Is video game design a meme or is it a legit thing to study?

Is video game design a meme or is it a legit thing to study?

the latter

The latter

the latter

only as an ez pz elective for computer science

do not major in it

It's fascinating to determine what stimuli a person will respond to, but the industry is saturated with failure, so one will need talent, motivation and ability to succeed in the field.

You'd be much better off learning and going to school for grunt work while working on your understanding of design as a hobby.

It's shit.

It's a legit meme.

If they extensively teach you programming and computer science then yeah

As someone who is studying Game Design, I can confirm it's a meme.

The only useful lessons are Programming and maybe seminars where you actually make a game with other students.

Everything else is a complete waste of fucking time.

It's a legit thing to study.

Now the thing is, why the fuck would you trust a bunch of random adults who have barely played video games to teach you about it. Unless if all you play is mobile games, you should have realized that 99% of people clearly don't understand anything what you're talking about, and game design courses are too new for them to have legitimate people who know about game design.

This. Study game design on your own. Or if you really need someone to help you, ask someone who's made a good game before, or is at the very least really good at the games you're talking about. Neither of those people are going to be teaching a university or college course.

You learn the most about game design by designing games.

I also did it to waste time, can confirm it's a meme.

>at game design course in the UK
>some guys come to see our work
>the people who had really good work got told that they should quit their course and just come work for them
>they were rockstar employees

It's like film school. You can make a proessional movie all on your own with an iPhone and a copy of After Effects on your computer so why should you go to school to learn all of that?

It's a meme. While you can get some lessons on what game design should be, but then you see games that shit all over the 'theories' that people came up with see Minecraft, Demon Souls, and even Cookie Clicker.

It's generally throw a ton shit ideas at the wall and see if it sticks. That's what game design is.

Get a computer science degree instead.

It's a fucking meme. You'd be much better off studying programming, proper art (like with anatomy and lighting and shit), and/or music theory. Depending on what exactly you want to do.

lmao game design courses are lame unless they have some sort of internship programe to help you get a job.

Game Design can't be summed up in one degree, what do you want to learn? programming? 3D Modelling? what language do you want to program in? what 3D software do you want to use? what type of software you want to develop? do you want to learn bodys, environments or lighting and rendering?

Any of these individual things could be a job in the industry and people who go into these courses don't become proficient in any of them.

It should be a side hobby. Get a real job, trust me.

the latter just like any non stem degree

"game design" is a meme, ludology isn't, learn one of the disciplines like, drawing/painting, music/sounddesign and/or coding

video game design is for shitters too stupid to learn programming

latter trust me, invest $40,000 in video game design

Its a meme, get a real degree and a real job, nerdsperg.
Im a doctor and i dont miss the opportunity to talk shit about the fag who went to work for video games at our class reunion.

so you weren't one of those people? how did that feel?

>major in computer science because I want to program and make games
>find out that web design is actually a lot more enjoyable

Who /enlightened/ here?

Videogame designers jobs are usually part conceptual and part management, for some reason youre only taught about the first in these courses.

did the creator of GOTY 2015 study game design?

"git gud faggot" was my first thought.

>video game design
No sane game company will let a freshmen make important decision on game mechanics, you'll need a couple years of experience on your resume first. These freshmen usually will be dumped into some generalist position.
Even worst most of the lecturers I have met only worked on mobile games or have unrelated industry experience. It's quite rare to see a former triple-A game dev taking a full time teaching position.

The faster way is to apply as an internal beta test contractor and slowly work your way inside. They'll take just about anyone these days, a high school diploma is sufficient.

Yeah start off as that monkey that creates assets for 22 hours each day for 6 months and maybe you'll get promoted. Oh and no overtime pay :^)

Better than go for a few years to the parking lot for unemployable retards with entitlement.
Better for me, the more useless and entitled you are, the better my pay is

why are you a doctor

No he just ripped off EarthBound and threw furries into it.

Get a degree in computer science instead; not only you're going to learn useful stuff, but some universities even offer internships in videogame companies.

Moreover, if you stop believing in the idea of becoming a game designer, you also have knowledge to work in other fields

The worst part? You'll be promoted to senior monkey after a few years but still a monkey nonetheless.
There really is no end to the suffering, the industry teaches you to hate game literally.

The one that got to the top usually got good communication and networking skills; skills that are not taught in video game design courses.

and plagiarised music

How is it a rip off?

t. video games "designer" a.k.a idea guy

But I hate that guy user. I make assets and sell them online as a side job. much more relaxing than being the monkey the studios bring in to slave for them.

Yeah King of the Monkeys is usually the only guy in the studio with a likeable personality and is charismatic. You really have to have a good understanding of business to get that far.

which is the ultimate game design.

It's legit it's just that you won't be walking into a design position and you're probably going to end up being QA and having to submit design documents and ideas to whoever you work for constantly until they decided to go "yeah this guy might actually know what he's talking about"


this is a huge problem with a lot of schools.
I went through an animation program, and none of my professors had any industry experience in games or movies; they both hated anime of course.

that experience is more important than the degree, trust me.

>they both hated anime of course.
Damn, I thought it was only on my uni.
The weirdest thing was that they idolized Disney but neglected to mention that Disney is the main problem that is ruining animation job prospect.

> they idolized Disney
hah yeah sounds like my animation professor. The best part is that half of our lesson plans were printed out tutorials from 3dtotal . com
so yeah, I have an animation degree but.... hasnt helped.

There is legitimacy when you have a higher position and need to deepen your understanding of it, however, below that, you have literally no valid reason to study game design.

>Teaches you little to nothing in terms of actual programming, meaning you cannot be a code monkey
>Teaches you literally nothing in regards to creation of art assets, merely how to fit them into place (sort of)
>Same with Music, Story, etc.
>Leaves you completely and utterly unmarketable, considering you do not have any talents that can be sold to a gaming company
>On top of that, most people who teach game design either only have a pedigree from working at EA or some other major AAA garbage studio, or worse yet Mobile developers, who only know "How to be a successful slave", rather than the components needed to make an innovative studio

If you're going to make your own game, I'd suggest you look into it. If not, why are you spending money and time in college studying an field you aren't using in terms of investment? A degree is 10% Practicality, 90% Marketability. You don't spend money unless it'll make money, so don't study "Game Design" unless you are going to be a head Game Designer.

when everything is online for programming, vidya design and japanese collegehas no point

dont get memed, OP
the former