Why aren't you allowed to like Link to the Past anymore?
Why aren't you allowed to like Link to the Past anymore?
Because it's an old game for geezers.
I never did. Zelda games are pretty boring.
Always been more into Ys
its james rolfe's favorite game, and he didnt even play the other zeldas
We're not? Who the fuck said so? And why would I listen to the little skidmark? ALttP is really good.
It just doesn't have any good ROM hacks.
That magic mirror thing and having to stand in the right place in that cliff area to get to the dark world.
Best Zelda game hands down. Anyone who says otherwise is actually missing some chromosomes, even bothering to validate any "argument" with a counter is futile.
because acknowledging zelda games before (and inferior to) botw makes us look even worse in the eyes of our sonybro rivals
The randomizer is pretty neat.
I've never played a Zelda game and Link to the Past is my favorite
Hipsters who saw it get too popular so they can't be cool for liking it anymore, now you have to like Link's Awakening.
That's all fine and dandy but I've been hoping for a whole new quest that's halfway decent, and maybe some new items.
I always loved Link's Awakening though, like that one's been my favorite since I played it when I was like, 6. But to tell people that A Link to the Past is bad is fucking retarded.
It doesn't hold up. It's joyless.
> no exploration
> dungeons aren't the item-puzzle solving standard set later, they're just "find the hidden buttons and don't die to hazards"
> Outdone in every way by the gameboy game Link's Awakening
> Link doesn't feel good to control, everything was made much better in this regard by Link Between Worlds
Seriously, it's not great.
Contrarianism is a cancer.
It's the only Zelda OST I like to come back to.
Best 16 bit game ever made. Fuck the Link's Awakening pricks and their 8bit shite.
>Outdone in every way by the gameboy game Link's Awakening
Literally no reason now that botw is out.
>Complains about Zelda being boring
>Plays a literal button masher pretending to be an RPG.
You sure told us, user.
You sound like a hipster.
Are you a hipster, user?
>button masher
Someone hasn't played the older games
No, just a dork. I like all of the Zelda games.
>Gets told
>"B-b-b-but in this specific older game you don't have to button mash THAT much".
Ok user.
I'm not even that guy, and you don't even mash any buttons in the older Ys games. I like both Zelda AND Ys.
I realized how boring the dungeons are
Played through it for the first time last month, without any nostalgiagoggles it's a solid 9/10.
Man, toads are pretty cool tho.
Ummm ,hello? We are true Nintendo Patriots. What matters is now, and right now we are crushing the Sony army with BOTW so let's focus on that, mmkay sweetie?
Some eceleb likes it more than baby's first Zelda so it must be shit.
Do you watch the current tournament? Got any favorite runners?