Anyone hyped?
New dlc for Vermintide
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I would be if I didn't stop playing because PUG's weren't viable on harder levels. I also only liked Captain and got two oranges before Lv.25.
Eat a bag of dicks.
Nah, I haven't touched this game since a month after it came out.
You sure you're their target audience?
the game is so dead im impressed they keep working on it
What? there's plenty of players.
>2 levels
If they are full length levels, good
>one weapon
>its another 2handed sword
>for one character
They have a potential gold mine and they can't seem to add content.
Small dev team, hit gold. Dedicated fanbase will buy the DLC but the devs release it so fucking slow.
Not even close, thousand people and some on the constant players and average, it takes 4 people to fill a room, the only way it's dead is if you're some CoD kiddy autist who demands a gorillion people on at all times or it's "dead"
>Every dlc is bad meme
Too few missions, too little content, repetitive as fuck. Got bored within a week.
It's weird there's only one weapon, people recently enough found a grenade launcher in the files really obviously done up in an Empire style for a soldier.
It's shit anyway, this is fantasy nigger.
Do what, I've run every cataclysm in the game with pubbies, they shit it up often enough there but it's doable and random publords are more than fine all the way up to nightmare too.
What's the Jewiest way to buy this game? Do I just go to G2A and hit the trigger on the lowest priced offer? Which edition is the best to get?
Dwarf is best bro wood elves get out
t. lumberfoot
Scottish women make my dick bounce tho
I stopped playing when I realized their engine was complete shit, optimized by retarded monkeys, and instead of optimizing their game/engine when people complained of overheating CPU's to the point of shutdown, they just suggested that people buy aftermarket fans (a real fucking answer in their official FAQ).
Fuck yeah
Just started playing with 2 other friends a couple of days ago. We can finally all 3 do something blind again.
I love this game despite how repetitive it is. I keep coming back to it because of the great community and it never gets old killing rats
This DLC looks too much like Ubersreik imo and I love how krubes is getting more weapons
so beautiful
I love how both of them look like they just want their paycheck so they can leave
>only 2 notable dlc after a year
>dlc are too short in content because it's just two map with one new weapon
>slow as fuck update
>no new enemie race, brand new map (not just a new map for two mission each time) and new characters like they said in an interview
as much i like the gameplay and the feel of every hits, this game is just bound to die if they don't take a fast turn, it's no wonder why this game has less than 1k players nowaday.
Is the only way to get red weaponry to play on Cataclysm? How do you even do that without a proper group and grinding your heart out?
I think they're working on something big and this is just a thing leading up to that.
Game could use so much content. There is potential for so many characters.
>Dwarven slayer
Obvious choice. Hit harder the less hp he has. Die immediately when is down, but before this do last swing killing everything around him.
>Grey Wizards
Apprentice of Wizard we met in one mission. Illusion magic, blinds enemies etc.
>Brettonian Questing Knight
Had a vision of the Lady telling him to go to Ubersreik. Durning fight gain blessing of the Lady, using ranged weapons decrease blessing, needs to find honorably etc. Slowly fall in love with Kerillian
>Ogre mercenary
They can be found everywhere and one happened to be in Ubersreik. Slow, can't heal from potions and medpacks, need to eat skaven constantly.
>High Elf
Obvious, as Helves are the only really important good race which lacks representative in game.
>Someone from Kislev
Another bro, great banter with Bardin and Slayer about beer and other alcohol
So many fugging opportunities they have with Warhammer universe and yet they only add 3 missions per dlc. What the fuck.
> people recently enough found a grenade launcher in the files really obviously done up in an Empire style for a soldier.
I played with a guy who unlocked this staff bright wizard uses in cinematic
Cata only gives you one more red weapon on the table, so you have to roll a 6 or 7, It's much easier to just do nightmare with grims and tomes until you roll a 7
All suggestions except for High Elf and Questing Knight suck, Kislev soldier wold play exactly the same as kruber
Buy it from steam and actually support people making a good game for once you subhuman poorfag.
yeah truly a market thats worth developing more dlc for
you re right guys sorry
>Instead of optimizing their game/engine when people complained of overheating CPU's to the point of shutdown
It unironically sounds like those people need to optimize their own shit instead. My rig is middling as fuck and it runs like a charm maxed out.
