That moment when you realize why a game got 10/10s all over the place

>that moment when you realize why a game got 10/10s all over the place

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It's japanese so it doesn't matter

What is this
And why should anybody care?

Wait I thought it was harmful to trans people? You guys were posting that article every fucking day of the week. Now all of a sudden it isn't and is the reason why it got 10/10s?

Holy fuck



speak english

it's an incurable mental illness and needs our understanding and help by medication and therapy to at least supress it.

remember when link's crossdressing had nothing to do with sexuality?


is this an actual thing?

a gay BBQ


Again... why should anybody care?

kys fampai 2bh

Why does the LGBTQ or whatever have such a one of us, one of us mentality? Are they all children who want to fit in or want things to be like them? I really am starting to believe the mental illness meme.

Keep your fairytales out of the acronym, or at least place it way further back. After Q comes I and then A, and not until then can we start debating what to add next. But religious faith has no place in the acronym regardless
Also it's extremely America centric

(btw I'm not LGBTQ+ so it's not my acronym)

>guy forced to humiliate himself repeatedly to help a bunch of misandrists who refuse to change their ways even after he saves their nation and then the world

kys nigger

>When I first booted up The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I was greeted by a lovely sight: Link in nothing but his skivvies. I don’t think I put any clothes on him until I absolutely had to. I loved ogling at his lean muscles, his defined bubble butt, and his… ahem… sword and sheath. Link is without a doubt, King of the Twinks.

I'm straight but this was the reason I gave it 10/10

people used to pretend being gay as a joke
so people thought it was okay to be gay
now the amount of fags on Sup Forums is slowly climbing

get aids

>By J.W Moore
They're not even trying to hide anymore

>lesbian gay bisexual transsexual ? ? ?
What the fuck is QIA?


just noticed the caps lock but was to lazy to fix it. the recaptchas are hard enough

>big yas
I know these sick homo degenerates love infantilization and diaper play, but isn't the baby speak being taken too far now?

Queer intersex Asexual/aromantic

Questioning and Ally

It's the movement that subverted the notion of identity, gender, sex, and personality into one undefined entity. You should care because if you don't you're a scared bigot nazi retard who doesn't understand that you are what you force others to say you are.

I hate the word gamer so much


They can't even talk like people. Why should anyone care what they have to say?

Qatar, Iraq, Afghanistan

Its ok when Japan pander to SJWs

These fucking retards GLBTQ can't even speak english

Dr. Pavel, I'm QIA

Found the homo

What the fuck is the difference between a queer and a homosexual?

You're using this and not all the trap shit and people asking why the animu girl doesn't have a dick?

Oh, and 2, which I interret as what's usually 2S, means 2 spirit, which is some native american mythology stuff. Which doesn't belong.

wtf is a yas?

what did he mean by this

irrelevant garbage and mental illness

granted the rest of it is also mental illness but it's too entrenched now to get expunged from human consciousness, at least the other crap is little known and can be prevented from gaining legitimacy now while it's still 'new'

The acronym I filed with the dictionary lists, Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual. But only one of you!

Severe mental illness and the downfall of the US thread?

So what are the rest of their articles like?

>Preview: Game -X- to have homos in it?
>Review: Game -X- has no homos, 0/10
>editorial: Does the industry need more homos in everything?

Young Adult Spanking. It's a term of endearment while imagining underage bare asses, orginating with ISIS of all places.

>It's a "Sup Forums goes looking for things to get mad about" episode
>OP probably follows TheGaymer, FemFreq and Brianna Wu on Twitter for this exact purpose.

What the fuck america?

yas kween slay

I'm just happy that I got a cute Link in BOTW

What the fuck is "YAS"?

What did they mean by this?

Imagine a gay person trying to say the word "yes".
They throw up their hands, wrists shaking uncontrollable and scream in a shrill, ear-rending tone with the telltale faggot lisp, "YASFTH".

That's "yas". The disgusting homo and basic bitch's way of saying "yes".

