Why can't videogames into size differences between people? Everyone is almost always the same height and weight...

Why can't videogames into size differences between people? Everyone is almost always the same height and weight, it's boring and lazily done

Because it can be a real pain to implement, lot of work for little impact.

>be a giantess
>wear high heels
Why are women so stupid?

its just compensating for the fact men are equal or superior to women in every aspect other than crap that's an actual downside like bleeding periodically and giving birth and all women have going for them is the ability to get horny men to do stupid things for them (which is only of note because the men are superior to the woman and do things she herself would struggle to do like anything physical at all), which is shared by gay men


Lel what? Elder Scrolls, Breath of the Wild, Dark Souls, Dragon's Dongma.


>being such a insecure manlet that women in heels are threatening to you


Only game I can think of that actually has mechanics for height and weight differences is Dragon's Dogma, though its still pretty underwhelming in the greater scope of the game.

>be a manlet
why are manlets so insecure?


Because if everyone has the same skeleton then you can reuse animations. Obviously you can scale them but then the proportions are fucked up.

It's fucking hot dude, why are you so gay?

Because it limits what you can do when animating.

Same height as me,
I've met maybe one female like that in the 15~ years I spent at this height.

Why can't you spell video games? The world is full of mysteries.

Games generally make use of silhouettes.

You can guess most characters in this image, I'm sure. By using distinctive shapes and stances, the game allows you to categorize them quickly into friend and foe, and act accordingly.

Games with predominantly human enemies don't have the advantage of silhouette, so they generally go for color, stances, sounds, etc. While playing Grand Theft Auto, you know sirens mean either police are nearby or an ambulance. An experienced player might recognize the voice lines the policemen say, and use that to their advantage to track where they are.

My point is that games tend to rely heavily on this sort of design, and changing enemy proportions for the sake of visual diversity and realism would be a timesink because of the modelling and animating needed to make it not look terrible and would offer little to the game itself anyways.

>outing yourself as a third-worlder
This is a whites only site, shitskin

Try playing the NES or even Wii Punch-Out games. Little Mac is noticeably shorter than the other boxers, especially in the NES game where he has to jump just to punch someone in the face.

Too bad actual tall chicks tend to suffer from debilitating horseface, not to mention the stick build. I would, however, bulldoze that amazonian pussy with the force of colliding galactic supergroups~

/ss/ you say?


I'm pretty sure those "kids" weren't complaining so who was the victim here?

>so many messages she couldn't remember the number

Holy shit dude! That's like at least 5. That's insane!

Me, I'm jealous as fuck of those kids.


meet your new little sis, user!

No you wouldn't, she's Taytays property

>waaah why isn't there more diversity in my games?


Has anyone ever asked the 15 year olds who got laid how they felt about it?

Jesus, this shit has me DIAMONDS

She doesn't wear them because she wants to be taller. She wears them because women like high heels from the looks and men too.

You can scale a rig and the animations will work perfectly.
I assure you, this is not a technical art issue.

In Rome 2 Total War, the barbarians are significantly bigger than Romans and Greeks.

>tfw the most you got from your hot teacher was a hug and a rub on the shoulder
Why is life so unfair Sup Forums?

whats this?
a reasonable and well thought out post?
on Sup Forums?


>outing yourself as a manlet

This is a mostly murrican site mr.meltingpot man, you are browner than the eu.

As someone who knows a situation like this.
Desperate thirsty and mentally unstable women about to hit the wall are not fun.
No strings attached sex would be cool for a teenager, but an obsessive, psychotic woman who starts to stalk and threaten him and be obsessive, spiral into crying tantrums if he doesnt say he'll love her forever, etc are NOT fun.

So here's the thing:
Sex with a woman over 25 if you're 14 is FUN.
The psycho bullshit that comes with it is not fun and pretty close to rape actually.

Dragon's Dogma has good height based gameplay. If your character is a midget you can crawl in goblin holes and climb monsters easier.



How are their feelings relevant?


They use the same rigs and skeletons.

>why are the victims feeling important


Obviously it works to a degree, but if you took the people in OP's pic and tried putting an animation made with people the same size it would break like crazy.

Me on the left.

