLC 1 = IG / Chaos
DLC 2 = Necrons / Tau
DLC 3 = Tyranids
>3 races
>no open maps
>cover system is shit
No it wasnt? The fluff gave wildly different results depending on who you played as in Dark Crusade. The Risk style mechanic was also neat.
gay frogposter
No, it's trash. Dumbed down RTS-MOBA hybrid, I'll just go play DOTA2 then, that doesn't cost 60€ or whatever the price is.
DLC 4 = Dark Elfdar
DLC 5 = Squats
Not a 40,000k fan.
Hope you guys enjoy it, though.
No. Give me my SoBs.
I give it about 3 days after the game launches for the shilling to end, and discussion to die off completely apart from a thread laughing at it every now and then.
This happens every time with shitty games. Even the Steam forums are calling it trash, you know it's gonna be a flop when those dicksuckers don't like it.
It's a bad sequel as a DoW game; and a mediocre RTS in general.
All of a sudden people are saying DOW2 was good?
Interesting how things change.
The moment you think of it as a different game land not a sequel to DoW1, then yes it was was a good game.
Stupid people just hate everything new.
Yeah, the only reason I'm getting the limited is because ozgameshop only has the normal game as a digital download key thingy.
and cos I have shit internets I always prefer the disc.
Betafags, how do the Eldar play? Are their tanks still like made out wet cardboard?
its not set in the year 40000000 user
They have shield in addition to hp, so you can hitnrun without losing any models.
>tfw no sci-fi game set 40 million years in the future
I bought it for 33 euros at cdkeys com yesterday. I was against pre orders but theres preload and my connection sometimes is shaky so I want to play it instantly + box version is like 7 euro more expensive in my country and I dont have DVD drive.
they said anytihng about mod support yet?
need some maps that are open and not lane based
Map editor is avaliable on release.
"Relic plan to launch Dawn of War 3 with a Steam Workshop enabled map editor"
Found this info seems neat.
finally some good news
I doubt maps created by users will appear in matchmaking, so it doesn't matter.
>33 euros
for that price I'm kinda tempted. Even if the beta was kinda ho-hum. But with an asston more elites I guess the games can be quite different and opt for more playstyles than "ball of death all troops, launch level 10 elite ASAP"
It kinda change for the better. Reminder that CoH2 was pretty fucking barebones when it first released but right now its drorning with content.
Yea, but some of them are OP as fuck iirc
Depends if the single player is decent
I hate playing rts games for the multilayer unless it's just a comp stomp with a mate
That's autistic.
Yeah I also found the prices for Elites and they are not that high. 200 for Elite and 50 for doctrine so there will be no CoH2 2 weeks grinding for 1 commander.
Yeah I'm buying it. The game is tons of fun (from what I played of the beta) and is getting good reviews.
Most of the haters are morons.
>Playing coop vs AI is autistic
>remove grimdark setting
no why the fuck would i support nu-relic they can go fuck themselves and jerk off moba fags
Playing vs Ai is. There is 2v2 to have fun with friend.
Same deal with DoW3.
It's more grimdark then ever.
Yes but everything has regenerative shields so you can hit and run.
Also their tanks all hover over terrain making it easier to get away.
If the maps are good and balanced then Relic would probably consider it.
Other RTS devs have put good community maps into rotation.
Hope so.
Don't rag on compstompers. They have their place in the RTS ecosystem.
The game will have a skirmish/compstomp mode at release.
The campaign is singleplayer only (no coop). Some german dude has been uploading it on YouTube.
>They have their place in the RTS ecosystem.
They are not even real players.
In TW Warhammer players asked to include more maps in Quick Match pool and after some time they did it. So theres hope Relic will do something like that too. They are not dicks I trust them.
>ball of death
Doing this will get your army killed very quickly by AoE (elite abilities, grenades, artillery, global abilities). Meanwhile with a little micro and spreading out your troops you can take down elites fairly efficiently.
>try beta with my friend
>played tons of DoW2
>he played tons of SC2
>we both hate it
It's shit.
Well maybe because some people like to play RTS games for leisure and not competively?
Same mentality when playing castle building games like Stronghold.
nope i didn't enjoy the beta.
Pretty much same happened to me, except we also love DoW1 and SupCom
DoW 3 is trash.
Sadly Relic took path that angered many fans. But for me it's not bad game. I guess they can't make everyone happy.
Tfw ordered physical copy on amazon and I will not be able to preload...
Anyway beta was fun
Relic is in pretty much an impossible position. All the criticism is different and often directly contradict each other.
The people who say "Stupid Relic, all we wanted was x" are idiots, because the fact is there's no consensus even among the haters.
Whole point of rts games is to outsmart your enemy.
Forgot my image.
But yeah, basically they can't please everyone. Thankfully a lot of people like the game and it's reviewing well.
This, people haven't learned timings, if you start pushing it before the first escalation it is easy. The escalation phases do crazy things to the hp, so you get to escalation 2-3 with tier 1 units and you are nothing to it.
For Starcraft maybe, but RTS games will always be the armchair general simulators I played since childhood.
Ok mr fanboy, then tell me why should I play this instead of Dow 1 or Dow 2
wished there was more macro and less micro
units feel very expensive and VERY fragile
will probably pick it up for cheap though
Because its new.
Well we learn what new relics the magpies get the honor of being gifted with.
Yeah I was so mad at them until beta. I spent 40h while theres alot of things they could improve I liked it and I even pre ordered for the preload. I only hope it will be available early on 27 FOR SOME WAAAR
>For Starcraft maybe,
No, all strategy games, because that's what strategy is.
>game takes place after the heat death of the universe
>screen stays black nothing happens
>game takes place shortly before the end of the universe
>all the factions try to deal with or circumvent the inevitable end
You don't need to play it. I played alot Dow1/2 and I was among the haters but I played beta and it's not that bad + I heard campagin is good.
Yeah that's the first reason.