Why haven't you tried auto-grinding yet Sup Forums?

Why haven't you tried auto-grinding yet Sup Forums?

Also, are these good for anything?


Where? I thought the reaper glitch was the best source of exp.

Making ammo packs I think

Black Ooze to auto-grind

you mean the slim trick? i will once i get there.

do you even need to grind in this game?

I'm going to need some info on this.

How long did you leave it on?

The reaper is far better exp when you get one of the specific days you can grind it

What's the auto grind trick?

>why haven't you let the game play itself

you literally don't need to grind at any point in the game

stop wasting electricity

But you can't just let the game play itself and not touch it for days to AUTOgrind.

Black oozes summon help and only know physical attacks and hunger status so just equip a hunger charm and a persona with reflect physical and autoballte for exp

explain how to do the black ooze autogrind

The only thing I farmed was money. Yeah there's no need to grind exp tho

This doesn't even seem worth it desu.
Maybe if you're trying to cheese the game on a first playthrough but beyond that I wouldn't bother.

There's an enemy called Black Ooze that appears in groups of two or three near the entrance of the fifth palace. All they can do is:

Increase ailment susceptability and inflict hunger
Summon more Ooze
Panic and run

If you go in alone with a Hunger Gem (prevents hunger), a Persona who nulls/reflects physical (Arahabaki, which also shows up in the same area) and disable network features in the config menu, you can just set it to auto and farm away.

i tried the encounter like 10 times on flu day. he never had the debuff...

Just launched the game. How are the difficulty settings? Is hard worthwhile or is it just more unbalanced instakill bullshit?

I don't think it's a glitch. Non-faggots probably won't see it on a first playthrough and influenza occurs quite late in the game, so you would use it in NG+ to level up for the Twins and for the Reaper himself.

Hard is only really hard on the first dungeon, some bosses and trying to clear a dungeon in one day. Switch to normal for creeps and hard for mini-bosses and bosses.

Don't listen to this idiot. Difficulty switching is dumb and only a fucking casual does this. Stick to hard. Normal is far too fucking easy.

Why disable the network feature?

If they try to run, a window pops up asking if you want another players gang of thieves to cut them off before they escape. Since it causes you to make an input, it ruins the automation that was set up.

Is this a PS plus only thing? I've had a few enemies run and never seen it.

I didn't even know the network features were capable of that.

I've only ever used it to cheat in the class questions (because it's more convenient than googling it on my phone). What else can the network features do?

Hard is pretty tough in the beginning, but I think once you clear the first dungeon or two it becomes much easier. This is pretty typical of JRPGs because you get access to more debuffs, better party-wide healing and all that which makes life a lot easier.

Caution about hard mode though, you actually have to be careful of the red enemies which are several levels higher than you. Without attack debuffs they can easily one shot your party members, so I find it's a lot better to knock them down and then just ask them for money or items so they fuck off. They still provide EXP this way and you don't need to risk fighting them

Tarunda (i.e. attack debuff) is essential for all midboss and boss fights if you don't wanna get instagibbed in the early game.

I believe that the Reaper trick is better.

Nope, I've been off of PS+ for months now and it started happening when I was battling Anubis while immune to Bless/Curse and simply guarding to refill SP. Eventually he panicked and tried fleeing which is when the prompt pops up. If they do flee, it raises the security level a bit.