>buys games full price
>calls someone subhuman
>No new enemy race
There's criticisms to be made of the game but this one always feels unfair. The game's called Vermintide, it's about the skaven during the End Times, not to mention just how much work it would be only for content that's only gonna be in whatever expansion or levels.
>All suggestions except for High Elf and Questing Knight suck
Not him, but YOU suck. Ogres are CUTE! and having an Ogre class would be great.
Are you still here?
>1,243 - 24-hour peak
Nice cherry picking on the time faggot, also 4 people to fill a game and strictly co-op.
Yes. How do I become the Jew?
I would suggest Bretonnian peasant bowman as a hardmode character, a damsel, and a skink chief with either spear or sword and he comes with a passive taunt that isn't displayed where rats where prioritize him over other another character if both are idling. Questing Knight being an unlock if you ironman it with the peasant and a saurus scar vet being an unlock if you ironman it with the skink.
Have any of you played the other DLC's`
Send me your most funniest picture and your email or whatever
>Doesn't support people when they actually make good games
>Cries that shit games mysteriously dominate the market now because normie shitters will religiously buy them anyway while spergs can't be separated from their neet life support without autistic bawling and screeching
Literally why we get less and less fun games all the time.
I don't know how anyone has trouble getting high levels weapons in this game anymore after they overhauled the dice rewards and everything. There's reds pretty commonly on the bounty board, nightmare is really reasonable and probably the most fun difficulty in terms of challenge anyway, which makes the majority of the drop table orange with red at the top, tomes aren't hard to find and they keep trying to give people lichbones or the current event trinket which is also just lichbone to make grim runs easier, like come on.
Yeah, nah, bought it off G2A for 5 bux since allkeyshop says it's the lowest price available anywhere.
Stay mad that I buy the same game for a fraction of what you've paid, cuck. You need to be mentally challenged to specifcally overpay for products that are available for a cheaper price.
>All suggestions except for High Elf and Questing Knight suck, Kislev soldier wold play exactly the same as kruber
But the banter, tho.
Two maps, one new weapon?
I hope they won't be charging more than 10€ for this, at the very most.
>still no custom map editor
Alright. I could've sent you the collector's edition.
Anyway, off to watch a movie. See ya.
>Le funnay buzzword insult me me that my friends on rebbit use
You're a good guy. Do you play Vermintide?
>warhammer vermintide
Well yeah, shit's fun.
Got the DLC's?
>Zero tomes or grims or level dice
Gittith ye gudde
And yet the best he would have gotten was a useless blue.
That's why he should continually get gudder and play on NM.
People who play on NM are either ragequit faggots or newbies who shouldn't be there.
It's impossible to get anything done without four good friends and none of mine want to play any vermintide at the moment since they all finished cata difficulty and have everything.
What the fuck are you even on about? I've failed in nightmare groups maybe three times and that's because of two people loading into a skaven attack and getting downed. People barely even talk and missions are easy, I cleared every nightmare mission with public groups and did my first cata yesterday with 2 downs in total.
Most likely you're bad and full of shit.
That's the dumbest load of shit I've heard in a while.
Neck yourself you pathetic lying little shitbag.
Not OP but still I can confirm it. Done all quests with one mate and 2 randoms in less then week.
Could it be you're unable to play with others? Like, you have to be the leader and run off on your own and complain that people aren't following?
If you didn't know, you're really fucking stupid for doing it, since all you have to do is look where the others are going, if they're fighting something or whatever else is going on. It's not hard, you're just really bad. I get why people would 'ragequit' from your games.
If you think nightmare is is impossibly hard in public games you just fucking suck at the game
Who /Cata/ here?
>Mfw level 113
>mfw nightmare games with the BF a lot to have fun and do quests
>mfw constantly getting shitters who run out by themselves, get downed, ignore anything you type, attack patrols, or just flat out Fucking suck and are too low level to be playing on that difficulty
>mfw these people are always third worlders who can barely type English
Why do these shit holes have internet access anyway? To annoy me?
git gud
Anyone in Australia want to start a cata party?
