Just bought pic related on GOG for pennies

Just bought pic related on GOG for pennies.
What am I for?

Played for 2 hours already. Is it just me, or the game have weird transmission between easy to kill monsters and monsters where you must abuse game mechanics like attacking from the edge or spam mousebutton1

Srsly those birds, young stingrats and even gnomes weren't that hard to fight and you could mess with them by dodging and blocking, but hogs, giant moths and normal Stingrats are abnormal.

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It's like there's no level scaling!

It is always like this in Gothic + Risen 1

There are just a few "young" variants on the way to the first faction HQ. All other mobs are balanced around you getting a few levels doing non-combat quests during your first visit in your choosen factions HQ.

I see
Although I don't remember 'younger' variants in Gothic, more like unique variants for quests (That hunting quest with fucking deers in Gothic 3). Although I think there were 'young scavengers' at least.

I can handle most monsters on 1vs1 but, hogs for example, are always in large herds consisting of 5 creatures. Normally I would trigger one to chase me kill it, but here even if you attack one enemy, the rest is chasing you too. So far I'm trying to get them into narrow corridor and finish them one by one, or in extreme situations get them to NPC and make sure to get the finishing blow.

I know right?
Pretty nice since you feel you're making some sort of progress. It always bothered me in games like Dead Island that no matter what level you are, the current zombies will take as many hits as zombies from 2 hours of playing.

The game has, like Gothic 1 and 2, damage threshold instead of percentage based resistances. This means that the armor of enemies gets substracted from the damage you make. If the enemy has a threshold of 35 and your weapon makes 40 damage only 5 damage gets through to the enemy. Couple that with health pools getting higher and you get lowly mobs giving you barely trouble and experience and high level enemies shredding you to bits.

There is but only as you progress the acts.

The game has a weird mish-mash of a still good looking world but awful NPC models that look PS2-era.

game was pretty enjoyable though, too bad about the sequels.

>PS2 era
Why is everyone throwing this braindead meme around? Look at any fucking PS2 game and you'll see that this is simply not true. Were you even alive when the PS2 came out?

>too bad about the sequels
I heard they were bad, that's why I got the first one and not the whole bundle.

I remember that,
>Want to beat those two guards near the bridge and take their stuff.
>kite them
>no dmg
>try sword
>no dmg unless its crit.
At least this was a case in Gothic. I don't know what was the system in Gothic 2, but you always dealt some minimum damage.

Gothic 2 changed the damage formula quite drastically. Sure it gave you a minimum damage (5), but it put an almost retardedly huge penalty on non-crit hits, so huge that most of the time you will be doing minimal damage unless you crit.

So you are no better off than in Gothic 1. There you only had to max STR and pick up a decent sword. In G2 you have to get your crit chance as high as you can, work on your STR so your crit damage is not dogshit, and get yourself a decent sword.

Risen 3 is easily the best
Not to mention it's literally the ONLY PB game with polished combat that's not artificial difficulty as in they actually give the player tools to fight multiple enemies at once, to the point you can use anything and still succeed, be it pure guns or pure swords or pure magic
Along with other fun things like all factions having their own for of magic
Plus transforming into a parrot and flying stages that actually make use of verticality is lots of fun
I sincerely cannot see how people would consider Risen 1 to be better when it suffers from the same PB disease of making the combat needlessly difficult for the sake of dificulty alone (ie. making it obviously 1v1 yet constantly throwing multiple enemies at you, wild life that can't be blocked/parried etc)
Risen 2 now, that is pure trash as the combat is pig disgusting and the game's very limited when compared to 1 and especially 3.

Combat is brutally hard in Risen 1, not quite as unfair in 2 but still hard.

Each game has it's strongpoints, if you have a thing for average/mediocre WRPGs then it's worth playing all 3. Risen 1 is a very unfair and at times broken experience but it has great dungeons and atmosphere to save it. Risen 2 has a better story overall than 1 but it goes off on a 100% pirate theme that doesn't connect well with the first one. As noted combat isn't as bad so the gameplay side gets a huge boost.

Risen 3 is uh, well it's just weird. Visually it's great but combat is laughably easy, the story makes no fucking sense, and the game world while beautiful ends up being way too small. They had good ideas to make great settings for the game but then shoved them all into tiny islands so each biome/location is ridiculously small.

I had fun in all 3 honestly, it's not like there are many WRPGs out there anyway so might as well try them all.

You are in for an enjoyable ride user, the feeling of progression in this game is powerful, quest design and branching storylines are mostly great. There is a lot of things to do, like finding new teachers, exploring ruins and forging new itens. The setting os pretty comfy too. It's a shame that the storyline and overall game design goes off-rails around 80% through the game Overall, it's an OK game with some flaws.

I wanted to become an inquisitor, bro it up with Mendoza, and ride the Fire Titan into the sunset. Why can't you let me have fun, PB. Why. ;_;

you need to approach each enemy in a different way
with hogs for example you don't just try to block, you start to slowly walk by the side, dodge as they come near to you and then strike

that would've been an alternate ending way better than what we got

So far I'm struggling with simple shield and sword, want to up my strength to 40, buy bastard sword and worker's clothes for dem protection. Too bad improving skills is cost full as fuck (strength +5 costs more than gutting animals)
Forcing player to change strategies against different enemies is a nice touch. And by 'strategies' I mean something more than 'lol those are weak against fire so use fire'

Although dodging can be tricky, sometimes you think you're safe and then get hurt.

Risen 1 is great game and easily the best Risen game by far. Early and the mid game are on par with Gothic 1 and 2, last chapter is underwhelming.

>that fucking ost


Damn man, i instantly feel like playing Risen again.

If you use a shield you're slow as fuck and dodging is nigh impossible against faster enemies.