Oblivion is 11 years old and is still the greatest RPG ever made

Oblivion is 11 years old and is still the greatest RPG ever made.
>hello darkness my old friend

Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 morrowind *miss* *miss* *miss* autists come shitting up the thread

"Oblivion was my first TES" general

it's more like you're the autist that can't understand the concept of rpg mechanics

That was fast

>if you like Oblivion it means it's your first TES
>if you like Bloodborne it means it's your first soulsborne
>if you like MGS3 it means it's your first mgs
>if you like DMC3 it means it's your first DMC
>if you like RE4 it means it's your first RE

Found the turbo sperglord.

I unironically think that if you like Fallout 3, it must have been your first Fallout.

Only if you're a 11 year old.

I agree only with this one. Everyone I've talked to who likes 3 the most admits it was their first.

>Sup Forums suddenly likes oblivion
what happened?

it's more like you cant take a joke

rng is a shit mechanic.

It could also be that Fallout 3 is a game you literally can't enjoy if you've witnessed the kick to the balls that was Bethesda sterilizing Fallout.

I can't wait for TES 6 to come out so we can like Skyrim

Nostalgia started kicking in + new crosswebsite posters.

The side/guild quests were the best in the series. Everything else was pretty bad though.

>it's a 'TES is the only rpg series' thread

Exploring in Oblivion is fun. Combat not so much.

This pasta is 11 years old and it's still the worst pasta ever made.
>hello darkness my old friend


RPG mechanics don't necessarily equal garbage, though if you're a Morrowind fanboy, they sure do.

It's not though.

Morrowind was a great game on paper, which is exactly what's wrong with it. The whole "roll to see if you hit" thing doesn't work outside turn based combat.

It works in real-time with pause and diablo-likes. Just not in an actual action RPG game where you control character more directly.

I'd they'd bothered putting in the dodge animations nobody would have any issue with it, but Bethesda laziness and incompetence ruins everything

>I'd they'd bothered putting in the dodge animations nobody would have any issue with it
They would, because rolls and enemy actually dodging in real time are two completely different things and can't be compared. I once spent entire thread explaining why so I'd rather not repeat that, though.

>Western game
>Best RPG

you're a funny man

>all chance is rng
>dice rolls in a rollplaying game, where you are in charge of the numbers being calculated, are rng

Did they ever patch/update this on PC to work properly with a controller, or what?

Toussaint > Cyrodiil

Prove me wrong
You can't

see, you're the antithesis of somebody who actually likes video games or even has a single standard of quality that you hold your media to. You're just a underage retard who turns your brain off while watching flashy shit on your tv and you call it fun.

a real person who actually wants their video games to be game would not want TES 6 to come out and continue to make the series worse as a whole and they would not want Skyrim to have widespread praise because it doesn't deserve it on its own merit. Why would you want the industry to get worse so that your favorite mediocre game appears to be more well liked?

Nope. Best you can do is use xpadder or similar to bind keys to the controller, but that makes for very clumsy controls, especially movement.

Why is Bethesda so fucking lazy? It would take them a few days at most to implement it, and make the comfy OG 360 experience + mods possible.

Fucking hacks. I honestly defended them until I played TW3, then Fallout 4. Lazy cunts, just not quite as lazy as the rest of this shitty industry.

>implying Bethesda are capable of doing anything relating to games older than FO4

I would have preferred an Oblivion port instead of Skyrim for the Switch.

>Improving a 11 year old game for free
>When customer are willing to pay full price AGAIN for Skyrim : Electric Boogaloo edition
Yeah, sucks to be us. What's especially frustrating is that Vanilla Oblivion kept other console aspects, such as the horrible UI, but they couldn't be bothered to add native gamepad controls.

>Oblivion is a good game

No one has ever said this. Not even on release.
Is this a massive bait thread?

>comfy OG 360 experience



Sup Forums main user-base is and will always be around 18-25. These people were around 7 - 14 when Oblivion was released. It's pure nostalgia.

>tfw 25 turning 26
D-d-d-d-d-o i need to leave?

The best part is amateur hobbyist modders can do a better job improving the game than the actual developers

Just like with Obsidian games. Kotor 2 LITERALLY had to be finished by modders

Cant argue with that, user.

aren't the dialogues of this game very poor?

Is there a mod that makes the combat not terrible? Or a mod that fixes the potato faces?