Are you implying all women into ss are psychotic/mentally unstable and will ruin your life?

It kinda bothers me that all games with taller girls and giantesses n shit are all 2d poorly animated indie shit, why can't we get some big girls in our triple A games

>BotW and the Gerudo

Yes and I would drill Urbosa's pussy so hard you'd literally have to kill me by slicing my neck and letting my blood drain out so my dick would soften and you can finally pull my carcass off her amazing body

Does any man here actually likes high heels? If so you're a faggot.

>it's not a crime if you feel good about it


Tfw I'm 182cm and I want a gf bigger than me, why is God so cruel

That's my fetish

damn... thicc on sticc... not bad

Little boys makes her heart go dokidoki obviously

182 isn't really tall, it's pretty average. It shouldn't be so hard to find.

>tfw you just made me remember that my first kiss on the lips was from the headmistress of my school in a truth or dare where she had to kiss me for 5 seconds


I'm cringing remembering this shit, eventhough I'm into /ss/.

That's actually true, you retard. In most situations, if the victim of a crime doesn't give a shit, then it's not even a crime.

It's just the fact that the law doesn't consider someone under 18 capable of deciding if they give a shit or not.

I'm implying that in the cases where the kid went and told there was probably some form of psychological terror involved. Have you ever had a girlfriend or woman go psycho on you?
Now amplify that by 2000 and you got a grown up woman taking it out on a teenage boy that she also has power over due to her position.
Not fun and rather terrifying.

Women who go for underage boys dont do it because theyre motherly and warm, they do it because they've been burned or "let down" or otherwise disappointet by males their own age or were simply too fucking psycho to have a grown up relationship and want someone weak willed they can control with their sexuality.

Imagine a 30 year old woman being clingy and obsessive towards you when you're 14, including calling you at 2am and crying in a red wine fuelled drunken rage how all men are pigs or threatening you for talking to a girl in your class.

Its fucking bullshit.

like what you like makes you a nigger

Because of ass shaking, that's all. High heels look like shit by default but womyn wear them to remind everyone around that they are in for anal.

Great fuckhandles and they make the legs look nice.

So how they feel is irrelevant?

>can't even break 6'

kys manlet

Manlet detected.

>because of ass shaking
What? Can you explain?

>he doesn't want snu-snu

You must be real fucking sad of a person.

>i am wasting a lot of my own money/parents money studying at a video game """""college"""

no, he's implying that MOST women who are into /ss/ are unstable and would ruin your teenage life.
and he's right.

>gf is 183cm
>i'm 173cm

Feels fucking good.

>you will never be that kid
>you will never be raped by that amazonian using you like a literal dlido

why live?

ITT: We find the thinly disguised female posters

>gf is 158cm
>I'm 195cm

since he's an idiot, i'll explain for him;
high heels make girl butts look more pronounced.

really? I've never heard or noticed that. How so? Is it just because they're more tall?



My condolences on your small gf

>this tall, unshapely monster
>fucking hot
Something something you're a subhuman.


I had no issue with my height until the internet cam up with manlet.

Now i hate myself and wish i was dead.

Objectively right, high heels are fucking retarded.


virgin who reads "pick up artist" books detected

>TFW 166cm
Finding smol girls is hard and the shorter ones are usually sluttier. Suffering.


My girlfriend is 180cm. I am 183.
She can be taller than me easily but doesn't like high heels.

Women are so cruel...

they force the spine to arch more


I remember watching a lesbian porn video with a tall black girl and a small white girl. White girl was like a babysitter/housekeeper or something? Cant remember the name of it though.

I just want to be dominated and then tenderly loved by a tall-ass cutie. What more can one ask for?

>Insecure Manlet
>"you're subhuman"

Even though it marks me as a degenerate, I'd still be ok with this situation



get a load of this subhuman

I've never wanted a large nigress until now

sick heil

how about you actually get out of where ever your holed up in and have a talk with female for once in your life beside your mum.

Since heels are more about making the as stand out especially for lanky ass no butt having bitches more so than anything doing with height.

You are one tall motherfucker. So....the girl is like loli for you i guess ?

it's called lordosis

i see. interesting, thanks.

Calm your autism manlet