I've got over 200 hours bro, NM is pretty easy but sometimes the game just fucks you over with bugs or retarded spawns. I've had it spawn patrols RIGHT on top of me, or three gutter runners at once during an ambush. The game can be extremely pissy sometimes with its special spawns and just tries to fuck you over a lot it feels. I still love the game a lot, but there is a lot of bullshit in it
>My mouth hurt
>Ive been holding this expression for 10 minutes no
>Where do i need to look
>I think Jamal is touching me under the table
>Fuck dem honky ass niggas and their toys and sheeiiiit
>play game a shitton right before the last patch
>hype friends into buying it too, we've played it on release, told them theres more content and better loot and shit now and its cheap as fuck, bought all dlc so I can host
>they buy it, I put it away so I don't burn out on it alone
>they never show up for it
>trying to get them to play ended up stopping me from playing entirely
>playing tyranids
like fucking clockwork
>sometimes the game just fucks you over
basically why I don't play now
That's completely manageable though
>still using Skaven
Have they AT LEAST added some new enemy types or boss fights?
It was managed, still 120% bullshit though.
Agreed bro, seriously the game is a fucking cunt sometimes with its special spawns. 200 hours in the game and it still is a problem
>No tomes
>No grims
>Surprised that you didn't get shit
>map doesn't have either
Surprised whats the point of jumping to cata to get blues.
Vermintide is fucking great, but you need a full party of friends to enjoy it and it's well past the point where I can get my friends enthusiastic for a game we played a couple years ago
>two maps and a weapon you'll probably get to drop once you burnt out on new 'content' already
>probably 5-10€
Meh, shits getting boring and the newer dlc maps have been pretty disappointing already.
>new Kruber weapon
Am I the only person who likes playing him?
No, i too play usually as him or Dorf.
What game is that from ? Seems interesting
Nah, I love Kruber, he's the ultimate in versatile teams just because of how many options and how flexible he is to any situation
>like L4D but with 1% population
>can't rely on bots because they are extremely stupid
>keep splitting the player base with DLC
yes this is bad
Nah, love the guy, repeater rifle for life
Blunderbuss with rupture and scavenger is my favourite weapon in the game
tfw shield bashing hordes back to their spawn point as dorf
Not him, but probably mordheim
Looks like mordeheim
closer to 15%, the dlc doesn't split the playerbase though, anyone can join them, and basically any person who plays these games with bots is retarded, and any person who still plays l4d is a massive newfag to gaming.
I beat every dlc and don't even own them.
L4D is a better game than Vermintide though.
In some ways yes but overall? Not even close
The only way that matters is gameplay.
Yea I'm still mad that I bought this piece of shit
The gameplay in L4D is good but Vermintide did melee combat and team building better, since each character is actually completely different in terms of play style and role.
Eh, I have 100+ hours in both, I'd say they are about equal just different - but L4D2 has more content that is definitely true.
But its also very fucking old now, and Vermintide's community might be a lot smaller - its also not such a disgusting festering shtihole like L4D, where people votekick you for basically any imagined slight.
Vermintide is actually one of the few games in the last years where I added some steam friends from, thats how chill and fun some pub matches can get.
That looks like fun. I've exhausted the base content pretty good, so I'd like to see more of that kind of "bullshit". Best one I've had was double EVERYTHING on Black Powder. Double drops, double clanrats, double Stormvermins. And yes, double Rat Ogres. It was pretty odd when there seemed to be a good amount of rats, but only when the Ogres spawned it hit me. Was on NM or Cata with randoms, we got wiped by the Ogres because we weren't prepared. That was fun.
In regards to shitters, I've completed every map on NM with randoms. Lately I've played with buddies in order to conquer Cata. That's fun.
Right here senpai. And through PUGs, without much problems.
I cant understand that there are people who consider Nightmare challenging.
>more character
It would straight up do the Payday 2 thing of reducing character banter to nothing. And for what? A fancy new skin to do the same gameplay with? Fuck you.
>can't rely on bots because they are extremely stupid
Objectively false. I can clear short Cata levels and any Nightmare level more comfortably and reliably and faster than with players. Bots are consistent and deal with normal rats better than the average idiot playing this game. You just need to git gud with specials.
Its pretty sad thought that situations like that while fun are due to errors.
One time we got so many fucking stormvermin NM magnus with my friends it was CRAZY, I immensely enjoyed it as I play wizard most of the time, I had a higher stormvermin bodycount in the end than when I wipe two entire groups alone and then every other one in a regular match.
Only Kruber and dwarf bot are worth having around especially if you give them red shields and handguns
I must be shit at this game because Nightmare is still hard as balls for me. I usually like playing bright wizard and the bolt staff seems really good as long as I don't aim like a total retard.