Supposing an user wanted to replay it, is there any site/resource with a good collection of mods to apply to improve the graphics and the experience?


the nexus


>swing giant warhammer directly into enemy's face
no you're right that's completely reasonable, all game should behave as if player skill is responsible for success but actually have success determined by rng

New Vegas = Morrowind > The Witcher 3 > Battlefield 4 > Mario Kart DS > Modern Warfare 2 > Oblivion = Skyrim > Fallout 3 > Fallout 4

Oblivion is a good game.

>the greatest RPG ever made

>Or a mod that fixes the potato faces?

>My first console was an xbox 360: the post

Oblivion was released 11 years ago.Most anons who post on Sup Forums today weren't even born then.

Cyrodil is a meme. It all looks the same and you always get lost. They just made it big for the sake of beimg big. While skyrim isnt perfect whiterun will alawys be more memorable

>Potato faces
See pic related

There's a lot of those, and I really can't recommend one mod in particular, as it really comes down to personal preference.

Oblivion was my favorite game despite the absolutely retarded enemy level scaling and the fact that it's impossible to truly optimize your character without complex mathematics and shit no one would know about.

Just turn down the difficulty and enjoy the atmosphere. It's a comfy as fuck game and is fun to exist in.

You can really tell who's young around here

>nu-Sup Forums

no thieves guild
no dark brotherhood
only one city that is mostly empty and used for action setpieces at the end of the game
needs mods to remove piss yellow

No one has ever said oblivion was a good game
it's the worst fucking shit ever

is this just a meme i'm not aware of, what the fuck

Skyrim as a whole is better tban oblivian. OB fags just screem "bethesda reeee" because they hope that will make you forget about their handholding simulator. Plus while skyrim may have more glitches, most are passable, while oblivians glitches are game braking


Vanilla Combat Enhanced
OCO v1.0

>Piss yellow
The region looks great
>No thieves guild
Haha le wacky characters
>No dark brotherhood
Yep I love that three hour questline I played when I was twelve too. Grow up.
>Only one city
It's 10x better than the Imperial City, has just as many sidequests and actually changes after a demonic invasion at the end of the game unlike Oblivion.

Anything else, Todd?

You know, that pretty much goes away when you progress a bit into the game. Do people just get off the boat, try to smack a mudcrab with a weapon they don't have the skill to use, then turn the game off?

Hang yourself

Off the top of you head do you know of any Oblivion mods similar to Wildcat Combat of Skyrim? It's the one mod that makes both enemies and yourself not feel like damage sponges. Every blow matters.

>witcherfag shits up a thread unrelated to TW3 again
it's like you're feeling really insecure about something, care to discuss?

Thanks for refuting my points you insecure faggot

I bet you're a manlet

The Witcher isn't even an rpg, it's a hack and slash with skill trees and tits

>Skyrim as a whole is better tban oblivian.
just the map. literally the design of the overworld is the only thing even remotely competent in Skyrim's game design and the only thing that was an upgrade compared to Oblivion

Oblivions world is shit to explore as a world in itself, but it has far more interesting and better designed locations within the world. much better towns, much better cities, much better npcs, much better quests, etc
you're ignoring the argument I'm making by my points and you're wrong even in some of your points
>the region looks great
it does but it can look better without changing the look, just removing the piss filter makes it 1000x better. no custom colors required

>whacky characters
>three hours questline
you're ignoring what I brought up by mentioning those: there is more to do in TES games than just Witchering. You cannot explore the level design of Toussaints city and towns in order to steal things. You cannot stealthily murder people in interesting ways. You cannot interact with organizations other than the main quest
>10x better than the Imperial City, has just as many sidequests
I don't actually believe that. I bet there's more hours of handwritten content in Oblivions imperial city than Toussaints city

switch Mario Kart DS and Battlefield 4 and I agree completely also put MW2 somwhere around the fallouts

I'm glad you had fun with your hack and slash cinematic experience which you feel the need to shove down everyone's throats to not feel buyers remorse.

post pic of urself

Oblivion is the worst fully 3D TES.
>boring world
>garbage level scaling
>ugly potato characters
>nonsensical persuasion system

The only reason you think it's the best is because you played it when you were ten years old. Skyrim might be casualized to shit but at least the world is vaguely interesting.

I think the "piss filter" makes it look nice and warm.
>there is more to do in TES games than just Witchering
Oblivion's thieving and pickpocketing consists of intricate savescumming and RPing just like all the other tesout games. The mechanics actually work reliably once in every ten times.
Geralt spends a surprising amount of time NOT Witchering, so that's a moot point.
>I bet there's more hours of handwritten content in Oblivions imperial city than Toussaints city
More fetch quest hours? Sure. But Beauclair has a large amount of actually good sidequests, with well-written, animated and acted dialogue. It succeeds at being wacky whereas Oblivion is only whimsical due to how badly it's designed, giving it a "so-bad-it's-good" kind of feeling.

