Is he undeniably /ourguy/?
Idk why I just liked the guy. He had a real progression in his story and relatable faults. Would have liked him to have a bigger part honestly.
Is he undeniably /ourguy/?
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he does feel like a realistic character but i really disliked him for the way he let power go to his head for running basically what is Sup Forums FOR FREE
although the bit at the end where he is standing in Shibuya gathering signatures to free the protagonist redeemed him in my eyes
Mishima's main problem is that he literally won't shut up about the Phantom Thieves around you. I'd like him better if he talked about other things
Ware wa nanji, nanji wa ware.
>/ourguy/ threads
>weeb game threads
>forced to eat with the cunt
>tells me he started taking donation money and that's how he's paying for the meal
>tell him that he should stop doing that
>"yeah I should give the money back, then people will think we're super nice, wow I'm so good at this PR thing"
Fuck off
>tell him I find the sadistic girl in Mementos hot
>"You're joking, right?"
Don't go to Shujin tomorrow. You guys are alright
You're not fooling anyone cancer
Who does he looks exactly from that Durarara admin dude?
WTF is wrong with him, he acts all cool then says shit like this.
>they would all be better if they were fat
>Sae Niijima puts the cute in proseCUTE
>adachi is the killer
>akechi choke me daddy pls
They did a good job at making him as unlikeable as possible. Ryuji can be bad at points too, but there isn't one good point about Mishima. Even the main characters dislike him.
I was surprised when ryuji didn't hesitate to bring him along for maid watch. Do you think he's just a total bro, or did he not want to get columbined?
Reminds me of me back in school.
nigga you're just gay, nigga u gay and shieeet
Ryuji has no friends except you. He probably thought it would look gay if it was just you two.
They are very similar, both want the popularity.
He was the most annoying little twat. If you like him you must be annoying as well.
>Calls you his best friend
What an asshole, I don't want to be associated with this annoying bitch. It's such a shame the benefits of his social link is good.
>dick on mishima constantly
>he still calls me best friend
he's that one really creepy and intense hanger on that you have in high school
He's kind of annoying, but redeems himself at the end.
>sadistic girl in Memento
post her
Fresh OC