
Hey Sup Forums, I've just convinced some mates of mine to start playing Runescape old school with me tomorrow, what should I expect? I've never played Runescape before and figured it'd be a bit of fun.

TL;DR any tips for a Runescape noob

An empty shell of a good game that keeps getting closer and closer to becoming RS3 with every community vote.

Is it worth playing at all?

If you've never played RS before then you will probably enjoy it, but coming back to OSRS after playing RS back in the day is a different story because you just sit and think about how much better it was back then.

Cool, thanks for the reply

I got a membership and played for the nostalgia. You realize how much of a waste of time it is. You just sit there and watch your guy bat at whatever you're clicking on.

strength only

enjoy your grind

if you havent played it before, expect an empty shell

the joy of old school was in the community and rp

old school runescape sucks because you have to start from scratch again

I recommend using Sup Forumsscape, since it's a better representation of the 'golden age' of what Runescape was.

You can check it out from the general on /vg/ or google it.

Do you ever sleep?

fishing lvl?

If it's your first time playing it will be fucking awesome. Get immersed, don't see it as a numbers game.

The quests are fun and take you all over, they're actual quests not kill x thing.

Beg in GE.
Enjoy being a noob while you can.


It is a very chill game with lots of charm, but theres loads of grinding in it. Insane amounts.

Its great to play while listening to podcasts and stuff

It's kind of hard to recommend because the community wants it to be RS3 without the only thing that makes RS3 even worth considering, i.e. the quests. You should probably stay away because you're just going to end up disappointed again, or worse, you'll grow addicted to the grind.

If you're actually new, my best advice would be doing Waterfall Quest ASAP. If you're playing f2p, work your way up to completing the Dragon Slayer quest and then decide whether or not you want to continue with membership from there. You really only need to buy membership once because bonds exist and you can just leech off of whales afterward.

Fuck off autist
nobody wants to play your 5 player sikrit club private server

Quests are the best out of any mmo and the community in the game can be extremely chill except for when you don't immediately reply for when some retard calls everyone a bot. The halfway point for level 99 is 92 so expect clicking on the same few spots for hours and hours on end. You will have a bad time in the wild and you will realize that there really isn't anything to do with your friends in that game other than using it as type of chat room.

Good luck OP and get a second monitor if you don't already have one.

Fuck off

I played RuneScape since 2006 all the way up to 2016. Few breaks in between. Extremely grindy game. The only way I reached got 99s was cause of Nexflix.

OP here, thanks for the info everyone. From what you've said I'm quietly excited to get into this game.

My advice is to not take any advice. Runescape is most enjoyable when you're exploring the world and figuring out how things work on their own without other people telling you what you should so.