Also the Imperial City is about the size of a cuckshed.

Which would you guess at first glance to be built on majestic elven ruins hmm?

everything you listed is fixed with mods though
>Unique Landscapes
>OCO v1.0
>Persuasion overhaul

Oblivion might be a shit game but it's the greatest framework for a game ever made

This is bait, right?

Right in my passport mate. How does it feel to get called out as an insecure, sweaty antsy manlet?

God tier modding scene doesn't mean that Bethesda made a good game. It just means they realized that random nerd NEETs could do a job than they, trained professionals could and worked on having decent modability.

>opinion doesn't line up with what I believe
>can't think of a way to refute user's point

If you think oblivion is the greatest rpg ever made you just can't be older than 20. you fucking can't.

Jesus, shut the fuck up. Sort your life out.

>Supposing an user wanted to replay it
Get ready to be acquainted with the the terrible mess that is a modded oblivion game. Average time before it crashes to desktop is about 30 min, and that's considered stable.

Nevertheless, here's a quick guide :
Get all your mods here:
Don't use the nexus mod manager, it's rubbish and you'll be helpless when something breaks.
Assuming you're not into the whole modding thing and you just want to quickly improve your game, you'll need :
>The patches, both official and unofficial
>Qarls Texture Pack (QTP) for nicer textures
>Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul (OOO), it's a complete overhaul that changes, adds and fixes many things, including ennemy scaling, loot distribution, new quests...
>Oblivion character overhaul, to fix potato faces.

And that's just the starters. You may also need utilities such as OBSE, OBMM, WRYE, BOSS....

If you're ready to go the extra mile, these are some amazing mods :
>Better Cities
>Unique Landscapes
>Midas Spells of Aurum
>FCOM Convergence
That last one is basically 4 huge conversion mods at once, but it's a bitch to set up.

Never modded Skyrim so I don't know about Wildcat, but I think "Vanilla Combat Enhanced" should do the trick. Most overhauls, such as OOO, change the bullet sponges anyway.

Absolutely right, that's why you pirate the game.

was oblivion the skyrim of late '00s?

>MK is the lead writer of the new Elder Scrolls VI, but
>The game's development is being outsourced to a different studio with Todd remaining as producer and consultant
Which studio should make it Sup Forums?

post pic of urself

No, it wasn't a giant thing that normies thought was incredible and the first RPG ever. It was just a cool Xbox 360 launch title at the time.

>God tier modding scene doesn't mean that Bethesda made a good game
but it does mean the game is good

>dude I don't care about video games lmao
why are you here?


>>Better Cities
fuck this, it just tanks framerates. I don't care how good it actually is

cd projekt

why the hell is your height even mentioned in your passport

wtf man

Oblivion is a travesty of game design. Every single game mechanic is fundamentally broken in some way. Consider just level scaling alone: it means your character grows proportionally weaker as you gain levels. It fills the world with daedric armor-wearing bandits and 1000-HP mudcrabs. It makes all unique items gained from quests useless, as they also scale to your level at the moment you completed the quest. Just this one single mechanic irreversibly fucks up your character, the gameworld and the itemization.
Add to this dumbed down mechanics(AKA muh spears), Disneyworld game design, terrible console-first menu and inventory design, terrible quest design, terrible guilds(they're all just linear series of quests which can all be completed simultaneously, without any interplay between them, as in Morrowind), terrible stealth which makes you invisible to everyone simply by crouching in front of them, terrible dialogs, terrible character models, terrible lockpicking& persuasion minigames, terrible writing...
Pretty much one of the worst game of all time.

Also, let's dispel this notion that Oblivion quests are good. They are not good. 95% of them consist of running around in circles and hitting things with your sword. There would maybe be some exotic, terribly written reason for you to run in circles and hit things with your sword, which is apparently enough for neo-Sup Forums to proclaim these the best quests ever.
In fact, the only reason that the mediocre DB questline is so highly regarded is that it breaks the monotony of running in circles and hitting things with your sword. There's still no branching, no meaningful consequences, not a single skill or stat check in the entire questline- these are not good quests.
The only people who would find Oblivion better than Morrowind are the

Obsidian, CDPR, Arkane, even fucking Rockstar would be ok

He's mocking the Zelda cycle mentality you see on Sup Forums constantly you sperg. People here used to think Oblivion was shit but then Skyrim came out and it's totally a good game now.