What is your favorite RPG?
Doesn't matter if West or East.
Doesn't matter on what platform.
Doesn't matter if new or old.
What is your One True RPG?

I don't have one, but that's probably because I play /tg/ a lot.


Is this the one that was loosely based on 3E D&D?

3.5 yes

I remember the first one. Was the second an improvement?

You mean NWN1 and NWN2? No, but the expansions for 2 were fantastic

I see. I'll have to give it a go, then.
Thanks for suggesting it.


Skyrim. D&D is trash.

you're welcome friend, MOTB is connected to the main game so you'll probably have to play through that first, it's not very good but the moments in MOTB will be confusing if you don't know the context.

Do you know are there any significant differences between the PS2 version and all the newer ones?
Your mom is trash.
To each its own.
I'll probably start with the first NWN and go from there. I don't recall it being very long.

Most likely Fallout 1, 2 or New Vegas, Realms of Arkania, Arcanum, VtMB, Darklands, Divine Divinity and Morrowind.
Never could get into Baldur's Gate, though.

You don't even need to play campaigns in either of NWN. Just download modules, and play them.

Are they that bad or what?
Which modules should I try? Do they work with GOG version of the game?

Main campaigns are pretty bad.
I love old PnP campaign modules and Golden Box remakes, but there are others, such as Wizard's Apprentice, Harp and Chrysanthemum, and you can even download Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate remakes.
Yes, they work on GOG version.


Cool. Thanks again for the info,

Pathfinder or D&D 3.5 ed desu senpai
every other choice is just wrong

How is this even related to OP?

He asked about rps

oh shit, you think rpg is a term reserved for videogames?

Well, this is a Sup Forums, not /tg/.

Are you visually impaired?

I just got into lately but I really loved Shadowrun.

Cyberpunk 2077 cant come soon enough

Dragon Age: Origins

Yes, i planned to replay DQ8 but i don't have the patience to do it.
I miss being a kid...

I'm not sure if it's going to be good, especially if they add multiplayer. But I really like that Mike Pondsmith is involved in the project.

Dark Souls