And YES, is as we all know, the Swedish way to say "please fuck me in the ass and rape my daughter, Mehmet".

just accept that you are mentally ill. you will never be normal, but you can improve your life by getting help.

It's what happens when spergs seizeout when trying to type BBQ

I thought it'd be the opposite. Link's not doing it because he wants to. It's only to get into Gerudo town. It's made into a joke, too. I'm surprised they aren't offended.

That's hilarious

A bunch of virtue signally fuckheads were calling this offensive, but actual LGBTQ people love it.


That only applies to trannies. There's is nothing wrong with being gay.

>calling someone else mentally ill on a chinese finger trap discussion board image forum

Yep. Also loads of cute furries. Perfect game. "Prevalence of Childhood Trauma in a Clinical Population of Transsexual People"

>In our study of transsexual people, 55% reported experiencing an unwanted sexual event before the age of 18, with the average age of initial sexual contact being 13. "Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery"

>Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.


Liking loli make you a pedophile.

What happened to keeping things simple so that normal people will understand?

never claimed otherwise

>that moment when you realize that this game caused more butthurt from Sonybros than TW3
feels good

If I change those pronouns, will you die?

i knew a finnish guy named Mehmet in highschool.

Dude was an exchange student and was based as fuck.

>just hearing about gaymer
It's been a thing since 2003.

You seem well informed in shitty sjw lgtbbq websites. Care to explain?

I think we all already knew that Nintendo fans are cross-dressing sissy faggots.

If they wanted to appeal to LGBT community or whatever they should have put at least a couple of lesbian Gerudos. What a missed opportunity, it's literally the lesbos island but without the lesbians.


These people are literally just Dobson clones, I won't shed a single tear for them when they all get put to death in the coming civil war.

There is if youre one of those pride parade fags openly sucking cock as some sort of political statement. You know the type. He will have 200+ sexual partners in his lifetime and die of stds but bless him for sucking dick in front of everyone.

If you most of you fags were just normal but gay most seriously wouldnt care. But too many are disease spreading unloyal sexual beasts.

Why is "YAS" coming back?

>Have to dress up as a woman to sneak into a town
>This is the same as Link being a tranny
I don't understand. He's not going it because he wants to.

Because they're fucking retards who don't know how to stop using cringy fucking "hello my fellow real people" shit. It's Chrischan's random-access humor these fags are literally all autistic robots.


There's something incredibly funny about the fact that if the American population during WWII could have seen the future as of 2017, they would immediately have stopped the war and joined the Nazis without hesitation.

You can effectively boil this shit down to GBT. Gay applies to men and women, no need for lesbian. Bi is just a less "special" version of queer, so drop that one. Intersex is the same as tranny, and asexual just means you don't like sex. It doesn't need to be there.

Boom, GBT.

Its nu-Sup Forumss home

I don't want any LGBT.

Just give me a BLT.


You know about them too.

>Black people come up with something and only use it/do it among themselves
>White person sees it long after it fell out of use (most of the time it's a white girl)
>Spams is repeatedly
>Majority of the time uses it wrong
>Alt-right conservatards see it

This is the cycle.
Prove me wrong.

>you will never come into a ghetto twink's asshole as he scream "Yaaas fuck me harder daddy"

I miss black people.

It's for white chicks that try to "act black."

It means yes, and usually accompanies other terms like "woke" and "patriarchy."

How so? Did he managed to give pleasure to your girls that your white dicks cant?

>Intersex is the same as tranny

One is a biological fuck up, the other is a mental fuck up. They are not the same.

If I heard someone do this "YAS" shit in real life, pretty sure I'd commit a hate crime.

What's wrong with a little YASS QUEEN SLAY?
It's fun

L Dykes
G Faggots
B Normal Women
T Mentally Ill Crossdressers
Q More Faggots and Dykes

what does YAS mean

can't we just go back to babby
that was a good buzzword

fags actually hate link because he's cute

>B Normal Women

It's normal men too.